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#The perillous and most unhappy voyages of John Struys Through Italy, Greece, Lifeland, Muscovia, Tartary, Media, Persia, East-India, Japan, and other places in Europe, Africa and Asia. Containing, I. Most accurate remarks and observations of the distinct qualities, religion, politie, customs, laws and properties of the inhabitants: II. A due description of the several cities, towns, forts, and places of trust, as to their site and strength, fortifications by nature, or art, &c. with other things worthy of note: and, III. An exact memorial of the most disastrous calamities which befell the author in those parts (viz) by ship-wrack, robberies, slavery, hunger, tortures, with other incommodities and hardships. To which are added 2 narrativs sent from Capt. D. Butler, relating to the taking in of Astrachan by the Cosacs. Illustrated with divers curious plates, first designed and taken from the life by the author himself. Rendered out of Nether-dutch by John Morrison· Reysen door Moscovien, Tartarijen, Oost-Indien. English#

##Struys, Jan Janszoon, d. 1694.## The perillous and most unhappy voyages of John Struys Through Italy, Greece, Lifeland, Muscovia, Tartary, Media, Persia, East-India, Japan, and other places in Europe, Africa and Asia. Containing, I. Most accurate remarks and observations of the distinct qualities, religion, politie, customs, laws and properties of the inhabitants: II. A due description of the several cities, towns, forts, and places of trust, as to their site and strength, fortifications by nature, or art, &c. with other things worthy of note: and, III. An exact memorial of the most disastrous calamities which befell the author in those parts (viz) by ship-wrack, robberies, slavery, hunger, tortures, with other incommodities and hardships. To which are added 2 narrativs sent from Capt. D. Butler, relating to the taking in of Astrachan by the Cosacs. Illustrated with divers curious plates, first designed and taken from the life by the author himself. Rendered out of Nether-dutch by John Morrison· Reysen door Moscovien, Tartarijen, Oost-Indien. English Struys, Jan Janszoon, d. 1694.

##General Summary##


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##Content Summary##


  1. The TRANSLATOR to the READER.

  2. A TABLE, Or Summary Comprehenſion Of every Paragraph in the Three VOYAGES Of JOHN STRUYS. The FIRST VOYAGE.CHAP. I. THe firſt Occaſion of the Authors going to Travel. A Sea-Storm. Arrival atThe SECOND VOYAGE.CHAP. I. AN account of the Authors undertaking his Second Voyage. A great Sea StorThe THIRD VOYAGE.CHAP. I. THe Author undertakes his Third Voyage for Moſcovia. The Names of the Offi

  3. DIRECTIONS For the BOOK BINDER, How to place the PLATES.


  1. THE Perillous and moſt Unhappy TRAVELS of JOHN STRUYS, Through Italy, Turky, Perſia, Tartary, Eaſt-India, Moſcovia, &c.

    _ CHAP. I. The firſt Occaſion of the Authors going to Travel. A Sea-Storm. Arrival at Gibralter, at Genua, with it's Deſcription, at Velez Malaga. Reſcontre with 9 Corſairs of Algiers. Arrival at Boa Viſta. A Deſcription of the Salt Iſlands, Ilha Mayo, Ilha del Fuogo, St. Jago and Ilha del Brava. Proper Climat of thoſe Iſles. Arrival at Sierra Liones; The great Incivilitie of the King, allured to come aboard, fettered, and afterward thrown over board, A Deſcription of Sierra Liones.

    _ CHAP. II. Arrival at Madagaſcar. The remarkable Chance of the Commander, meeting with the King. The Death of the Vice Commander Benning; and the diſorders thence ariſing. Both the Ships put in a Fighting Poſture, and ready to give each other Battel. Voogt yields, and is fetter'd. The deſcription of Madagaſcar; it's Fertility, Store of Cattel; Goodneſs of their Sheep; Many kinds of Monkeys. Nature of the Inhabitants, Form, Habit, Houſe-keeping, Marriages and Funerals. Their impious cruelty over their Children. Their Religion, Policy and Warrs.

    _ CHAP. III. The Author's departure from Madagaſcar, Arrival at Sumatra. Four Prizes belonging to Atchin taken. The beaſtly Senſuality of ſome of the Ships-company, upon a Woman. The Ship whereon the Author was, taken as Prize, and brought up to Batavia. The men plundered and their Cheſts broken up. The Author admitts himſelf into the Service of the Eaſt India Company, his Voyage to Siam. An accurate deſcription of that Kingdom.

    _ CHAP. IV. •he Nature and Way of living of the Siamers. Their ſeveral Trades and Profeſſion. Travail of their Merchants. Government and Politie. The great State of the Emperour, and Magnificency of his Throne: his Cavalcade, and manner of shewing himſelf to his People. The Riches of his Veſſels, the Elephants ſerved in Gold and Silver. The Wars about the white Elephant, againſt Ava and Pegu.

    _ CHAP. V. The Revenues and Treaſury of the King of Siam. The Religious zeal of thoſe Kings in building of Temples, and Houſes for pious uſes. Soldiers without pay. The great Slavery and Charges of the Citizens and Plebeians, their Obedience, and Liberality in devotion. Ample Revenues of the Spiritual. Habit and Function of their Prieſts. The Multitude and monſtrous bigneſs of ſome of their Idols. Their Ceremonies in Worship; wherein congruous to thoſe of the Romiſ• Religion.

    _ CHAP. VI. Good materials for building in Siam. Their manner of Houſe-keeping, and entertainment of Friends. Neatneſs and cleanlineſs in their Houſes and Bodies. Their way of dreſſing themſelves, both men and Women. Strange Contracts of matrimony. Early marriage. Education of their Children. Learning and learned men had in great veneration. Rites about their deceaſed. Ʋrbanity in their Converſation. The great Affection of the Emperour towards Strangers &c.

    _ CHAP. VIII. The Sieur van Muyden invited to the Exequies of the Princeſs. A ſtately Scaffold erected for the Solemnity of the day. A magnificent and ſumptuous Altar Ornaments of the Corps. The Train attending the Ceremony: Order of the ſame. Money thrown among the People. Stages erected for the Almoſners. Artificial Fireworks. The vaſt Charges of this Preparation.

    _ CHAP. IX. The Body of the Princeſs burnt. A remarkable token, whereby, it was concluded that ſhe was poyſoned. The Kings fury againſt all the Domeſtics of the Princeſs, who are committed to cuſtody. The cruel Puniſhment of the ſuſpected Parties. A ſtrange wa• to find out the guilty. Elephants uſed as Executioners. Fifty men and Women executed in one day, ſome by Elephants, others buried in the Earth, to the Head, where they are ſuffered to ſtarve. A Young Lady with her Brother taken and diſpatched. Their Candour, and free reſolvedneſs to die.

    _ CHAP. X. The proud, and blaſphemous Titles of the King of Siam. The great Preparations uſed to aſſwage the Waters of the Ganges.

    _ CHAP. XI. Departure from Siam. They take a Junk. The Cambodiers put in a Ship with rudder or ſails. Arrival at Formoſa. The Junk and all the men caſt awa•▪ Deſcription of Formoſa, with an account of its Products, and the Nature of • Inhabitants, as alſo their Houſes, Habit and Cuſtomes.

    _ CHAP. XII. The Author departs from Formoſa. His arrival at Japon. The Deſcription of Nangueſaque. The Condition of the Town. A dreadfull fire at Nangueſaque. The Stature, Nature, Habits, and Cuſtomes of the Japoneezes. Departure from Japon. Arrival at Formoſa the ſecond time. Their return to Siam, where they take in Elephants. The Author beat with a ropes end at the Main-maſt, and why. His return for Holland, and End of the firſt Voyage.


    _ CHAP. I. An account of the Authors undertaking his Second Voyage. A great Sea Storm. His arrival at Yarmouth, and at Leghorn, with a Deſcription of that Town; as alſo of Pica and Florence, and laſtly of Bologne.

    _ CHAP. II. The Author departs from Bologne, and arrives at Ferrara. Aſſail'd by a Robber: His Arrival at Venice, where he liſts himſelf in the Armade. He arrives at Sante. A great ſtorm between Milo and Argenter. The Ship called The Golden Cock ſplit upon Rocks. A ſad Shipwrack. A woman wonderfully ſav'd. The Authors arrival at Candia: Departs with a Tartan to the Venetian Armade. Their Appearance before Mytilene, where they obtain much Spoil and Proviſion; at laſt aſsaulted by 200 of the Turkish Chevalrie. Their Encounter, and return aboard the Fleet.

    _ CHAP. III. The Authors Arrival at Sante Monte; and at Troy. The Galleys of Bay come with the Turkish Armade. An English Ship ingaged with the Turks; defends her ſelf manfully, and at laſt burned. The Author made Slave, and put in a Galley, with an old Ruſs: Conſult to eſcape: Betake themſelves to Water, and are diſcovered. The Ruſs shot with an arrow. They come both to the Venetian Armade.

    _ CHAP. IV. The fugitive Slaves brought before the General. The manner of their Encouraging their Men. Number of the Venetian Ships and Galleys. Names of the Commanders and Chieftains The Malteezes joyn with the Armade. The Turkish Fleet ſail up, endeavour to break through, are hindred by the Malteezes. The Turks throw up two Batteries. A dreadfull Engagement, and playing off the Cannon for three days together. The Turks begin to ſettle. The Stability and valour of the Venetians. The Turks looſe their Courage.

    _ CHAP. V. The Wind turns in favour of the Venetians. The Turks flee and are obſtructed. The brave Courage of the Galleys of Bey. General Marcello kill'd. The manly Behaviour of Lazaro Mocenigo, who looſes one eie. Two Dutch Ships, to wit, Yet Wapen van Naſſau, and Den David en Goliath, blown up with their own Powder. The Turkish Capitana yields. The General and diſorderly Flight of the Turks. Their total overthrow, and loſs on both ſides.

    _ CHAP. VI. The Siege of Tenedos. The two Caſtles ſurrendred. A deſcription of Tenedos, Lemnos, it's Situation, and taking in. The preſent ſtate of Greece. J. Struyſ's arrival at Pathmos and Samos. Taken by the Turks with 6 of his Companions, and ſoon after ranſom'd.

    _ CHAP. VII. The Author admitts himſelf again into the Service of the Venetians. Arrival at Corfu with an account of it's Strength, Bulwarks, Sconces and other Fortifications, near, and about the City. Fertility of the Iſland. Arrival at Cephalonia, it's Fertility, Situation and Strength. Arrival at Sante, an account of its Strength, its Villages, Scarcity of fresh Water. Arrival at Cerigo: Situation of that Iſland, Reliques, or Ruins of the Temple of Venus.

    _ CHAP. VIII. The Author's arrival at Sante, or Xante, It's admirable Strength, Villages, and great Scarcity of fresh Water. Their Dough for bread kneaded with Wine in ſtead of Water. Arrival at Cerigo; Situation of that Iſland. Reliques of the Temple of Venus. Arrival at Candia, with it's Situation, A Deſcription of the Citie, as to it's Strength, Inhabitants, the moſt eminent Buildings and Churches, Climat, Soil, Vintage, Fruits, Vegetables, Cattel, Fowl, Plenty of Silk and other Commodities, as alſo the modern Habit and Attire of the Candians. A Deſcription of Standia. The famous Fight between Lazaro Mocenigo and the Tributary Auxiliaries of Argiers, Tripoli, Theunis and Zoëli. The Fort of Zouaſchi taken in by the Proveditor Mocenigo. The Turks attacque Tenedos, but in vain. The Turkish Armada come out of the Dardanelli. The Beginning of the Ingagement. The Turkish Emperour comes with an Army of 20000 Horſe, and 80000 Foot down to the shore, where from a high Tent he ſees' the Ingagement. The Turks looſe their Poſts, and Sail off. The incomparable valour of Mocenigo and Bembo, who are unluckily killd by the fall of a Sail yard. Their Galley blown up with 400 Men. The Loſs and Gains on both ſides.

    _ CHAP. IX. The Venetian Armade appear before Napoli di Malvazia, where they attacque a Redoubt, which is ſurrendred. The City treats with the Governour. The Fleet appears before Santorini; 2 terrible Earthquakes: Wine good and cheap. The Author ſent ashoar to buy Proviſion. The Fleet under Sail. The Turks come upon the Iſland, & the Author in danger of being made Slave; hidden by the Greeks, and brought Embro to with a Barque. Arrival before Nicſia, The Ruins of Apollos Temple. Arrival at Metelino, it's Situation and Strength; plenty of Marble, Cypres wood, Wine, and Cattel. Nicſia the Winter-haven for the Turkish Galleys. S. Georgia de Scyro. Delos: Reliques and Ruins of Heathenish Temples and Images of Apollo, Minerva and Diana. The Caſtle of Tenos blown up with it's own Powder. The Iſland Milo, it's Situation, Strength, Harbours, Inhabitants, Religion, ſtore of Proviſion and Victuals. The Ship De Princes, ſprings a leak. The Author goes aboard a Privateer, leaves her and goes for Holland.


    _ CHAP. I. The Author undertakes his Third Voyage for Moſcovia. The Names of the Officers and others employed with him on that Journey and Voyage. Their Difficulties in going out. Arrival at Riga, with a Deſcription of the Town, and their Departure from thence. The Nature of the Lifelanders their Houſes, Cuſtomes, Condition, Religion, and quaint form of an Oath. Arrival at Wolmar, with a Deſcription thereof. Their difficult Travels through Lifeland.

    _ CHAP. II. Arrival at Pitſiora, and at Pletskow, A ſtrange Paſſage of a hungry Bear. The ſpindle-bone or shank of a Giant. The Pleaſant Proſpects and delightſome Landships of Moſcovia. Arrival at Novogorod. The Antiquity and former Glory of that City; how taken by the Moſcovian, and Fortified by the Swede. Their Departure from Novogorod, Reſcounter with a Company of Robbers, and Arrival at Colomna. Great abundance of Wolves. Coldneſs of the Climat.

    _ CHAP. III. A Quarrel with the Ruſſians, Eight Dutch Merchants murthered in a Wood. Arrival at Tweer, Another Reſcountre with a Party of Robbers. Money ſent from Moskow. Purſuit of their Journey. They enter Moſcou. Their good Reception. The great Bear-Garden. Wolf and Bear-baiting. Death of the Empreſs, and the pompous Exequies.

    _ CHAP. IV. Situation of Moſcou. It's Diviſions and Wards. Kitay-Gorod the firſt City. The great number of Churches and Cloyſters. High Towers. Noted Humility and Obedience of a Ruſſian Gentleman. The greateſt Bell in the World at Moſcou. The Church of Jeruſalem, Zaar-gorod the ſecond, Skorodom the third, and Strelitza Slowoda the fourth Town. Great number of Houſes within the City Moſcou. A great Fire, whereby many Houſes were conſumed. The coldneſs of the Climate. Diſeaſes proper to the Countrey. Fertility and Products of the Land.

    _ CHAP. V. The Form, Nature and Propertie of the Ruſſes. Their ordinary Diet. Their great eſteem of Brandy. Their litigious humors and inclinations to Quarrelling. Their ordinary Habit. Women uſe painting of their Faces. Their manner of their Marriages, and nuptial Solemnities.

    _ CHAP. VI. Divorcement among the Ruſſes and the ſundry occaſions thereof. Their Superſtition about Cleanneſs and Ʋncleanneſs. Baths, and the uſe of the ſame. The Hardineſs and Patience of the Ruſſes in ſuffering the Extremities of Heat, or Coldneſs. Some ſtrange cuſtomes among the Ruſſes. Solemnities at the Burial of their Dead.

    _ CHAP. VII. The Religion and Church-Government of the Ruſſians. The Patriarch and his Office. Of their Sacraments, &c.

    _ CHAP. VIII. The Juriſdiction of the Czaar, his Titles, Revenues and ſtrict Juſtice.

    _ CHAP. IX. Celebration and Solemnity of Palm-Sunday. The Departure of the Author out of Moſcou to Aſtrachan. Heads and Officers. They ſet Sail. A heavy ſtorm. Arrival at Niſen-Novogorod; Plenty of Proviſion at Niſen. A deſcription of the famous River Wolga. Beginning of the Cerem Tartars. Their Cuſtoms and Nature, Their Idolatrie. Ceremonies about the Dead. Their Habit, Polygamy, &c.

    _ CHAP. X. The Ship ſet faſt upon a Foord. The great Ʋtility of the Linden-tree. Some of the Company drowned. Fertility and excellent Soil of the Banks of the Wolga. Arrival at Caſan. Caſan taken in by the Ruſſes. The Caſan-Tartars fight the Ruſſes. The Ruſſian Army flee. Moſcou taken in. The Czar becomes Tributary to the Tartars. The good Conduct and valour of the Governour of Reſan, who reſtores the Czar and the Empire to it's former Freedom.

    _ CHAP. XI. Departure from Caſan. The ſtrange manner of taking Fish. Cities demolished by Tamerlan. The Ship run faſt aground. The Salt-Pans, and manner of making Salt. Difficult Sailing in the Wolga. A New City built for defence againſt Robbers and Pyrates. The great abundance of Liquirice about Aſtrachan, The Land of the Calmuc-Tartars.

    _ CHAP. XII. Situation of Aſtrachan. The Inhabitants. How Aſtrachan became ſubject to the Czaar. Strange manner of Tents, or Cottages. Proviſion very cheap and Brandy dear. A Deſart affoarding good Salt, and a ſtrange kind of Fruit. The Form and Nature of the Nagayan Tartars. Their Habit, manner of Life and Houſe-keeping. Their Trades and way of earning money, Horſeflesh, Mares-milk and Blood in great eſteem by them.

    _ CHAP. XIII. Diviſions and Limits of the Coſacks. The Offſpring of Stenko. The Reaſon of his Revolting. The firſt beginning of his Inſolency. His treacherous Cruelty: The Governour of Aſtrachan makes preparation againſt him. He betakes himſelf to flight and reconciles himſelf with the Czar. The Incredible Riches and coſtly Attire of the Coſacks. The Perſon of Stenko Radzin deſcribed. The meeting and diſcourſe of the Author with Stenko Radzin. He keeps a Perſian Princeſs for his Concubine, which he throws with his own hand into the Wolga. His Punishment for Adultery.

    _ CHAP. XIV.JUNE. 1669.Stenko returns back and is followed by many Ruſſes, but oppoſed by an Order from Pſoforoski, which Stenko diſobeys. He returns again with a greater Power. The Waywode of Aſtrachan ſends out a Fleet againſt him, which shamefully yields. The Officers murthered. A great Perplexity at Aſtrachan, Power and Aw of Stenko. His cruelty and Pride. His Legates are devoured of Dogs in Perſia. Kumuskinka ſurrendred by Treachery.

    _ CHAP. XV. The Animoſities and Tumults in Aſtrachan. Stariza taken in by the Coſacks. A Fleet ſent out againſt them. The Coſacks win Tzarnojar. The Ruſſian Fleet yields to the Coſaks. The great Inſolency and boldneſs of the Mobile of Aſtrachan. The valour of the Waywod or Governour. Adviſed to abſcond or abſent himſelf, which is put in practice.

    _ CHAP. XVI. They fall down the Wolga, and miſs their Courſe. Then touch at Oetzjoege. The ſtrange manner of fishing of the Bieloege. The great plenty of Cavear. They meet with great difficulty to gain the Caſpian Sea; which at laſt they get. A deſcription of the Iſland Satyry Boggere, Tall Reeds grow all along the Coaſt. A dreadfull Tempeſt. The Golden Bay. Their meeting with a Tartarian Bark. A deſcription of Terki. The Beginning of the Circas-Tartars; Their Perſons and Complexions deſcribed. Their Habit and Way of Living. Of their Women, their Habit, Humours and Inclinations. Their Idolatry.

    _ CHAP. XVII. They Author and his Company err in their Courſe. They meet with a Coſac-Bark. A great Tempeſt. The Beginning and Limits of the Dageſtan-Tartars; Their Poſture or Frame of Body, Habit and Way of Living. They are great Plagiaries. The Barrenneſs of the Dageſtan Mountains. Another great Tempeſt. The Shallop run aſtrand and is ſpied by the Tartars, who plunder them. The ſtrange way of electing the Dageſtan Kings. They are aſſailed by another Company who ravish the Woman in preſence of her Husband, and convert them all to Slaves. The Author tortured to detect his Companions, which he manfully endures. They are brought before the Oſmyn, and chained.

    _ CHAP. XVIII. The Captives take their leavs of each other. The great Orchard near Tzurbag. Their Arrival at Urwan. Situation of Mount Ararat. An accidental meeting with ſome Carmelito Friars. The Author inſiſted upon to undertake a Cure of a Rupture, which with much perſwaſion, he promiſes to do. His aſcent up the Mountain Ararat, to the Hermites Cell who was his Patient, which he performs in 5 days time. He undertakes and Cures the Rupture. The Copy of an Atteſtation given him by the ſaid Hermite in barbarous Latin. His return down.

    _ CHAP. XIX. The Author put in Chains again: He is inſiſted upon to renounce the Chriſtian Faith and become Mahometan; Divers means to that end put in practiſe by way of Trial. The great gain of warm Baths. The Author taken out of Chains. He is ſold to a Perſian. The Situation of the Caſpian Sea. Great Whirlpools in the Bay of Gilan. A diſcourſe about the Silk-trade. A further Deſcription of the Caſpian Sea, &c.

    _ CHAP. XX. A Deſcription of Derbent: it's Walls. The Sultans Court. Very old Ruins. Divers Watch-towers. Multiplicity of Sepulchrets without Derbent. Their Slave-Market. The Author ſold again. His Patron married with a Polish Woman and runs into Danger of his Life. The Intention of his Patroneſs in running away from her Husband and taking the Author with her. Two of Mr. Struys's Companions come to Derbent. How they made their eſcape from the Tartars. The great Inclination of the Sultan of Derbent to the Hollanders. A Device put in practiſe to ſet one of the Authors Companions at Liberty The Prince takes the Wife of Brak for his own. Brak makes his eſcape.

    _ CHAP. XXI. The great difficulty of getting Wood without Derbent. The Author and his company aſſailed by Robbers two ſeveral times. The kind nature of his Patron. They travel to Scamachy. The Hill Barmach. The Pit of Naphtha. Arrival at Scamachy. A Deſcription of that City. A great Earth-quake at Scamachy. Abundance of men misfortunatly killed. The Author meets with 2 Franciſcan Friars: A rehearſal of ſome part of their Diſcourſe: their Zeal to get him out of the Service of a Mahometan. Advice given him by his Patron. He comes firſt into the Service of the Polish Ambaſſadour.

    _ CHAP. XXII. The Hatred and Churliſhneſs of the Ambaſſadour againſt the Poliſh Gentry. A Poliſh Gentleman murthered in his bed. The pitiful caſe and condition of the Polanders, who were in the Retinue of the Legate. The Ambaſſadours Greedineſs. He indeavours to turn Mahometan, The Authors intention to make his eſcape. Captain Butler and others of his old acquaintance come to Scamachi, where they do what they can for the Captivs. The Ambaſſadors Brother goes for Iſpahan, where he deſires to be admitted as a Mahometan; but is not received, William the Maſters Mate of the Ship Eagle comes to Scamachi. A great Earth-quake. Conſecration of Water among the Armenian Chriſtians. A great concourſe of People, and remarkable Ceremonies.

    _ CHAP. XXIII. The Ambaſſadours Siſter goes to Tafflis, and with her the Poliſh Chirurgeon. The Corps of an Indian burn'd with a Chriſtian ſhe-ſlave. The Woman having taken in a Potion to provoke ſleep, is alſo caſt into the furnace. Two Men murthered at Scamachi, and a tumult thereupon. Strange Ceremonies about the Dead. The Chans ſon is preſented with a Kolotan, or Robe of Favour, and one of the Kings Wives. A man ſtruck dead with ſtaves. A fearful Earth-quake. The Chan alſo receives a Robe of Favour, and a Wife. Pompous Solemnities at the delivery of the ſame. He receives the Princeſs. New Tidings from Ruſſia. The Ambaſſador commanded by the King of Perſia to return for Poland; who makes his excuſe, The miſerable Eſtate of the Poliſh Gentry. Theft committed in the Ambaſſadors Palace. A man tortured that was innocent. The Poliſh Chirurgeon fortunatly married at Tafflis. Another Corps of an Indian burned with a living Woman. The great kindneſs of Hadſy Biram to the Author. His bad entertainment with the Ambaſſador.

    _ CHAP. XXIV. The manner of Celebrating New-years day among the Perſians. Advice from Boynak: from Derbent. Fire-balls fall from the Sky. Five Hundred beautiful Damoſels ſought up for the Scach, or Sophy of Perſia. A quaint mean by which a Merchant ſaves his Daughter. The Author writes to Smyrna. A Chieftain of the Coſaks brought into Scamachy; and is compelled to carry 3 of his Companions Heads in a Bag to Iſpahan, where he is upon promiſe of detecting ſomthing of weïght ſet at Liberty. A Perſian murthered by a drunken Georgian. The murtherer executed by the Brother of the murthered Party. A Horrible Self murther committed by ſeveral Perſons at a Wedding. A great Feaſt celebrated in memory of Hoſſeyn, the 3d Son of Ali. A terrible Earth-quake. The Chans Son dies and is interred.

    _ CHAP. XXV. News from Aſtrachan. A Perſian Woman and Adultereſs taken in the Fact. A Young Gentleman caned to death by Order of the Prince and complaint of his Father. Another put to the ſame death. One of the Authors Companions goes for Iſpahan, Hailſtones as big as Eggs. The Author and a Venetian entertained in an Armenian Monaſtery. A Woman taken in Adultery, for which ſhe is ſurrendred up to the Will and Power of her Husband, who fleas her alive, nails up her Skin upon the Wall, and throws out her Carcaſe into the ſtreet. The great Jealouſie of the Perſians. The male Children about the Court gelded. The great Slave market at Scamachy. The unnatural cuſtom of the Geor-Georgians, The Ambaſſadour receives a Charge to depart.

    _ CHAP. XXVI. A dreadfull Tempeſt. Great Balls of Fire fall upon the Earth. A moſt fearful Deluge whereby Houſes, Men and abundance of Cattel are carried away. The Chan receivs another Robe of Favour. The Offerings of the Banjans, for the Fowl and Fiſh. The Religious Exerciſe of the Perſian Women. The Author's Diſcourſe with the Chan. The Author meets with one of the Tartars who had made him Slave. He gets out of the ſervice of the Poliſh Ambaſſador. The great Bounty and Kindneſs of his Patron Hadzi Biram, and of Altine his Patroneſs. One of his Company, made free.

    _ CHAP. XXVII. Their departure out of Scamachi. The Countrey about Kaſily deſcribed and the manner of living of the Inhabitants. A Deſcription of the River Araxes. The Heath of Mokan, whither all the Banditti and Mutinous Perſons have recourſe. Abundance of Tortviſes near Balharu. The Poverty, yet contented Life of the People and Inhabitants there about. The Author ſet upon by Robbers. The Carravan Aſſailed and Plundered. A famous ſtone Bridge. The ſepulchre of Zeyde Tzeybrail. Arrival at Ardebil. The Situation of that Town. The bitter Cold. Great and raging Whirl-winds. Extraordinary good Wheat. The great Toll and Duty paid for Sheep. Seven and Fifty Towns within the Juriſdiction of Ardebil. A Deſcription of the City, of it's Streets, and of the Street of Strumpets, who are Poëteſſes and ordained to compoſe Hymns of Praiſe to the name of the Great Aly. Free Places within the City. The Markets and Shops. Sumptuous Mezids and Chappels.

    _ CHAP. XXVIII. Hadzi Byram goes to perform his Religious Duties at the Sepulchre of Zeyde Tzebrail. The Author begs of his Lord, that he may be Spectator of the Ceremonies, which at laſt after many intreaties is granted. A Deſcription of that noble Mauſoleum. Famous Baths in Ardebil. The Sulphurous Baths whither the Author accompanies his Patron. The manner of uſing thoſe Baths. The ſtupendious and ſumptuous Sepulchre of Scach Sephy deſcribed. The great Zeal and Devotion of Hadzi Byram. The Oratory, or Houſe of Prayer, where (as they ſay) Schach Sephy prayed and faſted for 40 Days together without Intermiſſion, uſing only a Cup of Water every day. Doors covered with Plates of Gold by Schach Abas. The Library and Repoſitory of the Ʋtenſils for the Kings Table. The Garden or Yard where the Perſian Kings lie interred. The names of the 12 Kings

that lie there buried. The Revenues belonging to this Meſar, or ſepulchre. Som faſt Revenues. Ardebil a famous Mart.

_ CHAP. XXIX. The Author taken for a Perſian, which gave him occaſion to ſee all that was worthy of remark. The Caravan leavs Ardebil, and goes over the famous Mountain Taurus. The Head of the River Kiſiloſeyn. Bad and uneaſy Travelling by reaſon of ſteep Rocks. Peril of Robbers. Arrival at Sultanie. Keydar Pey-Amber, a wonderfull high Mountain. Sultanie it's Situation and by whom built. Emarath, the Noble Palace of King Choddahende. The Temple of Schach Iſmaël. The preſent decaying State of •ultany. The Author ſhorn and habituated after the Perſian Manner. Pleaſant Dales and Valleys. Arrival at Caſ•in. The Situation of that Place. The Court of Schach Tamas. The Place of Convention or Exchange of Whores. The Common Place of Sepulture and Metzid of Scach Beſlade, the Son of Hoſſeyn, by which the Perſians ſwear. The Offering of a Camel.

_ CHAP. XXX. Departure from Caſwin. Arrival at Saba, and an account of the Condition of that Town. The Earth red and barren by the Curſe of Mahomet. They arrive at Kom, with a Deſcription of that Place. Melons of a very fragrant and lovely ſmell. A ſtrange kind of Cucumbers. Khom the Staple for Weapons. The People addicted to Thievery. The Author's combat with a Greek Renegado. Departure out of Khom. Arrival at Kaſchan. Its Situation. The People, and their way of Living and Negotiation. Noble Carawanſeras, or Houſes of Entertainment. Many Gold-and Silk-Cloth Weevers. A ſort of great and venemous Scorpion

and a kind of fell Spiders, which are a powerfull Poyſon, with the ſtrange manner of Cure for the ſame. Their Arrival at Natens. A Faulcon fights and conquers an Eagle.

_ CHAP. XXXI. Arrival at Iſpahan. Their Reception with the Dutch Reſident. A Rélation of the Stability of Anthony Munſter, who was urged to imbrace Mahometaniſm: his Death and Burial. The Manner and Situation of the Dutch Lodge. The Situation of Iſpahan, it's Greatneſs: Rivers running thrô the ſame. The Aqueduct, a mighty work of Schach Abas. The Streets of Iſpahan. Maydan and Baſar. Fair Arches and Galleries. The Sumptuous Meſtzid of Schach Abas. Dowlet- or Schach-Chane, the Royal Pallace. The Divan-Chane, or Court of Juſtice. The Hiram-Chane, or Palace of the Kings Concubines. Allycarpi a Sanctuary, or place of Refuge. Carawanſeras, Taverns. Cahwae-Chane, Coffee-Houſes. Perſian Saints and Philoſophers. Remal and Falkil, two ſorts of Sooth-ſayers. Their ſtrange and ridiculous way of preſaging. The Kayſery or Gallerie of Shops.

_ CHAP. XXXII. Taberik Kale the Treaſurie of the Kingdom. The Suburbs of Iſpahan. Tziulfa, a place where the Armenian Chriſtians have their Reſidence. Tabriſabath. Haſſenabath. Kebrabath, ſo called from Kebber, Perſians that are ſtill Pagans. Tzarbag. The Nature of the Perſians. Property of the Land. Celebration of the Epiphany by the Armenian Chriſtians.

_ CHAP. XXXIII. The great Civility of Hadſi Biram. The Authors Departure out of Iſpahan. Their incommodous Travelling thrô the Snow. Wells and Pits of Water abounding with Fiſh. They are much incommodated in their Travailing. The Caravan aſſailed by Robbers. Their Superſtitious horrour of Swines Fleſh. Sepulchre of Schach Solyman's Mother. The Sepulchre of Noah, his Wife, Children, and Childrens Children. Tzilminar. The Pompous Relicts and Ruins of the famous Perſepolis, and the noble Fort thereof. The Statue of Ruſtan, a Perſian Champion.

_ CHAP. XXXIV. Arrival at Scyras. They meet with ſom Carmelites. The baſe dealings of thoſe of the Caravan. The Author meets with the Theef that had pillaged him. Mr. Stru• well entertained by a French Chirurgeon. A Deſcription of Scyras. Dive•Meſtzids, or Sepulchres. The Pallace of the Chan. Excellent Wine abo•Scyras. Noble Orchards. Departure from Scyras. The Special Bounty o• the Carmelites and the French Chirurgeon. Dates plentiful and cheap. How the Date-trees are propagated. Arrival at Scharim. They meet a Caravan. Aſſailed by night of 30 Robbers, who kill 5 Men of the Company, and at 〈◊〉 by a unanimous continuance of the Caravan force them to yield. The Robbers b• Quarter which is refuſed. They ſuffer themſelvs to be bound, are diverſly to•tured and diſpatched. Great plenty of Partridges.

_ CHAP. XXXV. The incommodous Travelling over Mountains. They com into an Inn (or Carawanſe• where they are well entertained. Arrival at Lar. A Deſcription of that Tow• The Ʋnwholſomneſs of the Air and water there. The Inhabitants given 〈◊〉 Hoſpitality and Lovers of all kinds of Diſcipline and Science. Mummay Kob• a pretious Balſam. Remarkable Monuments of Robbers executed. Depart• from Lar. They meet with another Troop of Robbers, whereof 7 are killed They are overtaken by Monſr. Kaſenbroot. Their Arrival at Gamron.

_ CHAP. XXXVI. A Deſcription of Gamron, or Bendar, and the Etymology. The great Traffic with all Nations. Ʋnwholſomneſs of the Air, and Heat at Gamron. Palepunſchen an unwholſom Drink how made. The Earth dry and barren. Fertility of Kiſmiſch. Of the Inhabitants of Gamron. A wonderful Tree growing without the City. An Indian (reputed) Saint. The beſt ſeaſon for ſtrangers to com and Traffic at Gamron. Merchandiſe brought thither by the Engliſh. The Engliſh receiv Toll with the Scach. The Hollanders trade without paying Toll. The Author falls very ſick and in deſpair of Recovery. The kindneſs and bounty of L. van Akerſloot to him. He recovers. Set ſail from Gamron. Arrival at Maſchate and a Deſcription of that Town. The violent Heat about Maſchate which renders the Air very unwholſom. Their Departure from Maſkate. Arrival at Batavia. The Author hires himſelf for Sailmaker. Comes with 7 Ships before Bantham. Arrival at the Cape of Good Hope.

_ CHAP. XXXVII. Their Departure from the Cape of Good Hope. The Ship Europa taken by th•Engliſh. The Engliſh take the Iſland of St. Helena, and 2 Dutch Ships more Th• Author warns the reſt of the Ships. Three Dutch Ships ſcape a ſcouring. Arrival at Aſcenſion. Abundance of Tortoiſes on that Iſland. A Deſcriptio• of the ſaid Iſland. It's Ʋnfruitfullneſs and want of freſh water. A Debate •e• among the Engliſh to leav the Dutch upon the Iſland. Departure from Aſcenſion. Arrival at Kingſale in Ireland. Their Departure from thence, Arrival at Bri• and finally at Home.
  1. The Copy of a NARRATIV, Written from aboard the Ship EAGLE, belonging to his Imperial Majeſty the Czar of Moſcovia, riding at Anchor before ASTRACHAN upon the River Wolga, bearing date September, XXIV, M DC LXIX,O. S.

  2. The Copy of a NARRATIV, Sent from Capt. D. Butler, dated at ISPAHAN,March 6th. 1671.


  1. A TABLE Of The Names and moſt remarkable Things contained in the three Voyages of IOHN STRUYS. A.A· Mrack, what it is. 54.Animoſities in Aſtrachan. 193.S. Anthony, how the Ruſſians ſay he came tB.BAchal, a Town in Media. 238.Bachu, a place famous for Steel and Iron work. 280Bairam, or Biram dC.CAback [vide Kaback]Cabo Verdo Iſlands. 5. & ſeqq.Caffers, th' Inhabitants of Sierra Liones ſo calD.DAgeſtan a Countrey of the Tartars ſubject to ſeveral Princes and Lords. 210.Dageſtan Tartars whyE.EArth-quakes frequent at Xante, 99.Zantotini, 107.2 great Earth-quakes at Zantorini, ibid.Several F.FAſts, four ſolemn Faſts in the year in Ruſſia, and the great Prophaneneſs therein committed. 154G.GAmeron, or Bendar in Perſia deſcribed. 349.Garlick and Onions much uſed in Ruſſia 137.GarriſendH.HAdzi Biram Aly, a rich Merchant in Perſia buys the Author. 229.The Author ſaves him from drowninI.St JAge [Inſul,] Situation, 6. and Deſcription 7. Japoneezes their Form, Nature, Habit and CuſtomK.Kabacks', Alehouſes or Taverns in Moſcovia, farmed of the Emperour. 156.Kabelang, a Province in FL.LAzaro Mocenigo fights the Argerines, Tripoleezes, &c. 103.Killed. 105.Laar, or Lar, a City in PM.MAdagaſcar; Situation of the Iſland. 15.Cuſtoms of the Inhabitants, 19.Their Marriages, 18.FuneN.NAchay, a little Fiſh of a wonderfull ſtrength. 225.Nagayan and Crim Tartars deſcribed. 181.NangO.OEtsjoege. 199.Onions and Garlick much eaten in Ruſſia. 137.The great Orchard near Tzurbag, how plP.PAdar, the Inhabitants of Koctep in Perſia ſo called, much addicted to ſtealing. 237.Pagods of SyQ.QUas, a Ruſſian Liquor. 139.R.RAdzin, his Offſpring, 183.The Reaſon of his Rebellion, 184.The firſt Inſolences he committed, S.SAbakſar. 165.Sakky, a Liquor uſed in Japon. 60.Samos, an Iſland in the Archipelago, 93.Two PriT.TAfflis, a City in Georgia. 249.Taurus [Mount.] 299.Teil-tree [ſee Linden tree] Temple of JeruſalV.VIathe, its Sterility but abundance of Furrs, Honey, and Fish. 136.Volſke, a Province in MoſcoviaW.WAter, conſecrated by the Armenian Chriſtians. 248.Wax a great Commodity in Moſcovia. 135.WhirlpoX.XAnte, an Iſland affoarding great plenty of wine. 74.Many Earth-quakes on that Iſland. 99.Great Z.ZAntorini, an Iſland ſubject to Earthquakes and Meteors. 107.Wine very cheap on this Iſland 107.
  2. ERRATA.

Types of content

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  • Oh, Mr. Jourdain, there is prose in there!

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14 (1), 15 (1), 16 (1), 17 (1), 18 (1), 19 (1), 20 (1), 21 (1), 22 (1), 23 (1), 24 (1), 25 (1), 26 (1), 28 (1), 29 (1), 30 (1), 31 (1), 32 (1), 33 (1), 34 (1), 35 (1), 36 (1), 37 (1), 38 (1), 39 (1), 40 (1), 41 (1), 42 (1), 43 (1), 44 (1), 45 (1), 46 (1), 48 (1), 49 (1), 50 (1), 51 (1), 52 (1), 53 (1), 54 (1), 55 (1), 56 (1), 57 (1), 58 (1), 59 (1), 60 (1), 61 (1), 62 (1), 63 (1), 64 (1), 65 (1), 66 (1), 67 (1), 68 (1), 69 (1), 70 (1), 71 (1), 72 (1), 73 (1), 74 (1), 75 (2), 76 (1), 77 (1), 78 (1), 79 (1), 80 (1), 81 (1), 82 (1), 83 (1), 84 (1), 85 (1), 86 (1), 88 (1), 89 (1), 90 (1), 92 (1), 93 (1), 94 (1), 95 (1), 96 (1), 97 (1), 98 (1), 99 (1), 100 (1), 101 (1), 102 (1), 103 (1), 104 (1), 105 (1), 106 (1), 107 (1), 108 (1), 109 (2), 110 (1), 111 (1), 112 (1), 113 (1), 114 (1), 115 (1), 116 (1), 117 (1), 118 (1), 119 (2), 120 (1), 121 (1), 122 (1), 123 (1), 124 (2), 125 (1), 126 (1), 127 (1), 128 (1), 129 (1), 130 (1), 131 (1), 134 (1), 135 (2), 136 (2), 137 (2), 138 (1), 140 (1), 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21. q 17
22. row 13
23. salute 4
24. seg 3 @rend (3) : decorInit (3)
25. signed 4
26. table 1
27. trailer 1


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