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#The present state of the Ottoman Empire containing the maxims of the Turkish politie, the most material points of the Mahometan religion, their sects and heresies, their convents and religious votaries, their military discipline ... : illustrated with divers pieces of sculpture, representing the variety of habits amongst the Turks, in three books / by Paul Rycaut Esq. ...#

##Rycaut, Paul, Sir, 1628-1700.## The present state of the Ottoman Empire containing the maxims of the Turkish politie, the most material points of the Mahometan religion, their sects and heresies, their convents and religious votaries, their military discipline ... : illustrated with divers pieces of sculpture, representing the variety of habits amongst the Turks, in three books / by Paul Rycaut Esq. ... Rycaut, Paul, Sir, 1628-1700.

##General Summary##


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Major revisions

  1. 2000-00 TCP Assigned for keying and markup
  2. 2001-08 Apex CoVantage Keyed and coded from ProQuest page images
  3. 2001-10 TCP Staff (Oxford) Sampled and proofread
  4. 2001-11 Apex CoVantage Rekeyed and resubmitted
  5. 2002-04 TCP Staff (Oxford) Sampled and proofread
  6. 2002-04 Judith Siefring Text and markup reviewed and edited
  7. 2002-05 pfs Batch review (QC) and XML conversion

##Content Summary##

#####Front##### Sultan Mahomet Han the present Emperour of the Turkes aged 23: yeares Anno 1666

  1. To the Right Honourable HENRY Lord ARLINGTON, His Majesties Principal Secretary of State.


  3. THE CONTENTS Of the several CHAPTERS.


  1. THE MAXIMES OF THE Turkish Politie.

    _ CHAP. I. The Constitution of the Turkish Government being different from most others in the World, hath need of peculiar Maxims, and Rules, whereon to establish and confirm it self.

    _ CHAP. II. The absoluteness of the Emperour is a great support of the Turkish Empire.

    _ CHAP. III. The Lesson of Obedience to their Emperour is taught by the Turks, as a Principle of Religion rather than of State.

    _ CHAP. IV. A true relation of the designs managed by the old Queen, Wife of Sultan Ahmet, and Mother of Sultan Morat, and Sultan Ibrahim, against her Grand-child Sultan Mahomet who now Reigns; and of the death of the said Queen and her Complices.

    _ CHAP. V. The Education of young men in the Seraglio, out of which those who are to discharge the great Offices of the Empire are elected. It being a Maxime of the Turkish Policy, to have the Prince served by such whom he can raise without Envy, and destroy without Danger.

    _ CHAP. VI. Of the method of the Turkish Studies and Learning in the Seraglio.

    _ CHAP. VII. Of the Affection and Friendship the Pages in the Seraglio bear each other.

    _ GHAP. VIII. Of the Mutes and Dwarfs.

    _ CHAP. IX.

    • Of the Eunuchs.

    • Of the Black Eunuchs.

    • The Apartments of the Women.

    _ CHAP. X. Of the Agiam-Oglans.

    _ CHAP. XI. Of the Visier Azem or Prime Visier, his Office, the other six Visiers of the Bench, and of the Divan or place of Judicature.

    _ CHAP. XII. The Offices, Dignities, and several Governments of the Empire.

    _ CHAP. XIII. Of the Tartars and Tartar Han, and in what manner they depend upon the Turks.

    _ CHAP. XIV. Of the Tributary Princes to the Grand Signior, viz. Moldavians, Valachians, Transilvanians, Raguscans, &c.

    _ CHAP. XV. The Desolation and Ruine which the Turks make of their own Countries in Asia, and the parts most remote from the Imperial Seat, esteemed one cause of the conservation of their Empire.

    _ CHAP. XVI. All Hereditary succession in Government, as also the preservation of an ancient Nobility, against the Maximes of the Turkish Policie.

    _ CHAP. XVII. The frequent exchange of Officers, viz. the setting up of one, and degrading another, a rule always practised as wholesome, and conducing to the welfare of the Turkish State.

    _ CHAP. XVIII. The several Arts the Turks use to encrease their People, is a principal Policy, without which the greatness of their Empire cannot continue nor be encreased.

    _ CHAP. XIX. The manner of Reception of Forreign Embassadours amongst the Turks, and the esteem they have of them.

    _ CHAP. XX. How Embassadours and publick Ministers govern themselves in their Negotiations and Residence amongst the Turks.

    _ CHAP. XXI. How Forreign Princes in particular stand in the esteem and opinion of the Turks.

    _ CHAP. XXII. The regard the Turks have to their Leagues with Forreign Princes.

  2. OF THE Turkish Religion. BOOK II.

    _ CHAP. I. Of the Religion of the Turks in general.

    _ CHAP. II. The Toleration that Mahometanism in its Infancy promised to other Religions; and in what manner that agreement was afterwards observed.

    _ CHAP. III. The Arts wherewith the Turkish Religion is propagated.

    _ CHAP. IV. The power and office of the Mufti's, and of their Government in Religious Matters.

    _ CHAP. V. Of the Mufti's Revenue, and from whence it doth arise.

    _ CHAP. VI. Of the Emirs.

    _ CHAP. VII. Of the endowments of Royal Mosches, and in what manner Tithes are given for Maintenance of their Priests and Religion.

    _ CHAP. VIII. The Nature of Predestination according to the Turkish Doctors.

    _ CHAP. IX. The difference of Sects and disagreement in Religion amongst the Turks in General.

    _ CHAP. X. Of the two prevailing Sects, viz. of Mahomet and Hali; that is, the Turk and the Persian; the Errours of the Persian recounted and confuted by the Mufti of Constantinople.

    _ CHAP. XI. Of the Ancient Sects and Heresies amongst the Turks.

    _ CHAP. XII. Concerning the New and Modern Sects amongst the Turks.

    _ CHAP. XIII. Of the Dervises.

    _ CHAP. XIV. Of the Order of Religious Turks called Ebrbuharee.

    _ CHAP. XV. Of the Nimetulahi.

    _ CHAP. XVI. Of the Kadri

    _ CHAP. XVII. Of the Order of Kalenderi.

    _ CHAP. XVIII. Of the Edhemi.

    _ CHAP. XIX. Of the Order of Bectasse.

    _ CHAP. XX. Of the Order of Herewi or Hizrevi.

    _ CHAP. XXI. Of Marriages and Divorces, and how far Concubinage is indulged amongst the Turks.

    _ CHAP. XXII. Of the other parts of the Turkish Religion. Of Circumcision.

    _ CHAP. XXIII. Of the five necessary points which are required to constitute a true Mahometan.

    • Of their Washings.

    • Thirdly, Of their Ramazan.

    • Fourthly, Of their Zacat

    • Fifthly, Of their Pilgrimage to Mecha

    _ CHAP. XXIV. Of the Bairam and Ceremonies used at that time by the Chief Officers to the Grand Signior.

    _ CHAP. XXV. Of the prohibition of Swines flesh and Wine.

    _ CHAP. XXVI. Of their Morality, Good Works, and some certain of their Laws worthy of observation.

  3. THE THIRD BOOK, Wherein is Treated of the Turkish Militia.

    _ CHAP. I. Of the present state of the Military Discipline in General amongst the Turks.

    _ CHAP. II. Of the Turkish Militia.

    • Of the Zaims and Timariots

    _ CHAP. III. A Computation of the numbers of the Forces arising from the Zaims and Timariots.

    _ CHAP. IV. Of certain Customs and Laws observed amongst the Ziamets and Timariots.

    _ CHAP. V. The State of the Militia in Gran Cairo, and Egypt.

    _ CHAP. VI. Of the Spahees.

    _ CHAP. VII. Of the Janizaries.

    _ CHAP. VIII. Whether the Maintenance of an Army of Janizaries according to the Original Institution, be now agreeable to the Rules of Politie amongst the Turks.

    _ CHAP. IX. Of the Chiauses.

    _ CHAP. X. Of the other parts of the Turkish Militia, the Toptchi.

    • Of the Gebegees.

    • Of the Delees.

    • Of the Segbans and Sarigias.

    • The Muhlagi and Besli.

    _ CHAP. XI. Certain Observations on the Turkish Camp: and the Success of the last Battel against the Christians.

    _ CHAP. XII. Of the Turks Armata, or Naval Forces.


Types of content

  • There are 2 verse lines!
  • Oh, Mr. Jourdain, there is prose in there!

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Character listing

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