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#Copies of the information and original papers relating to the proof of the horrid conspiracy against the late king, his present Majesty, and the government#

##Sprat, Thomas, 1635-1713.## Copies of the information and original papers relating to the proof of the horrid conspiracy against the late king, his present Majesty, and the government Sprat, Thomas, 1635-1713.

##General Summary##


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Major revisions

  1. 2002-10 TCP Assigned for keying and markup
  2. 2002-12 Aptara Keyed and coded from ProQuest page images
  3. 2003-01 Rina Kor Sampled and proofread
  4. 2003-01 Rina Kor Text and markup reviewed and edited
  5. 2003-02 pfs Batch review (QC) and XML conversion

##Content Summary##



  1. THE INFORMATION OF Josiah Keeling, OF THE Parish of St. Butolph without Aldgate, In the County Of Middlelsex, Salter, Taken the 12th of Iune. 1683.

  2. The Ioynt Information of Josiah Keeling, of the Parish of St. •utolph without Aldgate, in the County of Middlesex, Salter, and of John Keeling of the Parish of St. Anne Black-Fryers, Citizen and Turner, taken the 14th of June, 1683.

  3. The Ioint Information of Josiah Keeling of the Parish of St. Butolph without Aldgate, in the County of Middlesex, Salter, and of John Keeling of the Parish of St. Anne Black-Fryers, Citizen and Turner, June the 15th,

  4. The Information of Josiah Keeling, given upon Oath at Hampton-Court, the 23d of June,

  5. Copy of a Note given in by Iosiah Keeling 23d. of Iune, and by him received from Goodenough.

  6. The Information of Thomas Shepard, taken by the Right Honourable the Earl of Sunderland, &c. June the 27th. 1683.

  7. The Information of Joseph How of the Parish of St. Giles's without Cripple-gate, in the County aforesaid Distiller, taken upon Oath before Sir Reginald Forester Baronet, this 15th day of June 1683. against Thomas Lea of Old-street in the Parish aforesaid, in the County aforesaid Dyer, for speaking of Dangerous and Seditious Words.

  8. June 25, 1683. The Examination of Colonel John Romsey.

  9. Further Informations of Colonel Romzey.

  10. Colonel Romzey's further Information.

  11. Colonel Romzeys Letter to the Earl of Rochester concerning the Scotch Pedlars.

  12. Another Letter from Colonel Romzey to the Earl of Rochester.

  13. The further Information of Colonel Romsey.

  14. Andrew Barbers Informations read in Council, 23 June, 1683.

  15. In the Gate-house the 29th June, 83. Major Holmes Confessed.

  16. The Examination of Robert Blaney of the Middle Temple Esq 29 June, 83.

  17. The further Examination of Robert Blaney, July 1. 83.

  18. Thomas Lee Dyer of Old-street, his Confession, 1, and 2 July, 1685.

  19. The Examination of Hicks living in Friday-street London, taken before His Majesty the third of July 1683.

  20. The Examination of Robert West of the Middle-Temple Barrister at Law, taken the 23 June

  21. The further Examination of Robert West Barrister at Law of the Middle-Temple, the 24th of June 1683.

  22. The further Examination of Robert West, taken by my Lord Keeper the 25th June, 1683.

  23. The further Examination of Robert West of the Middle-Temple, Barrister at Law, taken before Mr. Secretary Jenkins the 26th of June

  24. The further Examination of Robert West of the Middle-Temple Barrister at Law.

  25. The further Examination of Robert West of the Middle-Temple Barrister at Law before the Lord Keeper the 27 June 1683.

  26. The further Examination of Robert West of the Middle-Temple, Barrister at Law.

  27. The further Examination of Robert West of the Middle-Temple, Barrister at Law.

  28. The further Examination of Robert West of the Middle-Temple, Barrister at Law.

  29. Information of Carleton Whitlock, 5 July 83.

  30. Mr. Edmund Waller's Confession.

  31. Information of Zachary Bourn.

  32. Zec. Bourne's further Information. THat Ferguson told me that one Mr. Owen of Grays-Inn would give a hundred pound towards the Design,

  33. The further Examination of Robert West of the Middle-Temple, Barrister at Law.

  34. The further Examination of Robert West of the Middle-Temple Barrister at Law.

  35. The further Examination of Robert West of the Middle-Temple Barrister at Law.

  36. The further Examination of Robert West of the Middle-Temple Barrister at Law.

  37. The further Information of Robert West of the Middle-Temple Barrister at Law.

  38. The Examination of William Hone Ioyner taken before Sir William Turner Knight and Alderman of the City of London, and one of his Majesties Iustices of the Peace the 4th day of July,

  39. Information of William Leigh:

  40. The further Information of William Leigh.

  41. Information of the Lord Howard to the King the 11th. of July 1682.

    _ The First Part of my Narrative being a Summary Account of all that Occurred to my Knowledg from September 29th 1682. to the time of the Earl of Shaftsbury's Death. This was the Substance of the second Confere•ce I had wit• him, which I reported the next day to the _ A Continuation of my former Narrative.

    _ A Supplement of some things which (upon recollection) have occurr'd to my memory since my former Information.

  42. Further Information of Colonel Romzey, June the 11th 1684.

  43. A Letter from Sir William Stapleton, Governor of the Leeward Islands, to Sir Leoline Ienkins.

  44. The Information of James Holloway Read the 11th of April 1684.

    _ How far I was Concerned:

    _ How it was to have been acted in Bristol.

    _ The Reason why I did not come in, &c.

  45. A Paper found in Mr. Charleton's Custody.

  46. Captain Walcot's Letter, To the Right Honourable Sir Leoline Ienkins.

  47. Minutes of Walcots Confession before His Majesty the 8th of July 1683.

  48. A Note taken from Walcot, by Captain Richardson Keeper of Newgate, Iuly the 11th.

  49. Two Letters from the Mayor of New-Castle, Dated June the 1st.

  50. To Mr. Secretary Jenkins, about Pringle, &c. Right Honourable,New-Castle Iune the 1st. 1683.WE presume to acquaint your Honour there are two persRight Honourable,New-Castle Iune the 13th. 1683.WE Received your Honours Letter of the 5th. Instant,

  51. A Letter to Mr. Alexander Pringle, seized at New-Castle.

  52. The Examination of John Nisbet of Stepney taken before John Tendring Esq

  53. A Copy of Earlestoun's Commission,

  54. The Examina•ions of Gordon late of Earlestoun taken before the Committee of Council, July the 5th. 1683.

  55. A Copy of Alexander Gordons Examination, June 30. 1683.

  56. The Relation of Alexander Gordon of Earlstoun of what he was informed of, and heard as followeth.

  57. A Copy of the Interrogators proposed to Alexander Gordon sometime of Earlstoun in the Committee, 25th of September, 1683.

  58. Interrogators to be put to the said Alexander Gordon in Relation to the late Horrid Conspiracy.

  59. A Copy of the Examination of Alexander Gordon late of Earlstoun.

  60. Examination of Mr. Steil and Andrew Oliver anent Mr. Aaron Smith's coming to Scotland, & his going to Sir J. Cockram's House at Ochiltree. Edenburgh 11th of December, 1683.

  61. Edenburgh, Sederunt and Iournals of Council, 20 Dec. 1683. Alexander Gordon of Earlston, his Deposition before a Committee of His Majesties Privy-Council, and _ Alexander Gordon of Earlston, his Deposition before a Committee of His Majesties Privy-Council, and two of the Iustices. Edenburgh the 25th of September, 1683.

    _ Here follows the Letter signed Io. N. which was found upon Earlston.

  62. A Letter as it was written with Argiles own hand, which was addressed to Major Holms, and marked Number 3. Iune 21.

  63. The Decypher of the said Letter as it was done in England.

  64. The Copy of the said Letter, as it was given in by Mr. Spence, according to the plain Sence thereof, without the Preface or Postscript, being set down already with the Cypher and Decypher.

  65. Part of William Spence his Deposition.

  66. The Information of Robert Smith, formerly of the Parish of Dunscore, in the Sherifdom of Dum•reis, in the Kingdom of Scotland.

  67. The Information of Zachariah Bourne taken the 5th. of December, 1683.

  68. The Deposition of Mr. William Carstares, when he was Examined before the Lords of Secret Committee, given in by him, and renewed upon Oath, upon the 22d. of December, 1684. in presence of the Lords of His Majesty's Privy-Council. Edinburgh-Castle, September 8. 1684.MR. William Carstares being Examin'd upon Oath, conform to the CEdinburgh Castle September 18. 1684.MR. William Carstares being again examin'd, adheres to his formeAt Edinburgh, the 22d. of December, 1684.THese fore-going Pages, subscrib'd by Mr. William Carstares

  69. Copy of the Lord Russel's Examination in the Tower.

    _ My Lord Russel Asked,

    _ My Lord Russel's Answer to the preceding Interrogatories.

  70. Notes of some things Confessed before His Majesty and the Council, taken out of the Books of Minutes.

  71. The Information of John Rouse taken at his desire in Newgate the 19th of July, 1683.

  72. A particular Account of the Situation of the Rye-House.

  73. Notes of what pass'd between the Late KING, His Royal Highness the Duke of YORK, and the Duke of MONMOUTH, at the Time of his first Rendring himself.

    _ Taken in Writing at that Time by his Royal Highness.

    _ The Duke of Monmouth's First Letter to the KING, mentioned, P. 151 of the foregoing Account.

    _ The Duke of Monmouth's Second Letter to the KING mentioned P. 152 of the foregoing Account.

    _ The Copy of a Letter to the KING, Signed by the Duke of Monmouth, mentioned P. 155 of the foregoing Account.


Types of content

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