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#The New academy of complements erected for ladies, gentlewomen, courtiers, gentlemen, scholars, souldiers, citizens, country-men, and all persons, of what degree soever, of both sexes : stored with variety of courtly and civil complements, eloquent letters of love and friendship : with an exact collection of the newest and choicest songs à la mode, both amorous and jovial / compiled by the most refined wits of this age.# The New academy of complements erected for ladies, gentlewomen, courtiers, gentlemen, scholars, souldiers, citizens, country-men, and all persons, of what degree soever, of both sexes : stored with variety of courtly and civil complements, eloquent letters of love and friendship : with an exact collection of the newest and choicest songs à la mode, both amorous and jovial / compiled by the most refined wits of this age.

##General Summary##


TCP catalogueHTMLEPUBPage images (Historical Texts)


This keyboarded and encoded edition of the work described above is co-owned by the institutions providing financial support to the Early English Books Online Text Creation Partnership. This Phase I text is available for reuse, according to the terms of Creative Commons 0 1.0 Universal. The text can be copied, modified, distributed and performed, even for commercial purposes, all without asking permission.

Major revisions

  1. 2002-10 TCP Assigned for keying and markup
  2. 2002-11 SPi Global Keyed and coded from ProQuest page images
  3. 2002-12 Olivia Bottum Sampled and proofread
  4. 2002-12 Olivia Bottum Text and markup reviewed and edited
  5. 2003-02 pfs Batch review (QC) and XML conversion

##Content Summary##


  1. To the Reader.

  2. An Advertisement To all Gentlemen, Booksellers, or others.


  1. Complemental Expressions towards Men, Leading to The Art of Courtship.

  2. Complements towards Ladies, Gentlewomen, Maids, &c.

  3. Letters for all Occasions.

    _ 1. A Tender of Service to the Kings most excellent Majesty.

    _ 2. A Tender of service to the Queens most excellent Majesty.

    _ 3. Respects from an Honorable Lady, to the Queen.

    _ 4. A person of Quality to a worthy Lady, the one a Protestant, the other a Roman Catholick.

    _ 5. One Lady to another, with Complements of extream kindness.

    _ 6. A Letter of kindness from one friend to another.

    _ 7. From one Friend to another.

    _ 8. A Lady to a Gentleman, concerning his sick M•striss.

    _ 9. The Gentlemans Answer, to a Lady concerning his sick Mistriss.

    _ 10. The Lovers first Address to his Lady.

    _ 11. The Lovers Complemental Letter to his Mistriss.

    _ 12. The Ladies Return to her servants Lines.

    _ 13. A Ladies fore-warning her Friend of another Ladies Society.

    _ 14. Our Ladies Advice to another, near Marriage.

    _ 15. A Lover to his false Mistriss.

    _ 16. On sending a Book.

    _ 17. A Lady to her discourteous Lover.

    _ 18. A Brother, on the occasion of his Brothers not writing.

    _ 19. A Gentlemen to a Lady, in his Friends behalf.

    _ 20. Another to the same purpose.

    _ 21. A Letter of Complements from one Friend to another.

    _ 22. An Answer to the former Letter.

    _ 23. The lover to his deliberating Mistriss.

    _ 24. Civil Complements from one Friend to another.

    _ 25. A Gentlemen to his Lady, whom he fears would make a New Choice.

    _ 26. A rich old Gentleman, to a fair young Virgin.

    _ The Answer. 27. A beautiful young Virgin, to a decrepit, rich, old Gentleman.

    _ 28. A Letter of Courtesie from Friend to Friend.

    _ 29. One Gentlewoman to another in behalf of a Friend.

    _ 30. The forsaken Maid, to her treacherous Friend.

    _ 31. The Lady to her importunate Lover.

    _ The Answer. 32. The Lover to his Threatning Lady.

    _ 33. A Letter of Enquiry, from friend to friend.

    _ 34. Comfortable Advice to a Friend on the death of a Son, or other near Relation.

    _ 35. A Tender of Service to a Mistriss.

    _ The Answer. 36. A disdainful Lady to her Servant.

    _ 37. A sick Lady to a Gentleman.

    _ The Answer. 38. A Gentleman to a sick Lady.

    _ 39. The Lover to his unbelieving Mistress.

    _ The Answer. 40. The Lady to her Lover.

    _ 41. The Lover to his Mistress, having gained her affection.

    _ 42. A Gentleman to his Lady, upon his urgent occasions of taking, a Iourney.

    _ The Answer. 43. A Lady to her Lover, upon his taking a Iourney.

    _ 44. A crack't Virgin to her deceitful Friend, who hath forsook her for the love of a Strumpet.

    _ 45. The Lady to her slandered Servant.

    _ The Answer. 46. The slandered Lover to his Lady.

    _ 47. The Iealous Lover to his beloved.

    _ The Answer. 48. A Lady to her Iealous Lover.

    _ 49. Civilities from one Lady to another.

    _ 50. A Gentlemans request (for a sum of Money) to his Friend:

    _ 51. A Lady to a Gentleman, on his Recovery from a Fit of Sickness.

    _ 52. The Recovered Gentleman, to the aforesaid Lady.

    _ 53. The Lover to his Mistriss, upon his fear of her entertaining a new Servant.

    _ 54. A Fair young Virgin, to an old Rich Miser, whom her Guardian did design should Wed her.

    _ 55. The Ingratiating Gentleman to his angry Mistriss.

    _ 56. A Gentleman of good Birth, but small Fortune, to a worthy Lady, after she had given a d••ial.

    _ 57. A Lover to his Mistriss, who had lately entertained another Servant to her bosom, and her bed.

    _ The Answer. 58. The Lady to her Lover, in defence of her own Innocency.

    _ 59. A Lady to him whom she affects.

    _ The Answer. 60. A Lover to his Amorous Lady.

    _ 61. The Affected Lover to his Mistriss.

    _ The Answer. 62. A Lady to her Affected Lover.

    _ 63. A Lady to her despairing Lover, who had deserted his suit at the first Repulse.

    _ 64. A Gentleman to a fair Lady, whom he accidentally discovered at a Window.

    _ 65. A sick Lady to her Lover, enjoyning him to forbear his Visits, she being infected with the Small-Fox, or some other Malignant Distemper.

    _ 66. The fearful Lover, to his supposed unconstant Mistriss.

    _ The Answer. 67. A Lady to her fearful Lover.

    _ 68. A Wife to her Extavagant Husband.

    _ The Answer. 69. A Lover to his Distempered Lady.

    _ 70. A Lady to her Servant, that for some private reasons concealed his Birth and Fortunes.

    _ 71. The absent Lover, to his supposed unconstant Mistriss.

    _ 72. A Gentlemans advice to his Mistriss, how she should blinde the eyes of her watchful friends.

    _ 73. A Gentleman to his new Mistress, upon his relinquishing an old one.

    _ 74. A Captious Lover to his Vertuous Lady.

    _ The Answer. 75. A Vertuous Lady to her Captious Lover.

    _ 76. A Lover in Commendation of his Mistriss.

    _ 77. A Ladies thanks to a Gentleman for a civility lately received.

    _ 78. A Gentleman to a sick Lady.

    _ The Answer. 79. A sick Lady to a Gentleman.

    _ 80. A Husband to his Lasc•vious Wife.

    _ 81. A Gentleman to his Friend, returning thanks for sending him a Book.

    _ 82. A Gentlemans request to his Friend for a sum of Money.

    _ The Answer, 83. A Gentleman to his Friend that sent to borrow Money.

    _ 84. A Lover to his Mistriss.

    _ The Answer. 85. A Lady to her Lover.

    _ 86. A Gentleman to his Rival.

    _ 87. A Virgin to her Parents, that would have her matched to one whom she cannot love.

    _ 88. A Gentlemans first Address to his Mistriss.

    _ 8•. Another to the same effect.

    _ 90. A Courteous Lass to her Paramour, who had gotten her with Childe.

    _ 91. A Gentleman to his (once scornful, but now) Affectionate Mistress.

    _ 9•. A Kinde-hearted Gentlewoman to her boasting Favorite.

    _ 93. The Lover to his inconstant Mistriss.

  4. Songs Alamode, Composed by the most Refined Wits of this Age.

    _ Song 1.

    _ Song 2.

    _ Song 3.

    _ Song 4.

    _ Song 5.

    _ Song 6.

    _ Song 7.

    _ Mock Song 8.

    _ Song 9.

    _ Song 10.

    _ Song 11.

    _ Song 12.

    _ Song 13.

    _ Song 14.

    _ Song 15.

    _ Song 16.

    _ Song 17.

    _ Song 18.

    _ Song 19.

    _ Song 20.

    _ Song 21.

    _ Song. 22.

    _ Song 23.

    _ Song 24.

    _ Song 25.

    _ Song 26.

    _ Song 27.

    _ Song 28.

    _ Song 19.

    _ Song. 30.

    _ Song 31.

    _ Song 32.

    _ Song 33.

    _ Song 34

    _ Song 35.

    _ Song 36.

    _ Song 37.

    _ Song. 38.

    _ Song 39.

    _ Song 40.

    _ Song 41.

    _ Song, 42.

    _ Song. 43.

    _ Song 44.

    _ Song 45.

    _ Song. 46.

    _ Song. 47.

    _ Song 48.

    _ Song 49.

    _ Song 50.

    _ Song 51.

    _ Song. 52.

    _ Song. 53.

    _ Song 54.

    _ Song 55.

    _ Song 56.

    _ Song 57.

    _ Song 58.

    _ Song 59.

    _ Song 60.

    _ Song 61.

    _ A Catch 62.

    _ Song 63.

    _ Song 64

    _ Song 65.

    _ Song 66.

    _ Song 67.

    _ Song 68.

    _ Song 69.

    _ Song 70.

    _ Song 71.

    _ Song 72.

    _ Song 73.

    _ Song 74.

    _ Song 75.

    _ Song 76.

    _ Song 77.

    _ Catch 78.

    _ Song 79.

    _ Song 80.

    _ Song 81.

    _ Song 82.

    _ Song 83.

    _ Song 84.

    _ Song 85.

    _ Song 86.

    _ Catch 87.

    _ Song 88.

    _ Song 89.

    _ Song 90.

    _ Song 91.

    _ Song 91.

    _ Song 93.

    _ Song 94.

    _ Song 95.

    _ Song 96. On Cupid.

    _ Song 97.

    _ Song 98.

    _ Song 96.

    _ Song 100.

    _ Song 101.

    _ Song 102.

    _ Song 103.

    _ Song 104.

    _ Song 105.

    _ Song 106.

    _ Song 107. A Dialogue between the Evening and a Boy.

    _ Song 108.

    _ Song 109.

    _ Song 110.

    _ Song 111.

    _ Song 112.

    _ Song 112.

    _ Song 113.

    _ Song 114.

    _ Song 115.

    _ Song 116.

    _ A Drinking Catch, or Song 117.

    _ Song 118.

    _ Song 119.

    _ Song 120.

    _ Song 121.

    _ Song 122.

    _ Song 123.

    _ Song 124.

    _ Song 125.

    _ Song 126.

    _ Song 127.

    _ Song 128.

    _ Song 129.

    _ Song 130.

    _ Song 131.

    _ Song 131.

    _ Song 133.

    _ Another 134.

    _ Song 135.

    _ Song 136.

    _ Song 137.

    _ Song 138.

    _ Song 139.

    _ Song 140.

    _ Song 141.

    _ Song 142.

    _ Song. 143.

    _ Song 144.

    _ Song 145.

    _ Song 146.

    _ Song 147.

    _ Song 148.

    _ Song 149.

    _ Song 150.

    _ Song 151.

    _ Song 152.

    _ Song 153.

    _ Song 154.

    _ Song 155.

    _ Song 156.

    _ Song 157.

    _ Song 158.

    _ Song. 159.

    _ Song 160.

    _ Song 161.

    _ Song 162.

    _ Song 163.

    _ Song 164.

    _ Song 165.

    _ Song 166.

    _ Song 167.

    _ Song 168.

    _ Song 169.

    _ Song 170.

    _ Song 171.

    _ Song 172.

    _ Song 173.

    _ Song 174.

    _ Song 175.

    _ Song 176.

    _ Song 177.

    _ Song 178.

    _ Song 179.

    _ Song 180.

    _ Song 181.

    _ Song 182.

    _ Song 183.

    _ Song 184.

    _ Song 185.

    _ Song 186.

    _ Song 187.

    _ Song 188.

    _ Song 18•.

    _ Song 190.

    _ Song 191.

    _ Song 192.

    _ Song 193.

    _ Song 194.

    _ Song 195.

    _ Song 195. Dialogue Pastoral, Strephon and Phillis.

    _ Song 196.

    _ Song 198.

    _ Song 199.

    _ Song 200.

    _ Song 201.

    _ Song 201.

    _ Song 202.

    _ Song 203.

    _ Song 204.

    _ Song 205.

    _ Song 206.

    _ Song 207. A Dialogue between Orpheus and Charon.

    _ Song 208.

    _ Song 209.

    _ Song 120.

    _ Song 211.

    _ Song 212.

    _ Song 21•.

    _ Song 214.

    _ Catch, Or Song 215.

    _ Mock-Song 216.

    _ Mock-Song, in Answer.

    _ Song 217.

    _ Song 21•.

    _ Song 219.

    _ Song 220.

    _ Song 221.

    _ Song 222.

    _ Song 223.

    _ Song 224.

    _ Song 225.

    _ Song 226.

    _ Song 227.

    _ Song 228.

    _ Song 229.

    _ Song 230.

    _ Song 131.

    _ Song 132.

    _ Song 233.

    _ Song 234

    _ Song 135.

    _ Song 236.

    _ Song 237.

    _ Song 238.

    _ Song 239.

    _ Song 240.

    _ Song 241.

    _ Song 242.

    _ Song 243.

    _ Song 244.

    _ Song 245.

    _ Catch or Song 246.

    _ Song 247.

    _ Song 248.

    _ Song 249.

    _ Song 250.

    _ Song 251.

    _ Song 252.

    _ Song 253.

    _ Song 254.

    _ Song 255.

    _ Song 256.

    _ Song 257.

    _ Song 258.

    _ Song 259.

    _ Song 260.

    _ Song 260.


  1. The Table of Letters contained in this Book.

  2. The Table of Songs contained in this Book. APageAS in those Nations where they yet adore,85Amarillis told her Swain.92A womans rule should be iBBReak, Break, distracted heart.87Beyond the malice of abusive fate.89Be thou that art, my better paCCAll for the master, Oh, this is fine.94Courtiers, Courtiers, think it no scorn.103Chloris it is noDDEar give me a thousand kisses109Down in a Garden sate my dearest love125Drink to me boy, here's toFFAirest Nymph, my delay shames me a lover85Fine young folly though you wear96Fair Phydelia tempt noGGOod Simon, how comes it your Nose looks sored119Good Susan, be as secret as you canib.Give me moreHHElp, Help, Oh Help, divinity of love114Hang sorrow, cast away care117Have you any work for a TinkeII Dote, I dote, but am a sot to show it98If any so wise is, that Sack he despises118If she be not kLLEt Votaries rearing up Altar and Shrine88Look, see how unregarded now108Little love serves my turnMMMy Lodging it is on the cold ground146Make ready fair Lady to night187May I finde a woman fair189MNNEver more will I protest102Now fie on foolish Love, it not besitsib.No more, no more, I must giiveOON yonder hill a Beacon stands90Oh Chloris 'twas unkindely done113Oh how I hate thee now, and my sePPHillis though your powerful charms122Peace and silence be the guide162Poor Artaxander long hath woSSWeetest Bud of Beauty, may93Sweet Iane, sweet Iane, I love thee wondrous well104Strait my green goTTEll me gentle Strephon, why91'Tis not i'th' power of all thy scorn93The thirsty earth drinks up thVVIctorious beauty, though your eyes105Under the green-wood Tree156Upon the Change where Merchants mWWElcome blest hand, whose white outvies87When Phillis watcht her harmless Sheep89When cold winters YYOur merry Poets old boys, of Aganippes well95Yonder he goes, takes corns from your Toes116You spot

  3. Books Printed for Samuel Speed Book-seller, between the Two Temple Gates in Fleet-street.

Types of content

  • There are 6376 verse lines!
  • Oh, Mr. Jourdain, there is prose in there!

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(1), 266 (1), 267 (1), 268 (1), 269 (1), 270 (1)
18. q 1
19. salute 104
20. signed 91
21. trailer 2


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