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#A preservative of piety in a quiet reasoning for those duties of religion, that are the means and helps appointed of God for the preserving and promoting of godliness. Namely, I. Of four Christian-duties, viz. 1. Reading the Scriptures. 2. Preparation for the Lords Supper. 3. Estimation of the ministry. 4. Sanctification of the Lords-day-Sabbath. II. Of four family-duties, viz. 1. Houshold-catechising. 2. Family-prayer. 3. Repeating of sermons. 4. Singing of Psalms. With an epistle prefixt, to inform and satisfie the Christian reader, concerning the whole treatise. By William Thomas, rector of the church at Ubley in the county of Somerset.#

##Thomas, William, 1593-1667.## A preservative of piety in a quiet reasoning for those duties of religion, that are the means and helps appointed of God for the preserving and promoting of godliness. Namely, I. Of four Christian-duties, viz. 1. Reading the Scriptures. 2. Preparation for the Lords Supper. 3. Estimation of the ministry. 4. Sanctification of the Lords-day-Sabbath. II. Of four family-duties, viz. 1. Houshold-catechising. 2. Family-prayer. 3. Repeating of sermons. 4. Singing of Psalms. With an epistle prefixt, to inform and satisfie the Christian reader, concerning the whole treatise. By William Thomas, rector of the church at Ubley in the county of Somerset. Thomas, William, 1593-1667.

##General Summary##


TCP catalogueHTMLEPUBPage images (Historical Texts)


This keyboarded and encoded edition of the work described above is co-owned by the institutions providing financial support to the Early English Books Online Text Creation Partnership. This Phase I text is available for reuse, according to the terms of Creative Commons 0 1.0 Universal. The text can be copied, modified, distributed and performed, even for commercial purposes, all without asking permission.

Major revisions

  1. 2004-07 TCP Assigned for keying and markup
  2. 2004-09 SPi Global Keyed and coded from ProQuest page images
  3. 2004-10 Emma (Leeson) Huber Sampled and proofread
  4. 2004-10 Emma (Leeson) Huber Text and markup reviewed and edited
  5. 2005-01 pfs Batch review (QC) and XML conversion

##Content Summary##


  1. To my dearly beloved, the Church and Congregation belonging to my Charge, inhabiting within the Parish of Ubley in the County of Somerset: Grace and Peace.


  3. The Contents of the several Parts and Chapters of this Treatise.

    _ The First Part. Of Christian-Duties.

    _ The Second Part. Of Family-duties.

  4. ERRATA.

  5. The Preface.


  1. PART I.

    _ CHAP. I. A Call to Christians to the Reading of Scripture.

      1. Scripture-Commands.

    _ CHAP. II. Instructions for a profitable Receiving of the Lords Supper.

    • General Questions and Answers for the acquainting of the unlearned with the Foundations of Religion.

    • An help for unlearned Christians that they may not be unworthy Receivers.

    _ CHAP. III. Of the Estimation due to the Ministers of Christ.

      1. The Degree.
      1. The nature and quality of this Estimation; It must be, in love.
      1. The reason and ground of the Estimation, which is, for their works sake.

    _ CHAP. IV. Of the Observation of the Lords-day, or the Christian Sabbath.

      1. The Necessity of a Sabbath.
      1. The Commodity of the Christian Sabbath.
  2. Of the First Table.

  3. Of the Second Table.

      1. The Commendation.
      1. The Judgements of God, threatned against, and inflicted upon, Sabbath-profaners.
      1. The blessing and promises of God ann•xed and assured to that Day and the Observers ther•of.
  4. Of the Text in general.

  5. Of the Sabbath-duty, as it is prescribed (in way of Supposition) vers. 13.

  6. To the Sabbath Promises, ver. 14.

      1. Here is Profit and Provision. I will feed thee with the heritage of Jacob thy Father.
  7. The Second Part.

    _ CHAP. I. Of Family-Duties.

    • Texts of Scripture to prove Catechising in Families a duty.

    • Arguments or Reasons to confirm Catechising to be a necessary duty.

    • Motives and Perswasions to the duty of Catechising.

    _ CHAP. II. Of Family-Prayer.

    • The first Position.

    • The second Position.

    • The third Position.

    • The fourth Position.

    _ CHAP. III. Of Repetition of Sermons in Families.

    • Grounds of Scripture for Sermon-Repetition.

    _ CHAP. IV. Of Singing of Psalms, and namely, in Families. A Family-Prayer for the Morning.FAther of Mercies, and God of all Comfort 2 Cor. 1.3.; All thy works _ A Family-Prayer for the Morning.

    _ A Family-Prayer for the Evening.

    _ A shorter Prayer for the Morning.

    _ A shorter Prayer for the Evening.

    _ A Prayer for Children for the Morning.

    _ A Prayer for Children for the Evening.


  1. Some Books, printed and sold by Edward Thomas at the Adam and Eve in Little-Brittain.

Types of content

  • Oh, Mr. Jourdain, there is prose in there!

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Character listing

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