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#A companion for the penitent, and for persons troubled in mind consisting of an office for the penitent, to carry on their reconciliation with God, and a tryal or judgment of the soul, for discovering the safety of their spiritual estate, and an office for persons troubled in mind, to settle them in peace and comfort / by John Kettlewell ...#

##Kettlewell, John, 1653-1695.## A companion for the penitent, and for persons troubled in mind consisting of an office for the penitent, to carry on their reconciliation with God, and a tryal or judgment of the soul, for discovering the safety of their spiritual estate, and an office for persons troubled in mind, to settle them in peace and comfort / by John Kettlewell ... Kettlewell, John, 1653-1695.

##General Summary##


TCP catalogueHTMLEPUBPage images (Historical Texts)


This keyboarded and encoded edition of the work described above is co-owned by the institutions providing financial support to the Early English Books Online Text Creation Partnership. This Phase I text is available for reuse, according to the terms of Creative Commons 0 1.0 Universal. The text can be copied, modified, distributed and performed, even for commercial purposes, all without asking permission.

Major revisions

  1. 2004-05 TCP Assigned for keying and markup
  2. 2004-06 Apex CoVantage Keyed and coded from ProQuest page images
  3. 2004-07 Judith Siefring Sampled and proofread
  4. 2004-07 Judith Siefring Text and markup reviewed and edited
  5. 2004-10 pfs Batch review (QC) and XML conversion

##Content Summary##


  1. Advertisement.

Imprimatur,Ra. Barker.February 15. 1693/4.

  1. To the Inhabitants and Parishioners, of the Town and Parish of Coles-hill, in Warwick-shire.

  2. THE Introduction.




      1. For Godly Sorrow for Sins
      1. For Penitential Confession of the same.
      1. For Resolution of Amendment.



  * 4. For Fruits worthy of Repentance

  * 5. For Pardon of Sins, and Ground for the Hopes thereof.

  * 6. For Comfort in the same.


  * 1. Prayers upon the Several Parts of Repentance, in particular and distinct Forms.
  1. A Confession of Sins.

  2. A Profession of Godly sorrow for Sins, and of Resolutions of new Obedience.

  3. A Profession of the Fruits of Repentance, and the Conditions of Forgiveness.

  4. A Prayer for Pardon of Sins.

Two Collects in the Office of Commination.

  1. A Prayer for Peace of Mind, and Comfort upon the same.

      1. Prayers for Confession Sin, and Repentance of the same, in one continued Form.
  2. A Form and Confession of Sins, and of Repentance for the same.

  3. A shorter form of Confession, and Repentance of the same.

  4. A particular Enumeration of Sins in a large Form of Confession and Repentance of the same.

  5. Another particular Enumeration of Sins, and Repentance of the same, in a short Form.

  6. THE TRYAL AND JUDGMENT OF THE SOUL. OR, Certain Questions or Articles of Examination, whereby the Penitent himself may try and discover the Safety of his own Spiritual State. On which the Guide of Souls may make Use of, as he sees cause, in visiting the Sick, and in giving Absolution to them.

    _ Questions touching the Sick Persons due Reception of their Sickness.

    _ Questions for the Penitent, whereby to try and discover the Safety of their Spiritual State.

    _ I.

    _ Questions about the Belief of them.

    _ II.

    _ 1. Duties toward God.

    _ 2. Duties towards our Selves.

    _ 3. Duties towards our Neighbours.

    _ Questions concerning our Obedience of these Laws.

    _ III.

    _ Questions about this Forgiveness.

    _ IV.

    _ Questions about this Reconciliation, and Restitution, or making just Amends, after injuries.

    _ Questions upon the whole.

    _ And then Pronounce the Absolution following.

    _ In the Visitation of the Sick.

    _ In the Communion.

    _ The Collect for the 21 Sunday after Trinity.

    _ In the Visitation of the Sick. Unto Gods gracious Mercy and Protection we commit thee. The Lord bless thee and keep thee. The


  1. AN OFFICE FOR One troubled in Mind.


      1. For Profession of Trouble.
      1. Grounds of Comfort.
  2. From the Mercifulness of God.

  3. From Promises to the Penitent.

  4. From the Compassionateness of our High Priest.

  5. The acceptableness of an Humble Spirit.

  6. Of Peace, and Hope, and Joy in God.

  7. An Hymn of Thanksgiving, after one is Delivered from Trouble of Mind.

    _ PRAYERS.

    • A Prayer for the same, out of the Office of the Visitation of the Sick.

    • Collect for 21. Sunday after Trinity.

    • Prayers for Particular Graces.

  8. Prayers for a sense of Sins, without Despair of Mercy to Pardon them, or of Grace to cure them.

  9. A Prayer for Hopes of Mercy, and of Grace, to encourage Repentance.

3 A Prayer setting forth the Grounds of Hope thereof.

4 Prayers for Mercy andFor clearer Information about these Favourable allowances, the Devout Petitioner may consult the Practical Believer: or the Articles of the Apostles Creed, drawn cut to form a true Christians Heart and Practice. Part. 2. Chap. 4. And the Measures of Christian Obedience. Parts the 4th. and 5th.favourable allowances, in trying our Services.

  1. A Prayer for a Clear and settled Judgement of our Selves, and of what may establish us in Peace.

  2. A Prayer for Recommendation of our Humble fears, to Gods merciful acceptance.

  3. Prayers for Peace, and Hope, and Joyn in God.

  4. A Prayer against perplexing Doubts and Scruples.

  5. A Prayer, against Prophane mistrust of Divine Truths, and Blasphemous Thoughts.

  6. A thanksgiving, for satisfaction and comfort, after one has been troubled in Mind.

#####Back##### THE CONTENTS OF THE Office for the Penitent.THE Introduction p. 1.An Office for the Penitent contain _ THE CONTENTS OF THE Office for the Penitent.

  * 1. Scriptures.

  * 2. Prayers.

_ THE CONTENTS OF THE Tryal and Judgment of the Soul, Consisting of Questions.

_ THE CONTENTS OF THE Office for one troubled in Mind.


  1. Books Writ by the Reverend Mr. J. Kettlewell.

    _ Quarto.

    _ Octavo.

    _ Twelves.

Types of content

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