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#A vindication of the government in Scotland during the reign of King Charles II against mis-representations made in several scandalous pamphlets to which is added the method of proceeding against criminals, as also some of the phanatical covenants, as they were printed and published by themselves in that reign / by Sir George Mackenzie ...#

##Mackenzie, George, Sir, 1636-1691.## A vindication of the government in Scotland during the reign of King Charles II against mis-representations made in several scandalous pamphlets to which is added the method of proceeding against criminals, as also some of the phanatical covenants, as they were printed and published by themselves in that reign / by Sir George Mackenzie ... Mackenzie, George, Sir, 1636-1691.

##General Summary##


TCP catalogueHTMLEPUBPage images (Historical Texts)


This keyboarded and encoded edition of the work described above is co-owned by the institutions providing financial support to the Early English Books Online Text Creation Partnership. This Phase I text is available for reuse, according to the terms of Creative Commons 0 1.0 Universal. The text can be copied, modified, distributed and performed, even for commercial purposes, all without asking permission.

Major revisions

  1. 2004-03 TCP Assigned for keying and markup
  2. 2004-04 SPi Global Keyed and coded from ProQuest page images
  3. 2004-06 Judith Siefring Sampled and proofread
  4. 2004-06 Judith Siefring Text and markup reviewed and edited
  5. 2004-07 pfs Batch review (QC) and XML conversion

##Content Summary##



  1. A VINDICATION OF THE Government in SCOTLAND During the Reign of King CHARLES II. AGAINST Mis-representations made in several Scandalous Pamphlets.

  2. A TRUE ACCOUNT OF THE Forms us'd in pursuits of Treason, ACCORDING TO The Law of Scotland: By which the JUSTICE of that Nation may be known to mis-informed Strangers.


  4. THE Solemn League and Covenant.

  5. A True and Exact Copy of a Treasonable and Bloody Paper, called, The Fanaticks New Covenant: which was taken from Donald Cargill at Queens-Ferry, Iune 3. 1680. one of their Field-Preachers, a declared Rebel and Traitor.

  6. THE Declaration and Testimony OF THE True-Presbyterian, Anti-Prelatick, and Anti-Erastian, Persecuted-Party in SCOTLAND.

  7. A Blasphemous and Treasonable PAPER, Emitted by the Phanatical Undersubscribers, On May 1. 1681.


  1. A Catalogue of some Books Printed for Io. Hindmarsh at the Golden-Ball over against the Royal-Exchange in Cornhill.

Types of content

  • Oh, Mr. Jourdain, there is prose in there!

There are 5 ommitted fragments! @reason (5) : illegible (4), foreign (1) • @extent (4) : 1 letter (4)

Character listing

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##Tag Usage Summary##

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###Text Tag Usage###

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No description, website, or topics provided.






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