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164 lines (121 loc) · 11.5 KB

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164 lines (121 loc) · 11.5 KB

#Britannia languens: or, A discourse of trade shewing, that the present management of trade in England, is the true reason of the decay of our manufactures, and the late great fall of land-rents; and that the increase of trade, in the method it now stands in, must proportionably decay England. Wherein is particularly demonstrated, that the East-India Company, as now managed, has already near destroyed our trade in those parts, as well as that with Turky, and in short time must necessarily beggar the nation. Humbly offered to the consideration of this present Parliament.#

##Petyt, William, 1636-1707.## Britannia languens: or, A discourse of trade shewing, that the present management of trade in England, is the true reason of the decay of our manufactures, and the late great fall of land-rents; and that the increase of trade, in the method it now stands in, must proportionably decay England. Wherein is particularly demonstrated, that the East-India Company, as now managed, has already near destroyed our trade in those parts, as well as that with Turky, and in short time must necessarily beggar the nation. Humbly offered to the consideration of this present Parliament. Petyt, William, 1636-1707.

##General Summary##


TCP catalogueHTMLEPUBPage images (Historical Texts)


This keyboarded and encoded edition of the work described above is co-owned by the institutions providing financial support to the Early English Books Online Text Creation Partnership. This Phase I text is available for reuse, according to the terms of Creative Commons 0 1.0 Universal. The text can be copied, modified, distributed and performed, even for commercial purposes, all without asking permission.

Major revisions

  1. 2004-07 TCP Assigned for keying and markup
  2. 2004-09 SPi Global Keyed and coded from ProQuest page images
  3. 2004-10 Judith Siefring Sampled and proofread
  4. 2004-10 Judith Siefring Text and markup reviewed and edited
  5. 2005-01 pfs Batch review (QC) and XML conversion

##Content Summary##




  1. THE Introduction.

  2. SECT. I.

  3. SECT. II.

  4. SECT. III.

  5. SECT. IV.

  6. SECT. V.

  7. SECT. VI.

  8. SECT. VII.

  9. SECT. VIII.

  10. SECT. IX.

  11. SECT. X.

  12. SECT. XI.

  13. SECT. XII.

  14. SECT. XIII.

  15. SECT. XIV.

    _ CHAP. XX.


  1. The CONTENTS.

  2. ERRATA.

Types of content

  • Oh, Mr. Jourdain, there is prose in there!

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Character listing

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