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#Actes and monuments of matters most speciall and memorable, happenyng in the Church. [vol. 1] with an vniuersall history of the same, wherein is set forth at large the whole race and course of the Church, from the primitiue age to these latter tymes of ours, with the bloudy times, horrible troubles, and great persecutions agaynst the true martyrs of Christ, sought and wrought as well by heathen emperours, as nowe lately practised by Romish prelates, especially in this realme of England and Scotland. Newly reuised and recognised, partly also augmented, and now the fourth time agayne published and recommended to the studious reader, by the author (through the helpe of Christ our Lord) Iohn Foxe, which desireth thee good reader to helpe him with thy prayer. Actes and monuments#

##Foxe, John, 1516-1587.## Actes and monuments of matters most speciall and memorable, happenyng in the Church. [vol. 1] with an vniuersall history of the same, wherein is set forth at large the whole race and course of the Church, from the primitiue age to these latter tymes of ours, with the bloudy times, horrible troubles, and great persecutions agaynst the true martyrs of Christ, sought and wrought as well by heathen emperours, as nowe lately practised by Romish prelates, especially in this realme of England and Scotland. Newly reuised and recognised, partly also augmented, and now the fourth time agayne published and recommended to the studious reader, by the author (through the helpe of Christ our Lord) Iohn Foxe, which desireth thee good reader to helpe him with thy prayer. Actes and monuments Foxe, John, 1516-1587.

##General Summary##


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Major revisions

  1. 2003-06 TCP Assigned for keying and markup
  2. 2003-08 SPi Global Keyed and coded from ProQuest page images
  3. 2003-11 Jonathan Blaney Sampled and proofread
  4. 2003-11 Jonathan Blaney Text and markup reviewed and edited
  5. 2003-12 pfs Batch review (QC) and XML conversion

##Content Summary##


  1. The Kalender.

  2. Ad Dominum Iesum Christum Seruatorem clementissimum, Eucharisticon. Ioan. Foxi.

  3. ¶ To the Right Vertuous, most Excellent and Noble Princesse, Queene ELIZABETH, our dread Lady, by the grace of God, Queene of England, Fraunce and Ireland, Defender of Christes Faith and Gospell, and principall Gouernour both of the Realme, and also ouer the sayd Churche of England and Ireland, vnder Christ the Supreme head of the same▪ &c. Iohn Foxe her humble subiect wisheth daily increase of Gods holy spirite and Grace, with long raigne, perfect health, and ioyfull peace, to gouerne hys flocke committed to her charge, to the example of all good Princes, the comforte of his Churche, and glory of hys blessed name.

  4. Ad doctum Lectorem Ioh. Foxus.

  5. To the true and faythfull Congregation of Christes Vniuersall Church, with all and singuler the members therof, wheresoeuer congregated or dispersed through the Realme of England, a Protestation or Petition of the Author, wishing to the same aboundaunce of all peace and tranquility, with the speedy comming of Christ the Spouse, to make an ende of all mortall myserye.

  6. The vtilitie of this Story.

  7. To all the professed frendes and followers of the Popes proceedinges, foure Questions propounded.

    _ *The first Question.

    _ ¶The second Question.

    _ The 3. question.¶ The third Question.

    _ ¶The fourth Question.

  8. Foure considerations geuen out to Christian Protestantes professours of the Gospell with a briefe exhortation inducing to reformation of life.

    _ ¶ The first consideration.

    _ ¶ The second consideration.

    _ ¶ The third consideration.

    _ ¶ The fourth consideration. In Martyrologium Ioan. Foxi, Laurentius Humfredus.TRistes Iliadas docti miramur Homeri:Quas scite st _ In Martyrologium Ioan. Foxi, Laurentius Humfredus.

    _ In Sanct. Martyrum historiam, Abrah. Hartwelus.

    _ In idem argumentum. Rob. R.

    _ Eiusdem.

    _ In Acta Martyrum, Carmen, Thom. Drant.

    _ Contra Papistas incendiarios.

    _ ¶In idem argumentum Aegidius Fletcher Cantabrigiensis.

    _ In idem argumentum Tho. Ridley Cantabrigiensis.

    _ M. M. S.

    _ In sanguisugas Papistas, Philippus Stubbes.


  1. Actes and Monumentes of Christian Martyrs, and matters Ecclesiasticall, passed in the Church of Christ from the Primitiue beginning, to these our dayes, as well in other Countreys, as namely, in this Realme of England, and also of Scotland, discoursed at large.

    _ ¶ The Summe of S. Paules doctrine deliuered to the Gentiles.

    _ An other briefe recapitulation of the same

    _ ¶Here foloweth a Summary collection of the errours, heresies, and absurdities conteyned in the popes doctrine, contrary to the rules of Gods vvord, and the first institution of the Church of Rome.

    • ¶ Of workes, and the law.

      • Of Sinne.
      • Of Penaunce, or Repentaunce.
    • ¶Difference betweene the law and the Gospell.

    • Of free will.

    • Of Inuocation, and Adoration.

      • Of Sacramentes, Baptisme and the Lordes Supper.
    • *Of Matrimony.

    • Of Magistrates and ciuill gouernement.

    • Of Purgatory.

    • A Christen man after the Popes making defined.

  2. ¶The first booke contayning the 300. yeares next after Christ.

    _ * Of Iames the brother of the Lord, thus we read in the story of Clement and Egesippus.

    _ A description of the X. first persecutions in the Primitiue Church.

    • *The first Persecution.

    • The second Persecution.

    • *The third Persecution.

    • Hadrian Emperour.

    • *The fourth Persecution.

    • The fift Persecution.

    • *The sixt Persecution.

    • The seuenth Persecution.Decius Emperour.

    • The eight Persecution.

    • The ix. Persecution.

    • The x. Persecution.

  3. THE SECOND BOOKE, CONTAINING the next 300. yeares following, with such things specially touched, as haue happened in England, from the time of king Lucius, to Gregorius, and so after to the time of king Egebert.

    _ A description of England, as it was deuided in the Saxones time into vij. kingdomes.

    • The entring and raigning of the Saxons.

    • A Table describing the seuen kingdoms of the Saxons, raigning here in England.

    _ The questions of Austen Archbyshop of Caunterbury sent to Gregory, with the aunswere againe of Gregory to the same.

    • The first interrogation.

    • The aunswere.

    • The seconde interrogation.

    • The aunswere.

    • The thyrd interrogation.

    • The aunswere.

    • The fourth interrogation.

    • The aunswere.

    • The fift interrogation.

    • The aunswere.

    • The sixt interrogation.

    • The aunswere.

    • The seuenth interrogation.

    • The aunswere.

    • The eight interrogation.

    • The aunswere.

    • The ninth interrogation.

    • The Aunswere. To returne now to the story againe, Gregory after he had sent these resolutions to the questions of

    • The kingdom of Northumberland ceaseth.

    • The conclusion of the story precedent, concerning the seuen kingdoms of the Saxon kings aboue mentioned.

      • The donations and priuiledges granted and geuen by King Ethelbald, to religious men of the Church.
  4. THE THIRD BOOKE CONTEINING THE next 300. yeares, from the raigne of King Egbertus, to the tyme of William Conquerour.

    _ ¶ King Egbertus.

    _ * King Athelwolfus.

    _ * The Priuiledges and donations geuen by king Ethelwulfus to the Clergie.

    _ ¶King Ethelbalde.

    _ * King Alured otherwise called Alfrede.

    _ In Regem Alfredum, & virtutum illius claram memoriam.

    _ King Edward the elder.

    _ ¶ King Ethelstane, or Adelstane.

    _ King Edmund.

    _ * King Edwine.

    _ ¶ King Edgar.

    _ King Edward called the Martyr.

    _ King Egelred, or Elred.

    _ Edmund Ironside a Saxon, and Canutus a Dane, Kings together in England.

    _ King Edward called the Confessor.

    _ ¶ De iure & appendijs regni Britannia, & quod sit officium Regis.

    _ * King Harold.

  5. THE FOVRTH BOOKE CONTEINING other 300. yeares from William Conquerour, to the tyme of Iohn Wickliffe, wherein is described the proude and misordered raigne of Antichrist, beginning to stirre in the Church of Christ.

    _ The tragicall historie of Gregorie the vij. otherwise named Hildebrand.

    _ William Rufus.

    _ Wherein the Greeke Church differeth from the Latine.

    • Appendix Historiae.

    _ King Henry the first.

    _ King Stephen.

    _ King Henry the second.

    _ The life and history of Thomas Becket Archbishop of Canterbury.

    _ The communication and controuersie betweene the king and Thomas Becket with hys Clergye.

    _ The aduise of the bishops for Thomas Becket.

    _ ¶ A briefe Censure vpon the former rescript of Becket to his Suffraganes, in the page before with a generall resolution of the reasons therein contained.

    _ ¶ The talke betweene the French king, the king of England, and Becket.

    _ The history of the Valdenses, concerning their originall, and doctrine, with their persecutions.

    _ ¶ Ex Inquisitorio quodam libello.

    _ Other incidences happening in the raigne of this Henry the second.

    _ ¶ King Richard.

    _ The troubles betwene Baldwine Archbishop of Caunterbury and, the Monkes of the same Church.

    _ A briefe story of William Byshop of Ely the Kynges Chauncellour.

    _ Kyng Iohn.

    _ * King Henry the third.

    _ The prophecie of Hildegardis, of the ruine of Rome, and agaynst the begging Friers.

    _ Variance betwene Pope Gregory the 9. and the Romanes.

    _ The effect of the Patriarch of Constantinople his letter to Pope Gregory. 9.

    _ ¶ An other Epistle of the sayd Germanus Patriarch of Constantinople, and Primate of the Greek Church, to the Cardinals of Rome.

    _ * A briefe table or declaration of the Popes unreasonable gatherings, exactions, and oppressions in the Realme of England.

    _ The intollerable oppression of the Realme of England, by the Popes exactions and contributions and other sleightes here vsed in the time of K. Henry 3.

    _ * The lamentable ouerthrow and slaughter of the French armey fighting agaynst the Infidels, through the sinister councell of the Popes Legate.

    _ The whole tragicall history of Fredericke, 2. Emperor, translated out of the Latine booke of Nich. Cisnerus.

    _ ¶ Certaine Notes of other occurrents chaunced in forreine Countryes abroad within the compasse of yeares and raygne of the foresayd King Henry the thyrd.

    _ King Edward the first.

    _ ¶ A declaration of maister William Nagareta, made against Pope Boniface the eight, with his appellation also made at Paris, afore the kyng and his Counsaile in the Church of Paris.

    _ The appeale made by the king and the louers of the Realme against Boniface.

    _ * Another sitting in the Parliament.

    _ ¶ A briefe recapitulation of the Byshops answere, wyth certaine notes answering to his Popish reasons vnto the Reader.

    _ King Edward the second.

    _ Summa. 30. marce & dimidi.

    _ King Edward the 3.

    _ * The Conclusion of this Fourth Booke.

  6. THE FIFT BOOKE CONTEYning the last 300. yeares from the loosing out of Satan.

    _ Armachanus.

    _ ¶ The three assertions of Ioannes de Poliaco, which he was caused by the Pope to recant at Paris.

    _ Notes to be obserued in this former Oration of Armachanus.

    _ Notes of the Parliament holden in the 20. yeare of king Edward 3.

    _ Notes of the 25. yeare of kyng Edward the third.

    _ Notes of the 38. yeare of king Edward the third.

    _ Notes of the 40. yeare of king Edward the third.

    _ Ex Archiuis regiae maiestatis. an. 50. Reg. Ed. 3. tit. 94. Notes of the 50. yeare of king Edward the third.

    _ ¶ Iohn Wickliffe.

    _ King Richard the second.

    _ ¶ Further examinations and procedings against the foresayd Nich. Herford, Phillip Reppindon, and Io. Aishton.

    _ An examination of the foresayd supposed Statute and of the inualiditie therof.

    _ * Matters incident of Robert Rigges, Uicechauncellor of Oxford. Nicholas Herford, and Phillip Repington, with other.

    _ ¶ Iohn Wickliffes aunswere vnto K. Richard the second, as touching the right and title of the king and the Pope.

    _ The history of William Swinderby.

    _ Here followeth the processe of Iohn Tresnant Bishop of Herford had against the aforesaid William Swinderby in the cause of hereticall prauitie as the popishe heretickes cal it.The proces of the B. of Hereford against W. Swinderby.

    _ ¶ The act of the first day.

    _ ¶ The second dayes act.

    _ ¶ The third dayes act.

    _ ¶ The fourth dayes act.

    _ ¶ The sentence.

    _ ¶ The story and processe agaynst Walter Brute.

    _ The processe had by Bohn Byshop of Hereford, agaynst Walter Brute lay man, and learned, of the dioces of Hereford, touching the cause of heresie, as they called it, set forward by the way of the Byshops office &c. at the instruction of certain faithful Christians, as he termed them, but in deed cruell and false promoters.

    • ¶ These verses following, were annexed vnto the conclusions.

    • ¶ The which verses are thus Englished. After these conclusions were thus proposed in the Parliament, the king not long after returned home _ King Henry the fourth.

    _ ¶ The burning of William Sawtre.

    _ ¶ Iohn Badby Artificer.

    _ ¶ William Thorpe.

    _ ¶ Iohn Puruey.

    _ * Notes of certaine Parliament matters passed in this kings dayes.

    _ ¶ King Henry the fift.

    _ ¶ The trouble and persecution of the Lord Cobham.

    _ ¶ The Christen beliefe of the Lorde Cobham.

    _ * The first examination of the Lorde Cobham.

    _ * The determination of the Archbyshop and Clergy.

    _ * An other examination of the Lorde Cobham.

    _ ¶ Notes touching the statute prefixed.

    _ ¶ Notes or considerations vpon the Inditement and Commission aboue prefixed.

    _ Statut. an. 2. Henri. 4. cap. 15. Intituled in the Rolle thus: Petitio Cleri contra heteticos, and assented vnto in this forme.

    _ The entry of the story of the Bohemians.

    _ The obiections of Iohn Hus and of his part, agaynst the decree of the Doctors.

    _ ¶ The Councell of Constance.

    _ The Tragicall and lamentable history of the famous learned man and godly Martyr of Christ, maister Hierome of Prage, burned at Constance for like cause and quarrell as Maister Iohn Hus was. 1416.

    _ ¶ Grumpert Faber Notary of the Germaynes.

    _ The story of Zisca.

  7. THE SIXT PART OR SECTION, pertaining to the last 300. yeares.

    _ A preface to the reader. King Henry 6.THis yong prince being vnder the age of one yeare, after the death of his father,Anno. _ Iohn Florence a Turner.

    _ Richard Belward of Erisam in the Dioces of Norwich.

    _ ¶ William White Priest.

    _ Iohn Beuerley alias Battild,

    _ Iohn Skilley of Flixton Miller.

    _ The story of Margery Backster.

    _ Nicholas Canon of Eye.

    _ Thomas Bagley Priest.

    _ ¶ Paule Craw a Bohemian.

    _ The story of Thomas Rhedon, a French man, and a Carmelite Frier, burnt in Italy for the profession of Christ.

    _ ¶ Heere foloweth the order and maner of the Councell of Basill, touching the principall matters concluded therein, briefly collected and abridged heere in this present booke: The rest whereof we haue referred vnto our former edition, wherein the full discourse of the whole disputation is to be seene more at large, for suche as haue list and leisure to see more thereof.

    _ ¶ The lamentable losing of Constantinople.

    _ The history of Reynold Peeocke Byshop of Chichester, afflicted and imprisoned for the Gospell of Christ.

    _ Kyng Edward the fourth.

    _ ¶ Albertus Emperour.

    _ ¶ Fridericus the third Emperour.

    _ King Edward the 5.

    _ King Richard the third vsurper.

    _ King Henry the vij.

    _ Maximilian Emperour.

    _ ¶ Ottomannus the first great Emperour or Tyraunt of the Turkes.

    _ ¶ Orchanes the second Emperour after Ottomannus.

    _ ¶ Amurathes the 3. after Ottamannus.

    _ Baiazetes the 4. after Ottomannus.Baiazetes the 4. after Ottomannus.

    _ ¶ Calepinus the 5. after Ottomannus.

    _ ¶ Orchanes and Moses his vncle, the sixt after Ottomanus.

    _ ¶ Mahumetes the 7. after Ottomannus.

    _ ¶ Amurathes the second, 8. after Ottmannus.

    _ ¶Mahumetes second, the ix. after Ottomanus.

    _ ¶ Baiazetes second, the 10. after Ottomannus.

    _ Zelymus the 11. after Ottomannus.

    _ Solymannus the 12. after Ottomannus.

    _ ¶ A Notice touching the miserable persecution, slaughter and captiuity of the Christians vnder the Turkes.

    _ ¶ The deuision of Asia Minor, called Cheronesus, with the particular Countryes and Cityes belonging to the same.

    _ ¶ The Prophecyes of the holy Scriptures considered touching the comming vp and finall ruine and destruction of this wicked kingdome of the Turkes, with the Reuelations and foreshewinges also of other authours concerning the same

    • A comparison betweene the Syrians and the Turkes.

    _ ¶ The Prophesies of Methodius, Hildegardis and other, concerning the reygne and ruyne of the Turkes.

    _ Interpretation.

    _ ¶ A Prayer against the Turkes.

    _ William Tilsworth Martyr.

    _ The cruell handling of Thomas Chase of Amersham, wickedly strangled and martyred in the bishops prison at Wooburne, vnder W. Smith Bishop of Lincolne.

    _ ¶ Laurence Ghest.

    _ ¶ A faythfull woman burned.

  8. A briefe note of Ecclesiasticall lawes ordeined by auncient Kings in this Realme.

    _ ¶ A briefe recapitulation, of auncient Ecclesiasticall lawes by sondry Kinges of this Realme ordeyned, for gouernment of the Church, before the Conquest.

    _ ¶ Kyng Aethelrede, Anno. 979.

    _ ¶ Ecclesiasticall lawes of kyng Canutus.

  9. The Image of the true Catholicke Church of Christ.¶ The proude primacie of Popes paynted out in Tables, in order of their rising vp by little and little, from faythfull Byshops and Martyrs, to become Lords and gouernours ouer King and kingdomes, exalting themselues in the Temple of God, aboue all that is called God, &c. 2. Thessalonians. 2.

    _ ¶ The first rising of the Byshops of Rome.

    _ Byshops of Rome aduanced by Emperours, Constantinus, Theodosius. &c.¶ The exaltation of popes aboue Kinges and Emperours out of historyes.

    _ Kyng Iohns Supplication to Pope Innocent the third.

    _ Ex D. Paulo. 2. Thess. 2.¶ The Image of Antichrist, exalting himselfe in the Temple of God, aboue all that is named God, out of his owne Decrees, Decretals, Extrauagantes, Pontificals. &c. word for worde as it is out of the sayde bookes here alleaged and, quoted.

    _ Casus Papales 51. apud Fratrem Aste sanum siue de Ast. Doctorem solemnem in summa confessionis. Item apud Hostiensem, De offic. legat. reperti & his versibus comprehensi.

    _ Cases Papale, to the number of one and fiftie, wherin the Pope hath power onely to dispense and none els besides, except by speciall licence from hym.

#####Back##### A liuely picture describing the weight and substaunce of Gods most blessed word agaynst the doctrine¶ AT LONDON.Printed by Iohn Daye, dwelling ouer Aldersgate beneath Sainct Martins.Anno. 1583.Cum graA Table of the X. first Persecutions of the Primitiue Church vnder the Heathen Tyrannes of Rome, con Types of content

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  • Oh, Mr. Jourdain, there is prose in there!

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26. note 10201 @place (10201) : margin (10201) • @n (203) : 1 (7), 2 (5), 3 (5), 4 (4), 5 (3), 6 (2), * (104), 7 (1), ¶ (1), (A) (4), (B) (5), (C) (4), (D) (4), (E) (4), (F) (4), (G) (4), (H) (4), (I) (3), (K) (2), (L) (2), (M) (2), 39 (1), 186 (1), 187 (1), 188 (1), 189 (1), 190 (1), 192 (2), 193 (1), 194 (1), 195 (1), 196 (1), 197 (1), 198 (1), 199 (1), 200 (1), 201 (1), 202 (1), 203 (1), 204 (1), 205 (1), 206 (1), 207 (1), 208 (1), 209 (1), 210 (1), 211 (1), 212 (1), 213 (1)
27. opener 57
28. p 8596 @n (602) : 1 (25), 2 (40), 3 (41), 4 (38), 5 (35), 6 (31), 7 (32), 8 (30), 9 (30), 10 (23), 11 (21), 12 (20), 13 (16), 14 (17), 15 (15), 16 (15), 17 (12), 18 (13), 19 (9), 20 (8), 21 (8), 22 (7), 23 (8), 24 (7), 25 (8), 26 (7), 27 (7), 28 (5), 29 (4), 30 (5), 31 (4), 32 (4), 33 (4), 34 (4), 35 (4), 36 (4), 37 (4), 38 (4), 40 (4), 39 (2), 41 (2), 42 (1), 43 (2), 44 (1), 45 (1), 46 (1), 47 (1), 48 (1), 49 (1), 50 (1), 51 (1), 52 (1), 53 (1), 54 (1), 55 (1), 56 (1), 57 (1), 58 (1), 59 (1), 60 (1), 61 (1), 62 (1), 63 (1), 64 (1), 65 (1)
29. pb 816 @facs (816) : tcp:23024:1 (1), tcp:23024:2 (1), tcp:23024:3 (1), tcp:23024:4 (1), tcp:23024:5 (1), tcp:23024:6 (1), tcp:23024:7 (1), tcp:23024:8 (1), tcp:23024:9 (1), tcp:23024:10 (1), tcp:23024:11 (1), tcp:23024:12 (1), tcp:23024:13 (1), tcp:23024:14 (1), tcp:23024:15 (1), tcp:23024:16 (1), tcp:23024:17 (1), tcp:23024:18 (1), tcp:23024:19 (1), tcp:23024:20 (1), tcp:23024:21 (1), tcp:23024:22 (1), tcp:23024:23 (1), tcp:23024:24 (1), tcp:23024:25 (1), tcp:23024:26 (1), tcp:23024:27 (1), tcp:23024:28 (1), tcp:23024:29 (1), tcp:23024:30 (1), tcp:23024:31 (1), tcp:23024:32 (1), tcp:23024:33 (1), tcp:23024:34 (1), tcp:23024:35 (1), tcp:23024:36 (1), tcp:23024:37 (1), tcp:23024:38 (1), tcp:23024:39 (1), tcp:23024:40 (1), tcp:23024:41 (1), tcp:23024:42 (1), tcp:23024:43 (1), tcp:23024:44 (1), tcp:23024:45 (1), tcp:23024:46 (1), tcp:23024:47 (1), tcp:23024:48 (1), tcp:23024:49 (1), tcp:23024:50 (1), tcp:23024:51 (1), tcp:23024:52 (1), tcp:23024:53 (1), tcp:23024:54 (1), tcp:23024:55 (1), tcp:23024:56 (1), tcp:23024:57 (1), tcp:23024:58 (1), tcp:23024:59 (1), tcp:23024:60 (1), tcp:23024:61 (1), tcp:23024:62 (1), tcp:23024:63 (1), tcp:23024:64 (1), tcp:23024:65 (1), tcp:23024:66 (1), tcp:23024:67 (1), tcp:23024:68 (1), tcp:23024:69 (1), tcp:23024:70 (1), tcp:23024:71 (1), tcp:23024:72 (1), tcp:23024:73 (1), tcp:23024:74 (1), tcp:23024:75 (1), tcp:23024:76 (1), tcp:23024:77 (1), tcp:23024:78 (1), tcp:23024:79 (1), tcp:23024:80 (1), tcp:23024:81 (1), tcp:23024:82 (1), tcp:23024:83 (1), tcp:23024:84 (1), tcp:23024:85 (1), tcp:23024:86 (1), tcp:23024:87 (1), tcp:23024:88 (1), tcp:23024:89 (1), tcp:23024:90 (1), tcp:23024:91 (1), tcp:23024:92 (1), tcp:23024:93 (1), tcp:23024:94 (1), tcp:23024:95 (1), tcp:23024:96 (1), tcp:23024:97 (1), tcp:23024:98 (1), tcp:23024:99 (1), tcp:23024:100 (1), tcp:23024:101 (1), tcp:23024:102 (1), tcp:23024:103 (1), tcp:23024:104 (1), tcp:23024:105 (1), tcp:23024:106 (1), tcp:23024:107 (1), tcp:23024:108 (1), tcp:23024:109 (1), tcp:23024:110 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30. q 270
31. row 1103
32. salute 7
33. seg 59 @rend (59) : decorInit (33), above (26)
34. signed 10
35. table 39
36. trailer 7


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