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#A catechism and confession of faith approved of and agreed unto by the general assembly of the patriarchs, prophets, and apostles, Christ himself being chief speaker in and among them : which containeth a true and faithful account of the principles and doctrines which are most surely believed by the churches of Christ in Great Brittain and Ireland who are reproachfully called by the name of Quakers ... : to which is added An expostulation with and appeal to all other professors / by R.B.#

##Barclay, Robert, 1648-1690.## A catechism and confession of faith approved of and agreed unto by the general assembly of the patriarchs, prophets, and apostles, Christ himself being chief speaker in and among them : which containeth a true and faithful account of the principles and doctrines which are most surely believed by the churches of Christ in Great Brittain and Ireland who are reproachfully called by the name of Quakers ... : to which is added An expostulation with and appeal to all other professors / by R.B. Barclay, Robert, 1648-1690.

##General Summary##


TCP catalogueHTMLEPUBPage images (Historical Texts)


This keyboarded and encoded edition of the work described above is co-owned by the institutions providing financial support to the Early English Books Online Text Creation Partnership. This Phase I text is available for reuse, according to the terms of Creative Commons 0 1.0 Universal. The text can be copied, modified, distributed and performed, even for commercial purposes, all without asking permission.

Major revisions

  1. 2005-03 TCP Assigned for keying and markup
  2. 2005-03 Aptara Keyed and coded from ProQuest page images
  3. 2005-04 Judith Siefring Sampled and proofread
  4. 2005-04 Judith Siefring Text and markup reviewed and edited
  5. 2005-10 pfs Batch review (QC) and XML conversion

##Content Summary##





  2. CHAP. II.

  3. CH•P. III.

  4. CHAP. IV.

  5. CHAP. V.

  6. CHAP. VI.

  7. CHAP. VII.

  8. CHAP. VIII.

  9. CHAP. IX.

  10. CHAP. X.

  11. CHAP. XI.

  12. CHAP. XII.

  13. CHAP. XIII.

  14. CHAP. XIV.

  15. CHAP. XV.

  16. CHAP. XVI.

    _ ARTICLE I. Concerning GOD, and the True and Saving Knowledge of him.

    _ ARTICLE II. Concerning the Guide and Rule of Christians.

    _ ARTICLE III. Concerning the Scriptures.

    _ ARTICLE IV. Concerning the Divinity of Christ, and his Being from the Beginning.

    _ ARTICLE V. Concerning his Appearance in the Flesh.

    _ ARTICLE VI. Concerning the End and Use of that Appearance.

    _ ARTICLE VII. Concerning the Inward Manifestation of Christ.

    _ ARTICLE VIII. Concerning the New Birth.

    _ ARTICLE IX. Concerning the Unity of the Saints with Christ.

    _ ARTICLE X. Concerning the Universal Love and Grace of God to all.

    _ ARTICLE XI. Concerning the Light that enlighteneth every Man.

    _ ARTICLE XII. Concerning Faith and Justification

    _ ARTICLE XIII. Concerning Good Works.

    _ ARTICLE XIV. Concerning Perfection.

    _ ARTICLE XV. Concerning Perseverance and Falling from Grace.

    _ ARTICLE XVI. Concerning the Church & Ministry.

    _ ARTICLE XVII. Concerning Worship.

    _ ARTICLE XVIII. Concerning Baptism.

    _ ARTICLE XIX. Concerning Eating of Bread and Wine, Washing of one anothers's Feet; Abstaining from things Strangled, and from Blood, and Anointing of the Sick with Oyl.

    _ ARTICLE XX. Concerning the Liberty of such Christians as are come to know the Substance, as to the Using or not Using of these Rites, and of the Observation of Dayes.

    _ ARTICLE XXI. Concerning Swearing, Fighting and Persecution.

    _ ARTICLE XXII. Concerning Magistracy.

    _ ARTICLE XXIII. Concerning the Resurrection.

  17. CHAP. XVII.

  18. CHAP. XVIII.


  1. Advertisment to the Reader.

Types of content

  • Oh, Mr. Jourdain, there is prose in there!

There are 97 ommitted fragments! @reason (97) : illegible (97) • @resp (96) : #TECH (96) • @extent (97) : 1 letter (80), 1 word (12), 1 span (1), 2 letters (4)

Character listing

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##Tag Usage Summary##

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###Text Tag Usage###

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17. trailer 1


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