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#The states-men and favourites of England since the reformation their prudence and policies, successes and miscarriages, advancements and falls; during the reigns of King Henry VIII. King Edward VI. Queen Mary. Queen Elizabeth King James. King Charles I.#

##Lloyd, David, 1635-1692.## The states-men and favourites of England since the reformation their prudence and policies, successes and miscarriages, advancements and falls; during the reigns of King Henry VIII. King Edward VI. Queen Mary. Queen Elizabeth King James. King Charles I. Lloyd, David, 1635-1692.

##General Summary##


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  6. 2007-03 Ali Jakobson Text and markup reviewed and edited
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##Content Summary##

#####Front##### TO The HOPE of ENGLAND, Its Young Gentry, Is moſt humbly dedicated The HONOUR of it, Its Ancient StaWhitehall.BY permiſſion and Licenſe of the Right Honourable Mr Secretary Morice. this book may be pr


  2. The Lord Bacon's Judgement of a Work of this nature.



  1. THE Henry 8. STATES-MEN and FAVOURITES OF ENGLAND IN The Reign of King Henry the VIII.

    _ Obſervations on the Life of Cardinal WOLSEY.

    _ Obſervations on the Life of Charles Brandon, Duke of Suffolk.

    _ Obſervations on Thomas Cranmer, Lord Archbiſhop of Canterbury.

    _ Obſervations on Sir Thomas More, Lord Chancellour of England.

    _ Obſervations on the Life of Thoma• Cromwel Earl of Eſſex.

    _ Obſervations on the Life of Sir Thomas Audley.

    _ Obſervations on the Life of Sir Thomas Wiat.

    _ Obſervations on the Life of Sir John Fineux.

    _ Obſervations on the Life of Edward Fox, Biſhop of Hereford.

    _ Obſervations on the Life of Sir Anthony St. Lieger.

    _ Obſervations on the Life of Sir Ralph Sadler.

    _ Obſervations on the Life of Sir William Paget.

    _ Obſervations on the Life of Sir Richard Moriſin.

    _ Obſervations on the Life of Doctor Nicholas Wotton.

    _ Obſervations on the Life of Thomas Wriotheſly, the firſt Earl of Southampton.

    _ Obſervations on the Life of Sir John Fitz-James.

    _ Obſervations on the Life of Sir William Molineux,

    _ Obſervations on the Life of William Fitz-Williams.

    _ Obſervations on the Life of Sir Thomas Darcy.

    _ Obſervations on the Life of Sir Thomas Howard.

    _ Obſervations on the Life of Sir Edward Stanley.

    _ Obſervations on the Life of Sir Thomas Bolen.

    _ Obſervations on the Life of Sir Edward Howard.

    _ Obſervations on the Life of Sir Thomas Howard Earl of Surrey.

    _ Obſervations on the Life of Sir William Compton.

    _ Obſervations on the Life of Sir Henry Marney.

    _ Obſervations on the Life of Sir Edward Poynings.

    _ Obſervations on the Life of Sir Charles Somerſet.

    _ Obſervations on the Life of Thomas Grey Marqueſs of Dorſet.

    _ Obſervations on the Life of Sir Robert Wingfield.

    _ Obſervations on the Life of Edward Stafford, Duke of Buckingham.

    _ Obſervations on the Life of Sir Anthony Brown.

    _ The Lord Herbert's Character of Cardinal Wolſey, in his Life of Henry the Eighth, pag. 314.

    _ The Lord Herbert's Character of Cromwel, in his Life of Henry the Eighth, pag. 462.

    _ Archbiſhop Cranmer's Character of Cromwel, in a Letter to King Henry the Eighth.

  2. THE Edw. 6. STATES-MEN and FAVOURITES OF ENGLAND, IN The Reign of King Edward the VI.

    _ Obſervations on the Lives of the Seymours.

    _ Obſervations on the Lives of the Pars.

    _ Obſervations on the Life of Sir John Cheek.

    _ Obſervations on the Life of Sir Thomas Wentworth.

    _ Obſervations on the Life of Sir Clement Paſton.

    _ Obſervations on the Life of the Lord Rich.

    _ Obſervations on the Life of Sir John Maſon.

    _ Obſervations on the Life of Sir William Stamford.

    _ Obſervations on the Life of Sir John Jeffrey.


    _ Obſervations on the Life of Sir William Cordel.

    _ Obſervations on the Life of Sir Anthony Cooke.

    _ Obſervations on the Life of Sir David Brooke.

    _ Obſervations on the Life of Doctor Thomas Wilſon.

    _ Obſervations on the Life of Sir John Portman.

    _ Obſervations on the Life of William Howard.

    _ Obſervations on the Life of Sir Edward Mountague.

    _ Obſervations on the Life of Sir Edward Fines.

    _ Obſervations on the Life of Sir Barnaby Fitz-Patrick.

    _ Obſervations on the Life of Sir Henry Fitz-Alane, Earl of Arundel.

    _ Obſervations on the Life of Sir John Dudley Duke of Northumberland.

    _ Obſervations on the Life of Sir William Peter.

    _ Obſervations on the Life of Cardin〈…〉Pool.

    _ Obſervations on the Life of Sir John Ruſſel.

    _ Obſervations on the Life of Stephen Gardiner, Biſhop of Wincheſter.

    _ Obſervations on the Life of Sir William Herbert.

    _ Obſervations on the Lives of Sir Tho. Mannors, and Sir Ralph Euers.

    _ Obſervations on the Life of Sir John Baker.

    _ Obſervations on the Life of Sir William Kingſton.

    _ Obſervations on the Life of Sir Thomas Cheyney.

  4. THE Q. Eliz. STATES-MEN and FAVOURITES OF ENGLAND, IN The Reign of Queen Elizabeth.

    _ Obſervations on the Life of Sir Nicholas Bacon.

    _ Obſervations on the Life of William Cecil Lord Burleigh.

    _ Obſervations on the Life of Walter Devereux Earl of Eſſex.

    _ Obſervations on the Life of the Earl of Suſſex.

    _ Obſervations on the Life of the Lord Willoughby.

    _ Obſervations on the Life of Sir Philip Sidney.

    _ Obſervations on the Life of Sir John Perrot.

    _ Obſervations on the Life of Sir Francis Walſingham.

    _ Obſervations on the Life of the Earl of Leiceſter.

    _ Obſervations on the Life of the Lord Hatton.

    _ Obſervations on the Life of the Lord Hunſdon.

    _ Obſervations on the Life of Nicholas Heath, Archbiſhop of York, and Lord Chancellour of England.

    _ Obſervations on the Life of Sir William Pickering.

    _ Obſervations on the Life of Cuthbert Tonſtal, Biſhop of Durham.

    _ Obſervations on the Life of Sir Francis Talbot, Earl of Shrewsbury.

    _ Obſervations on the Life of Sir Thomas Challoner.

    _ Obſervations in the Life of Sir Edward Waterhouſe.

    _ Queen Elizabeth on the Lord Willoughby.

    _ Obſervations on the Life of the Duke of Norfolk.

    _ Obſervations on the Life of Sir Nicholas Throgmorton.

    _ Obſervations on the Life of Edward Earl of Derby.

    _ Oſervations on the Life of Sir Williliam Fitz-Williams.

    _ Obſervations on the Life of the Earl of Pembroke.

    _ Obſervations on the Life of Sir Walter Mildmay.

    _ Obſervations on the Life of Sir John Forteſcue.

    _ Obſervations on the Life of Sir William Drury.

    _ Obſervations on the Life of Sir Thomas Smith.

    _ Obſervations on the Lives of Dr. Dale, the Lord North, Sir Thomas Randolph.

    _ Obſervations on the Life of Sir Amias Poulet.

    _ Obſervations on the Lives of Sir James Crofts, John Grey of Pyrgo, Sir Henry Gates.

    _ Obſervations on the Life of William Lord Grey of Wilton.

    _ Obſervations on the Life of Edmund Plowden.

    _ Obſervations on the Life of Sir Roger Manwood.

    _ Obſervations on the Life of Sir Chriſtopher Wray.

    _ Obſervations on the Life of the Earl of Worceſter.

    _ Obſervations on the Life of Sir Henry Killigrew.

    _ Obſervations on the Life of Arthur Gray Baron of Wilton.

    _ Obſervations on the Life of Thomas Lord Burge.

    _ Obſervations on the Life of William Lord Pawlet.

    _ Obſervations on the Life of Sir James Dier.

    _ Obſervations on the Life of Sir William Pelham.

    _ Obſervations on the Life of Sir William Waad.

    _ Obſervations on the Life of Sir Henry Sidney.

    _ Alter idem, or other Obſervations on the Life of Thomas Ratcliffe.

    _ Alter idem, or other Obſervations on the Life of the Lord Hatton.

    _ Obſervations on the Life of Sir John Puckering.

    _ Obſervations on the Life of Sir Thomas Bromley.

    _ Obſervations on the Life of Sir Richard Bingham.

    _ Obſervations on the Life of Roger Aſhcam.

    _ Obſervations on the Life of Sir John Packington.

    _ Obſervations on the Lives of the Norriſes and Knowles.

    _ A further Character of Sir John Norris from Queen Elizabeths Letter to his Mother.

    _ Obſervations on the Life of Secretary Daviſon.

    _ Obſervations on the Lives of Sir Humphrey Gilbert and Sir Jeffrey Fenton.

    _ Obſervations on the Life of Walter Haddon.

    _ Obſervations on the Life of Sir William Ruſſel.

    _ Obſervations on the Life of Sir Thomas Roper.

    _ Obſervations on the Life of Sir Henry Umpton.

    _ Obſervations on the Life of the Earl of Eſſex.

    _ A Parallel between the Earl of Eſſex and the Duke of Buckingham, by H. W.

    _ Obſervations on the Life of Sir Jeffery Fenton.

    _ Obſervations on the Life of Doctor Fletcher.

    _ Obſervations on the Life of the Lord Mountjoy.

    _ Obſervations on the Life of Edward Earl of Rutland.

    _ Obſervations on the Life of Sir John Smith.

    _ Obſervations on the Life of Sir Walter Rawleigh.

    _ Obſervations on the Life of Thomas, Sackvil, Lord Buckhurſt.

  5. THE K. James. STATES-MEN and FAVOURITES OF ENGLAND, IN The Reign of King James.

    _ Obſervations on the Lives of the Cliffords, Earls of Cumberland.

    _ Obſervations on the Life of the Lord George Clifford.

    _ Obſervations on the Life of Sir Tho. Smith.

    _ Obſervations on the Life of Sir Fulke Grevil.

    _ Obſervations on the Life of Sir Robert Cecil.

    _ Obſervations on the Life of the Lord Howard of Effingham, Earl of Nottingham.

    _ Obſervations on the Life of Sir Geo. Hume, Earl of Dunbar.

    _ Obſervations on the Life of the Earl of Somerſet.

    _ Obſervations on the Life of George Abbot.

    _ Obſervations on the Life of Sir George Calvert.

    _ Obſervations on the Life of Sir Arthur Chicheſter.

    _ Obſervations on the Life of the Lord Chancellor Egerton.

    _ Obſervations on the Life of the Lord Chief-Justice Popham.

    _ Obſervations on the Life of Sir Robert Dudley.

    _ Obſervations on the Life of Arch-Biſhop Bancroft.

    _ Obſervations on the Life of the Lord Grandiſon.

    _ Obſervations on the Life of Sir Tho Overbury.

    _ Obſervations on the Life of Sir Clem. Edmonds.

    _ Obſervations on the Life of James Hay, Earl of Carliſle.

    _ Obſervations on the Life of Sir Thomas Lake.

    _ Obſervations on the Life of Lyonel Cranfield, Earl of Middleſex.

    _ Obſervations on the Life of Henry Howard Earl of Northampton.

    _ Obſervations on the Life of Sir John Ramſey, Earl of Holderneſs, and Sir Tho. Ereskin Earl of Kelly.

    _ Obſervations on the Fall of Sir Tho. Lake.

    _ Obſervations on the Life of the Earl of Suffolk.

    _ Obſervations on the Life of Sir Rob. Cary.

    _ Obſervations on the Lives of Sir Robert Naunton, and Sir Francis Netherſole.

    _ Obſervations on the Life of Sir Arthur Ingram.

    _ Obſervations on the Life of Sir Henry Yelverton.

    _ Obſervations on the Life of Biſhop Mountague.

    _ Obſervations on the Life of Sir Edm. Anderſon.

    _ Obſervations on the Life of Sir Thomas Bodley, by himſelf.

    _ Obſervations on the Life of Henry Vere Earl of Oxford.

    _ Obſervations on the Life of Sir Francis Vere.

    _ The Veres compared. Veri ſcipiadae, Duo fulmina belli.

    _ Obſervations on the Life of Richard Coſin, LL. D.

    _ Obſervations on the Life of the Lord Chief-Justice Cook.

    _ Obſervations on the Life of Sir Ralph Winwood.

    _ Obſervations on the Life of Sir Francis Bacon.

    _ Obſervations on the Life of the Lord John Digby.

    _ Oſervations on the Life of the Lord Spencer.

  6. THE K. Charls. STATES-MEN and FAVOURITES OF ENGLAND, IN The Reign of King Charles I.

    _ Obſervations on the Life of the Duke of Buckingham.

    _ Obſervations on the Life of Sir William Noy.

    _ Obſervations on the Life of Sir John Savil.

    _ Oſervations on the Life of the Lord Biſhop Williams.

    _ Obſervations on the Life of Sir Iſaac Wake.

    _ Obſervations on the Life of the Lord Cottington.

    _ Obſervations on the Life of Sir Dudly Carleton.

    _ Obſervations on the Lives of Sir Richard, and Sir Jerome Weſton, Earls of Portland.

    _ Obſervations on the Life of William Earl of Pembrook.

    _ Obſervations on the Life of the Lord Conway.

    _ Obſervations on the Lives of the Digges.

    _ Obſervations on the Life of Sir Tho. Ridly, Dr. LL.

    _ Obſervations on the Life of Sir Henry Martin.

    _ Obſervations on the Life of Sir John Bramſtone.

    _ Obſervations on the Life of Sir Auguſtine Nicols.

    _ Obſervations on the Life of Sir Nich. Hyde.

    _ Obſervations on the Life of Sir Walter Aſton.

    _ Obſervations on the Life of Sir Julius Caeſar.

    _ Obſervations on the Lives of Sir Henry, Sir Lucius, Sir Henry Cary, Lords Viſcounts Faulkland.

    _ Obſervations on the Life of Sir James Ley, Earl of Marlborough.

    _ Obſervations on the Life of Henry Vere Earl of Oxford.

    _ Obſervations on the Life of Sir John Cook.

    _ Obſervations on the Life of the Earl of Danby.

    _ Obſervations on the Life of Sir Geo. Crook.

    _ Obſervations on the Life of Sir Rob. Armſtroder.

    _ Obſervations on the Life of Philip Earl of Arundel.

    _ Obſervations on the Life of Eſme Duke of Richmond.

    _ Obſervations on the Life of the Lord Chief-Justice Banks.

    _ Obſervations on the Life of Sir Tho. Edmonds.

    _ Obſervations on the Life of Sir Paul Pindar.

    _ Obſervations on the Life of Sir Henry Vane Senior.

    _ Obſervations on the Life of Sir Richard Hutton.

    _ Obſervations on the Life of the Marqueſs of Hertford.

    _ Obſervations on the Life of Sir John Finch.

    _ Obſervations on the Life of the Lord Say.

    _ Obſervations on the Life of the Earl of Lindſey.

    _ Obſervations on the Life of Judge Richardſon.

    _ Obſervations on the Life of Sir Tho. Coventry.

    _ Obſervations on the Life of the Earl of Strafford.

    _ Obſervations on the Lives of Hen-Earl of Holland, & Robert Earl of Warwick.

    _ Obſervations on the Life of Arch-Biſhop LAUD.

    _ Obſervations on the Life of the Lord Keeper Littleton.

    _ Obſervations on the Life of the Marqueſs Hamilton.

    _ Obſervations on the Life of Sir Ralph Hopton.

    _ Obſervations on the Life of the Earl of Carnarvan.

    _ Obſervations on the Life of the Lord Herbert of Cherbury.

    _ Obſervations on the Life of the Lord Capel.

    _ Obſervations on the Life of Biſhop Andrews.

    _ Obſervations on the Life of Henry Earl of Mancheſter.

    _ Obſervations on the Life of Sir Henry Wotton, and his Relations.

    _ Obſervations on the Lives of the Lord Wilmot, and Sir Tho. Roe.

    _ Obſervations on the Life of Arch-Biſhop Juxon.

    _ Obſervations on the Life of John Lord Culpeper.


  1. Books printed for Samuel Speed at the Rainbow in Fleetſtreet.

Types of content

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27. q 162
28. row 19
29. salute 3
30. seg 2 @rend (2) : decorInit (2)
31. signed 6
32. table 8 @rend (1) : braced (1)
33. trailer 7


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