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#Certain errors in navigation detected and corrected by Edw. Wright ; with many additions that were not in the former editions.#

##Wright, Edward, 1558?-1615.## Certain errors in navigation detected and corrected by Edw. Wright ; with many additions that were not in the former editions. Wright, Edward, 1558?-1615.

##General Summary##


TCP catalogueHTMLEPUBPage images (Historical Texts)


This keyboarded and encoded edition of the work described above is co-owned by the institutions providing financial support to the Early English Books Online Text Creation Partnership. This Phase I text is available for reuse, according to the terms of Creative Commons 0 1.0 Universal. The text can be copied, modified, distributed and performed, even for commercial purposes, all without asking permission.

Major revisions

  1. 2004-10 TCP Assigned for keying and markup
  2. 2004-12 SPi Global Keyed and coded from ProQuest page images
  3. 2005-01 Mona Logarbo Sampled and proofread
  4. 2005-01 Mona Logarbo Text and markup reviewed and edited
  5. 2005-04 pfs Batch review (QC) and XML conversion

##Content Summary##


  1. Additions To this Edition that were not in the former.

  2. To the Worshipfull Captain Thomas Whetstone Esquire.


  4. The Preface to the Reader.

    _ The summe of the Treatise following.



    _ CHAP. I. Faults in the common Sea-Chart, with Rumbes expressed by right lines, and degrees of Latitude, every where equall.

    _ CHAP. II. How the former Errors may be avoyded.

    _ CHAP. III. The use of the two first columnes of the Table of Latitudes, for graduating a Meridian in the general Sea-Chart.

    _ CHAP. IIII. 〈◊〉 way for graduating the Meridian of a general Sea-Chart.

    _ CHAP. V. The use of the table of Latitudes for the true graduating of a particular Sea-Chart.

    _ CHAP. VI. The breadth of a particular Chart being given, to divide the same into the degrees and minutes contained in the difference of the least and greatest Latitudes therein to be expressed.

    _ CHAP. VII. The use of the third columne of the table of Latitudes.

    _ CHAP. VIII. How to describe the Rumbes mechanically in any Sea-chart, Globe, or Mappe of what forme soever.

    _ CHAP. IX. The use of the table of Latitudes for making the table of Rumbs.

    • The Table of Rumbs.

    _ CHAP. X. The use of this Table of Rumbs.

    _ CHAP. XI. A most plaine and sensible demonstration of the agreement of the Nautical Planisphaere, before described, with the Globe and of the disagreement of the common Sea-chart from them both.

    _ CHAP. XII. The use of this Planisphaere.

    _ CHAP. XIII Error in the use of the Compasse, by the Variation neglected, and how to observe and avoid the same.

    • The making of the Sea-Rings.

    _ CHAP. XIIII. To find the Inclination or dipping of the Magnetical needle under the Horizon.

    _ CHAP. XV. Error in using the Crosse-staffe, and how they may be avoided.

    _ CHAP. XVI. Faults amended in the Table of the Suns Declination: commonly called the Regiment of the Sun.

    _ CHAP. XVII Of the Table of declination of every minute of the Ecliptick in degrees, minutes and seconds: Made according to the greatest obliquitie of the Zodiak this present age: which by exact observation, is found to bo 23 degrees 31 minutes and an halfe·

    _ CHAP. XVIII. The use of the Table of Declination

    _ CHAP. XIX. The description and use of a great Quadrant, for Observation of the Sun on Land.

    _ CHAP. XX. The finding of the Suns Apogeum and Eccentricitie, out of the former Observations.

    _ CHAP. XXI. The middle motion of the Sun, Corrected out of the former Observations.

    _ CHAP. XXII. A new Theorick of the Sun for the making of the Table of the Suns Prosthaphaereses following.

    _ CHAP. XXIII. The making of the Ephemerides of the Sun here following.

    _ CHAP. XXIV. How to reduce the apparent time to the equal time answering thereto.

    _ CHAP. XXV. A Table of Equations of the Suns Ephemerides.

    _ CHAP. XXVI. The use of these Ephemerides.

    _ CHAP, XXVII▪ The making of the Table of the Suns Declination.

    _ CHAP. XXVIII. The use of the former Table, or regiment of the Sun.

    _ CHAP. XXIX. The Declinations of the principal fixed stars about the Equinoctial, corrected by Observation.

    _ CHAP, XXX. The use of the former Table.

    _ CHAP. XXXI. The true distances of certain principal fixed Stars from the North Pole, found by late observation.

    _ CHAP. XXXII. To know at what time any of the foresaid fixed stars come to the Meridian for any day of the year.

    _ CHAP. XXXIII. By the former Tables of the fixed Stars, and the Suns right ascensions, to know the hour of the night, at any time of the year.

    _ CHAP. XXXIV. Of finding the elevation of the Pole, by observation of the Pole-star and Guard.

    _ CHAP. XXXV. The description and parts of the Sea-Quadrant.

    _ CHAP. XXXVI. Of the Nocturnal or Night-dial.

    _ CHAP. XXXVII. The use of the Sea-Quadrant: and that first in observing the height of the Sun, looking onely by the sight at the center, to the Horizon at Sea.

    _ CHAP. XXXVIII. How with this Quadrant to observe the height of the Sun, with your back turned towards the Sun.

    _ CHAP. XXXIX. How to observe with this Quadrant, the height of the Sun, or Star, looking both to the Sun or Star, and to the Horizon.

    _ CHAP. XL. How to find the height of the Pole, by Observation of the Pole-star and Guard, without giving or taking any allowance or abatement, at any time when the Pole-star, the Guard, and Horizon may be seen.

    • To know the Hour of the Night by the Nocturnall.

SIMON STEVIN his Errors, in blaming me of error in my Tables of Rumbs. THE DIVISION OF THE WHOLE ART OF NAVIGATION.THE whole Art of Navigation, which teacheth us to sail b _ THE DIVISION OF THE WHOLE ART OF NAVIGATION.

  * CHAP. I. The Definition of the Sphere.

  * CHAP. II. That the whole World is a Sphere.

  * CHAP. III. Of the division of the Sphere.

  * CHAP. IV. Of the motion of the Heavens.

  * CHAP. V. Of the Figure of the Heavens.

  * CHAP. VI. That the Earth and Water make one perfect Globe.

  * CHAP. VII. That the Earth is in the center of the World.

  * CHAP. VIII. The whole quantity of the Earth.

  * CHAP. IX. Of the Equinoctial Circle.

  * CHAP. X. Of the Poles of the World.

  * CHAP, XI. Of the Eclipticke line

  * CHAP. XII. Of the Declination of the Sun.

  * CHAP. XIII. Of the Colures.

  * CHAP. XIV. Of the Meridian circle.

  * CHAP. XV. Of the Horizon.

  * CHAP. XVI. Of the 32 Winds.

  * CHAP. XVII. Of the two Tropicks.

  * CHAP. XVIII. Of the Parallels

  * CHAP. XIX. Of the Degrees.

  * CHAP. XX. What is meant by Longitude and Latitude.

_ THE SECOND PART OF THE Art of Navigation.

  * CHAP. 1. The making of the Astrolabe.

  * CHAP. II. Of the heighth of the Sun.

  * CHAP. III. Of the Shadows.

  * CHAP. IIII. Of the Regiment and Rules of the Sun.

The first Rule of the Sun.

The second Rule of the Sun.

The third Rule of the Sun.

The fourth Rule of the Sun·

The fifth Rule of the Sun.

  * CHAP. V. Of the Declination of the Sun, and of his Tables.

How the Declination of the Sun may be found out.

  * CHAP. VI. The Equation of the Suns Declination

  * CHAP. VII. Foure examples for the plainer declaration of that which is said before.

An example of the second Rule.

The second example of the third Rule.

Example of the fourth Rule.

An example of the fifth Rule.

A second example of the fifth Rule.

The third example of the fifth Rule.

  * CHAP. VIII. Another manner of accounting by the Sun, as they use in Portugall.

  * CHAP. IX. How the height of the Sun may be known in any place whatsoever without an Astrolabe; first knowing your distance from the Equinoctial.

  * CHAP. X. The Rule or Regiment of the North-star, for the knowledge of the heighth of the Pole.

  * CHAP. XI. The making of the Cross-staff.

  * CHAP. XII. Of the position of the North-star, and the Guards.

  * CHAP. XIII. Of the heighth of the Star taken with the Crosse-staffe.

  * CHAP. XIIII. The regiment or Rules of the North Star.

The first Rules.

The second Rule.

The third Rule.

The fourth Rule.

The fifth Rule.

The sixth Rule.

The seventh Rule.

The eight Rule.

  * CHAP. XV. Other things to be noted in Observing the heighth of the Pole.

  * CHAP. XVI. Of the Crosiers.

  * CHAP. XVII. Of the Sea-Compass.

  * CHAP. XVIII. How the Variation of the Compasse may be found.

The finding of the Meridian-line.

  * CHAP. XIX Of the Sea-chart.

  * CHAP. XX. Of the point of Imagination.

  * CHAP. XXI. Of the Traverse or Geometrical point.

  * CHAP. XXII. Of the amending of the point of imagination.

The amendment of the point of imagination by the traverse point.

The amendment of the point of imagination by North, South, East, and West.

  * CHAP. XXIII. The point by imagination, and the heighth.

  * CHAP. XXIV. What it is to increase or diminish in heighth.

  * CHAP. XXV. How you may cast a traverse point without Compasses.

  * CHAP. XXVI. Of another kind of casting a point by traverse.

  * CHAP. XXVII. Of the leagues which in Navigation answer to each degree of Latitude in every Rumb.

  * CHAP. XXVIII. How you may come to know the Longitude or the course from East to West.

  * CHAP. XXIX. How you may set down in your Chart a new Land, never before discovered.

  * CHAP. XXX. Seeing two known points or Capes of land as you sail along, how you may know the distance of your ship from them.

  * CHAP. XXXI. Of the account of the Moone.

The first Rule of the Golden number.

The second Rule of the concurrent.

The third Rule of the Conjunction.

The fourth Rule of the full and quarters of the Moone.

The fifth Rule of the Spring-tides and Neap-tides.

An example whereby the foresaid Rules are made more plain.

  * CHAP. XXXII. Of the daily Tides.

The first Rule.

The second Rule.

The third Rule.

The fourth Rule.

The fifth Rule.

An example of the said Rules▪

  * CHAP. XXXIII. Of a certain Instrument, whereby you may in generall judge of the Tides.

The use of this Instrument.

  * CHAP. XXXIIII. Of the making of an universall Diall, which may serve Generally all the World over.

  * CHAP. XXXV. Of the parts of this Instrument.

  * CHAP. XXXVI. How you may know what a clock it is by this Instrument.

  * CHAP. XXXVII. Of the Variation of the Compasse, by this Instrument.

  * CHAP. XXXVIII. At what hour the Sun riseth and setteth every day, in all parts of the world.

  * CHAP. XXXIX. Of the length of the Day and of the Night.

  * CHAP. XL. Of a Night-diall by the North.

The Rule▪

As for example.

As for example. BEcause the Tables of the Suns Declination that have bin most in use amongst English Sea-men, doe bo By the height of the Pole-star to know the height of the Pole.

  1. An Addition touching the Variation of the Compasse.


  1. A Table Shewing the Contents of this Treatise.

  2. The Contents of the TREATISE Of the ART of NAVIGATION.

  3. Made and sold by Joseph Moxon, at his shop, on Cornhil, at the signe of Atlas.

  4. The Haven-finding Art, Or The way to find any Haven or place appoynted at Sea.

    _ How any Haven or place at Sea may be found, the Latitude and variation of the same place only being known.

    _ A declaration of the form •r Table or veiw of variations.

    • The first definition.

    • The second Definition.

    • The third Definition.

    • The fourth Definition.

    _ How the North point, and the variation may be found.

Types of content

  • There are 2 verse lines!
  • Oh, Mr. Jourdain, there is prose in there!

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Character listing

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