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#Saints no smiters, or, Smiting civil powers not the work of saints being a treatise, shewing the doctrine and atempts of Quinto-Monarchians, or, Fifth-Monarchy-Men about smiting powers, to be damnable and antichristian / by John Tombes ...#

##Tombes, John, 1603?-1676.## Saints no smiters, or, Smiting civil powers not the work of saints being a treatise, shewing the doctrine and atempts of Quinto-Monarchians, or, Fifth-Monarchy-Men about smiting powers, to be damnable and antichristian / by John Tombes ... Tombes, John, 1603?-1676.

##General Summary##


TCP catalogueHTMLEPUBPage images (Historical Texts)


This keyboarded and encoded edition of the work described above is co-owned by the institutions providing financial support to the Early English Books Online Text Creation Partnership. This Phase I text is available for reuse, according to the terms of Creative Commons 0 1.0 Universal. The text can be copied, modified, distributed and performed, even for commercial purposes, all without asking permission.

Major revisions

  1. 2004-11 TCP Assigned for keying and markup
  2. 2005-02 Apex CoVantage Keyed and coded from ProQuest page images
  3. 2005-04 John Latta Sampled and proofread
  4. 2005-04 John Latta Text and markup reviewed and edited
  5. 2005-10 pfs Batch review (QC) and XML conversion

##Content Summary##

#####Front##### Ex AEd. Lamb. Feb. 29. 1663.ImprimaturGeo. Stradling S. T. P. Rever. in Christo Pat. D. Gilb. Archie


  2. The Contents.


  1. Saints no Smiters: Smiting CIVIL POWERS not the work of SAINTS. OR, A Treatise shewing the Doctrine and Attempts of Quinto-Monarchians to be Damnable and Antichristian.

    _ § 1. The Occasion of this Writing is declared.

    _ § 2. The words of Quinto-monarchians expressing their Opinions about seeking Christ's Kingdom in this Age are recited.

    _ § 3. The Doctrine of smiting Powers is proved from Scripture Precepts to be Wicked.

    _ § 4. The Exceptions of Fifth-monarchy-men and others against the first Argument are refelled.

    _ § 5. Suppositions implyed in the Quinto-Monarchians exceptions are shewed to be uncertain, as those about the Stone & it's smiting. Dan. 2. 34. 44.

    _ § 6. Quinto-Monarchians Hypotheses about the Civil Governments, being from the Fourth Monarchy, Rome and the Dragon, are shewed to be groundless.

    _ § 7. More arguments are urged against Quinto-Monarchians Doctrine, from precepts and examples of holy persons.

    _ § 8. More arguments are urged from censures, and determinations in the New Testament.

    _ § 9. Quinto-Monarchians Doctrine of smiting civil powers urgeth to resisting of evil and self-revenging forbidden by Christ and his Apostles, and to most horrid Murthers, and great confusions.

    _ § 10. Quinto-Monarchians Doctrine tends to murder, and ruine of humane society.

    _ § 11. The 9thand 10tharguments against the smiting work of Quinto-Monarchians from the meekness, peaceableness, and patience of Saints.

    _ § 12. The Eleventh and Twelfth arguments from contrariety to the Martyrs agreement with Papists.

    _ § 13. The smiting work of Quinto-Monarchians is grounded on falsities, or uncertainties concerning the agents, means and time of smiting mentioned, Dan▪ 2. 34. 44, 45.

    _ § 14. Many things are groundless and false, which the Quinto-Monarchians suppose and take as articles of their faith concerning the Fifth-Monarchy, and its setting up.

    _ § 15. The claim which Quinto-Monarchians make to Civil government on earth in the Saints afore Christs coming is false.

    _ § 16. The Reasons and Arguments of Fifth-Monarchy Men for their separation and smiting civil powers, are shewed to be vain.


  1. Errata.

Types of content

  • Oh, Mr. Jourdain, there is prose in there!

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Character listing

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