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#The life of Merlin, sirnamed Ambrosius his prophesies and predictions interpreted, and their truth made good by our English Annalls : being a chronographicall history of all the kings, and memorable passages of this kingdome, from Brute to the reigne of our royall soveraigne King Charles ... Life of Merlin, sirnamed Ambrosius#

##Heywood, Thomas, d. 1641.## The life of Merlin, sirnamed Ambrosius his prophesies and predictions interpreted, and their truth made good by our English Annalls : being a chronographicall history of all the kings, and memorable passages of this kingdome, from Brute to the reigne of our royall soveraigne King Charles ... Life of Merlin, sirnamed Ambrosius Heywood, Thomas, d. 1641.

##General Summary##


TCP catalogueHTMLEPUBPage images (Historical Texts)


This keyboarded and encoded edition of the work described above is co-owned by the institutions providing financial support to the Early English Books Online Text Creation Partnership. This Phase I text is available for reuse, according to the terms of Creative Commons 0 1.0 Universal. The text can be copied, modified, distributed and performed, even for commercial purposes, all without asking permission.

Major revisions

  1. 2002-06 TCP Assigned for keying and markup
  2. 2002-07 Apex CoVantage Keyed and coded from ProQuest page images
  3. 2002-08 Mona Logarbo Sampled and proofread
  4. 2002-08 Mona Logarbo Text and markup reviewed and edited
  5. 2002-10 pfs Batch review (QC) and XML conversion

##Content Summary##

#####Front##### Merlin well verst in many an hidden spell,His Countries Omen did long since foretell,Grac'd in his TTo the worthy (and by me much Honoured) Master IAMES METTAM Esquire, &c.SIR,BY that generous and nob

  1. To the Reader. A narration of the Kings Reignes from Brute to Vortiger, and from Vortiger to King Lud, in the firstChap. 1. Of the strange birth of Ambrosius Merlin, whether he were a Christian or no? and by what sp #####Body#####

  2. A Chronographical History of the Kings of Britaine, from the first plantation of this Island by Brute, and his Cousin Corinaeus, to the Reigne of King Vortiger: In whose time Ambrosius Merlinus began to utter his Predictions.

    _ CHAP. 1.

    _ CHAP. 2.

    _ CHAP. 3.

    _ CHAP. 4.

    _ CHAP. 5.

    _ CHAP. 6.

  3. A true Historie of the strange Birth of Ambrosius Merlin, and his wonderfull Prophesies.

    _ CHAP. 1.

    _ CHAP. 2.

    _ CHAP. 3.

    _ CHAP. 4.

    _ CHAP. 5.

    _ CHAP. 6.

    _ CHAP. 7.

    _ CHAP. 8.

    _ CHAP. 9.

    _ CHAP. 10.

    _ CHAP. 11.

    _ CHAP. 12.

    _ CHAP. 13.

    _ CHAP. 14.

    _ CHAP. 15.

    _ CHAP. 16.

    _ CHAP. 17.

    _ CHAP. 18.

    _ CHAP. 19.

    _ CHAP. 20.

    _ CHAP. 21.

    _ CHAP. 22.

    _ CHAP. 23.

    _ CHAP. 24.

    _ CHAP. 25.

    _ CHAP. 27.

    _ CHAP. 28.

    _ CHAP. 29.

    _ CHAP. 30.

    _ CAP. 31.

    _ CHAP. 32.

    _ CAP. 33.

    _ CHAP. 34.

    _ CAP. 36.

    _ CHAP. 37.

    _ CHAP. 38.

Types of content

  • There are 1038 verse lines!
  • Oh, Mr. Jourdain, there is prose in there!

There are 254 ommitted fragments! @reason (254) : illegible (229), duplicate (24), illegible: missing (1) • @resp (222) : #APEX (222) • @extent (254) : 1+ letters (211), 1 page (24), 1 word (10), 1 letter (8), 2 words (1)

Character listing

Text string(s) codepoint(s)
Latin-1 Supplement éôà 233 244 224
Combining Diacritical Marks ̄ 772
General Punctuation •…— 8226 8230 8212
Geometric Shapes 9674
CJKSymbolsandPunctuation 〈〉 12296 12297

##Tag Usage Summary##

###Header Tag Usage###

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###Text Tag Usage###

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15. q 158
16. salute 1
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18. signed 2
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20. unclear 5


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