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#Memorials of the English affairs, or, An historical account of what passed from the beginning of the reign of King Charles the First, to King Charles the Second his happy restauration containing the publick transactions, civil and military : together with the private consultations and secrets of the cabinet.#

##Whitlocke, Bulstrode, 1605-1675 or 6.## Memorials of the English affairs, or, An historical account of what passed from the beginning of the reign of King Charles the First, to King Charles the Second his happy restauration containing the publick transactions, civil and military : together with the private consultations and secrets of the cabinet. Whitlocke, Bulstrode, 1605-1675 or 6.

##General Summary##


TCP catalogueHTMLEPUBPage images (Historical Texts)


This keyboarded and encoded edition of the work described above is co-owned by the institutions providing financial support to the Early English Books Online Text Creation Partnership. This Phase I text is available for reuse, according to the terms of Creative Commons 0 1.0 Universal. The text can be copied, modified, distributed and performed, even for commercial purposes, all without asking permission.

Major revisions

  1. 2006-02 TCP Assigned for keying and markup
  2. 2006-03 Apex CoVantage Keyed and coded from ProQuest page images
  3. 2006-04 Judith Siefring Sampled and proofread
  4. 2006-04 Judith Siefring Text and markup reviewed and edited
  5. 2006-09 pfs Batch review (QC) and XML conversion

##Content Summary##




  1. MEMORIALS OF THE ENGLISH AFFAIRS, During the REIGN of King Charles the Firſt. March 26. 1628.Car. 3 Then the King's Propoſals were taken into conſideration for Supplies. They ha

    • March 26. 1628.

    _ Anno 1629.

    _ Anno 1630.

    _ Anno 1631.

    _ Anno 1632.

    _ Anno 1633.

    _ Anno 1634.

    _ Anno 1635.

    _ Anno 1636.

    _ Anno 1637.

    _ Anno 1639.

    _ Anno 1640.

    _ Anno 1641.

    _ Anno 1642.

    _ Anno 1643.

    _ Anno 1644. April 1644. The Parliament ordered a day of publick thankſgiving for the good ſucceſs which it pleaſ

    • Feb. 1644.

    • March, 1644.

    _ Anno 1645.

    • April 1645.

    • May, 1645.

    • June, 1645.

    • July 1645.

    • Auguſt, 1645.

    • September, 1645.

    • October, 1645.

    • November, 1645.

    • December, 1645.

    • January, 1645.

    • February, 1645.

    • March, 1645. April, 1646.April 1. Paſſes for ſome to go beyond Seas.Difference about the Ordinance for Martial La

    • April, 1646.

    • May, 1646.

    • June, 1646.

    • July, 1646.

    • Auguſt, 1646.

    • September, 1646.

    • October, 1646.

    • November, 1646.

    • December, 1646.

    • January, 1646.

    • February, 1646.

    • March, 1646. April, 1647.April, 1. Orders for the Letter to the Agent in France, and for Ships to keep in Pyrates

    • April, 1647.

    • May, 1647.

    • June, 1647.

    • July, 1647.

    • Auguſt, 1647.

    • September, 1647.

    • October, 1647.

    • November, 1647.

    • December, 1647.

    • January, 1647.

    • February, 1647.

    • March, 1647. April, 1648.April 1. The Ordinance for the Admiralty after a long debate, paſſed, and ordered to be

    • April, 1648.

    • May, 1648.

    • June, 1648.

    • July, 1648.

    • Auguſt, 1648.

    • September, 1648.

    • October, 1648.

    • November, 1648.

    • December, 1648.

    • January, 1648.

    • February, 1648.

    • March, 1648. April, 1649.[1.] The Lord Mayor of London, Alderman Reynoldſon,Lord M. of London. attended the Houſe

    • April, 1649.

    • May, 1649.

    • June, 1649.

    • July, 1649.

    • Auguſt 1649.

    • September, 1649.

    • October 1649. October.

    • November, 1649.

    • December, 1649

    • January 1649.

    • February, 1649.

    • March, 1649. Aprill, 1650.[April. 1.] From Newcaſtle, That very many Cavaliers paſſe into Scotland, and ſome of t

    • Aprill, 1650.

    • May 1650.

    • June, 1650.

    • July 1650

    • Auguſt 1650.

    • September, 1650.

    • Octob. 1650.

    • Novemb. 1650.

    • December, 1650.

    • January 1650.

    • February 1650.

    • March 1650. April 1651.Lettert, That the Gentlemen who were ſent Priſoners to Edenburgh, about a Fortnight Scotl

    • April 1651.

    • May, 1651.

    • June 1651.

    • July, 1651.

    • Auguſt, 1651.

    • September 1651.

    • October 1651.

    • November 1651.

    • December 1651.

    • January 1651.

    • February 1651. Februa.

    • March 1651. April, 1652.[1.] Letters of Recruits Shiped for Ireland.A Letter Signed by Gerald Fitz-Gerald, in be

    • April, 1652.

    • May 1652.

    • June 1652.

    • July 1652.

    • Auguſt, 1652.

    • September 1652.

    • October 1652. October.

    • November 1652.

    • December, 1652.

    • January, 1652.

    • February, 1652.

    • March 1652. April, 1653.[1.] Letters from Ireland, of ſeveral Iriſh Tranſplanted by agreement. Iriſh.That Major

    • April, 1653.

    • May 1653.

    • June 1653.

    • July, 1653.

    • Auguſt 1653.

    • September, 1653.

    • October 1653.

    • November 1653.

    • December, 1653.

    • January, 1653. January.

    • February, 1653.

    • March, 1653. April, 1654.[April, 1.] Letters, that Collonel Cooper with a Party falling into the Enemies Quarters

    • April, 1654.

    • May 1654.

    • June, 1654.

    • July 1654.

    • Auguſt, 1654.

    • September, 1654.

    • October, 1654.

    • November, 1654.

    • December, 1654.

    • January, 1654.

    • February, 1654.

    • March, 1654. April, 1655.April, 1655. The Protector and his Councel iſſued many Orders for the apprehending of ſe

    • April, 1655.

    • May, 1655.

    • June, 1655.

    • July, 1655.

    • Auguſt, 1655.

    • September 1655.

    • October, 1655.

    • November, 1655.

    • December 1655.

    • January 1655.

    • February, 1655.

    • March 1655. March. April, 1656.Letters of great appearances of the Country at the aſſizes, and that the Gentlemen of Gr

    • April, 1656.

    • May, 1656.

    • June 1656.

    • July, 1656. July.

    • Auguſt 1656.

    • September 1656.

    • October, 1656.

    • November, 1656.

    • December, 1656.

    • January, 1656.

    • February, 1656.

    • March, 1656. April, 1657.Anno 1657[2.] Application in a buſineſs in Parliament by the Lord Fitz-William.[3.] A Bi

    • April, 1657.

    • May, 1657.

    • June 1657.

    • July, 1657.

    • Auguſt, 1657. Auguſt.

    • September, 1657.

    • October, 1657.

    • November, 1657.

    • December, 1657.

    • January, 1657.

    • February, 1657.

    • March, 1657. April, 1658.11. A Collection for the perſecuted Proteſtants in Poland, and in Bohemia.Proteſtants. 1

    • April, 1658.

    • May, 1658.

    • June, 1658.

    • July, 1658.

    • Auguſt, 1658.

    • September, 1658.

    • October, 1658.

    • Novem. 1658.

    • December, 1658.

    • January, 1658.

    • February, 1658.

    • March, 1658. April, 1659.Anno 1659 5. The Title of the Declaration for the Faſt, Title. was voted to be of the Pr

    • April, 1659.

    • May, 1659.

    • June, 1659.

    • July, 1659.

    • Auguſt, 1659.

    • September, 1659.

    • October, 1659.

    • November, 1659.

    • December, 1659.

    • January, 1659.

    • February, 1659.

    • March, 1659. April, 1660.Anno 1660 2. News of ſeveral Elections of Parliament-men in ſeveral places.3. The Office

    • April, 1660.

    • May, 1660.



  2. ERRATA.

  3. To the Bookbinder.

Types of content

  • There are 23 verse lines!
  • There are 139 drama parts! This is prose drama.
  • Oh, Mr. Jourdain, there is prose in there!

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Character listing

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27. q 131
28. salute 10
29. seg 53 @rend (2) : decorInit (2) • @type (51) : milestoneunit (51)
30. signed 40
31. sp 139
32. speaker 139
33. trailer 4


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