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#Anguis flagellatus, or, A switch for the snake being an answer to the third and last edition of The snake in the grass : wherein the author's injustice and falshood, both in quotation and story, are discover'd and obviated, and the truth doctrinally deliver'd by us, stated and maintained in opposition to his misrepresentation and perversion / by Joseph Wyeth ; to which is added a supplement, by George Whitehead.#

##Wyeth, Joseph, 1663-1731.## Anguis flagellatus, or, A switch for the snake being an answer to the third and last edition of The snake in the grass : wherein the author's injustice and falshood, both in quotation and story, are discover'd and obviated, and the truth doctrinally deliver'd by us, stated and maintained in opposition to his misrepresentation and perversion / by Joseph Wyeth ; to which is added a supplement, by George Whitehead. Wyeth, Joseph, 1663-1731.

##General Summary##


TCP catalogueHTMLEPUBPage images (Historical Texts)


This keyboarded and encoded edition of the work described above is co-owned by the institutions providing financial support to the Early English Books Online Text Creation Partnership. This Phase I text is available for reuse, according to the terms of Creative Commons 0 1.0 Universal. The text can be copied, modified, distributed and performed, even for commercial purposes, all without asking permission.

Major revisions

  1. 2005-02 TCP Assigned for keying and markup
  2. 2005-04 SPi Global Keyed and coded from ProQuest page images
  3. 2005-05 Haley Pierson Sampled and proofread
  4. 2005-05 Haley Pierson Text and markup reviewed and edited
  5. 2005-10 pfs Batch review (QC) and XML conversion

##Content Summary##

#####Front##### Academiae Cantabrigiensis Liber



  3. ERRATA.


  1. Anguis Flagellatus: OR, A SWITCH FOR THE Snake in the Grass.

    _ INTRODUCTION. Wherein also the Preface and Introduction of the Snake are Consider'd and Reply'd to.

    • The Preface considered.

    • The Introduction considered.

    _ SECT. I. Our Principle of the Light of Christ in Men, shewn to be Scriptural, and our Books herein agreeable thereto.

    _ SECT. II. Shewing, that we do not make our Souls of the same Person and Substance with God, nor aspire to an Equality with him.

    _ SECT. III. We do own and believe, that it is our Duty to press on to Perfection; which by the assistance of the Spirit of God we believe it possible to attain unto.

    _ SECT. IV. Concerning our Belief of Immediate Revelation.

    _ SECT. V. Shewing that Infallibility is by us placed in the Holy Spirit, and only is ours, as guided by that.

    _ SECT. VI. Concerning the Authority of the Holy Scriptures.

    _ SECT. VII. His Charge of Idolatry refuted, and the Quotations restor'd from his Perversions.

    _ SECT. VIII. Concerning Our Belief, in the Holy Three that bear Record in Heaven.

    _ SECT. IX. Concerning our Belief of the Divinity and Incarnation of Christ.

    _ SECT. X. Concerning the Satisfaction of Christ in Opposition to the false Charges of the Snake herein.

    _ SECT. XI. Concerning the Resurrection of the Body.

    _ SECT. XII. Concerning Baptism and the Supper, commonly called Sacraments.

    _ SECT. XIII. That Popish Emissaries did not first set up Quakerism in England, as is said by the Snake.

    _ SECT. XIV. Shewing that We do not Damn all the Christian World but our Selves.

    _ SECT. XV. The Holy Spirit, Professed by the Quakers, proved to be neither Venemous or Nasty, as charged by the Snake; but prov'd to be his own True Character.

    _ SECT. XVI. Of Fighting and Loyalty.

    _ SECT. XVII. Concerning Tythes.

    _ SECT. XVIII. Shewing that the Pretensions of the Present Quakers (as of the Former,) to the Spirit of Prophecy, Infallibility, &c. is according to, and agreeable with the Scriptures of Truth.

    _ SECT. XIX. The Charge of Visible Possessions by the Devil, Examined and Refuted.

    _ SECT. XX. Of Enthusiasm or Inspiration, as said by the Snake, to be Owned by the Church of England.

    _ SECT. XXI. His Falsly Entituled Impartial Comparison, shewn to be Prophane, and such as does equally affect the Church of England.

    _ SECT. XXII. A Reply to what the Author stiles, Some Remarks upon George Whitehead's Creed, Relating to some of the Particulars beforegoing, taken out of the Antidote, &c.

    _ SECT. XXIII. Some Reflections by G. W. upon A Supplement, pretended, upon occasion of his Answer to the Snake in the Grass, p. 343.

Types of content

  • Oh, Mr. Jourdain, there is prose in there!

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Character listing

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23. q 260
24. salute 2
25. signed 13
26. trailer 1


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