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#The censures of the church revived. In the defence of a short paper published by the first classis within the province of Lancaster ... but since printed without their privity or consent, after it had been assaulted by some gentlemen and others within their bounds ... under the title of Ex-communicatio excommunicata, or a Censure of the presbyterian censures and proceedings, in the classis at Manchester. Wherein 1. The dangerousness of admitting moderate episcopacy is shewed. ... 6. The presbyterian government vindicated from severall aspersions cast upon it, ... In three full answers ... Together with a full narrative, of the occasion and grounds, of publishing in the congregations, the above mentioned short paper, and of the whole proceedings since, from first to last.# The censures of the church revived. In the defence of a short paper published by the first classis within the province of Lancaster ... but since printed without their privity or consent, after it had been assaulted by some gentlemen and others within their bounds ... under the title of Ex-communicatio excommunicata, or a Censure of the presbyterian censures and proceedings, in the classis at Manchester. Wherein 1. The dangerousness of admitting moderate episcopacy is shewed. ... 6. The presbyterian government vindicated from severall aspersions cast upon it, ... In three full answers ... Together with a full narrative, of the occasion and grounds, of publishing in the congregations, the above mentioned short paper, and of the whole proceedings since, from first to last.

##General Summary##


TCP catalogueHTMLEPUBPage images (Historical Texts)


This keyboarded and encoded edition of the work described above is co-owned by the institutions providing financial support to the Early English Books Online Text Creation Partnership. This Phase I text is available for reuse, according to the terms of Creative Commons 0 1.0 Universal. The text can be copied, modified, distributed and performed, even for commercial purposes, all without asking permission.

Major revisions

  1. 2007-04 TCP Assigned for keying and markup
  2. 2007-05 Apex CoVantage Keyed and coded from ProQuest page images
  3. 2007-06 John Latta Sampled and proofread
  4. 2007-06 John Latta Text and markup reviewed and edited
  5. 2008-02 pfs Batch review (QC) and XML conversion

##Content Summary##


  1. TO THE Reverend and Beloved, the Miniſters and Elders meeting in the Provinciall Aſſembly of the Province of London; the Miniſters and Elders of the firſt Claſſis of the Province of Lancaſter, meeting at Mancheſter, do heartily wiſh the Crown of perſeverance in a judicious and zealous defence, of the Doctrine, Government and Diſcipline of the Lord Jeſus, both theirs, and ours.


  3. AN ACCOUNT Of ſome of the principall things in the enſuing Diſcourſes.

  4. The Title of the Papers, as they were Printed by the Gentlemen, together with their PREFACE. Excommunicatio Excommunicata. OR A CENSURE OF THE PRESBYTERIAN CENSURES. And proceedings of the ClaſTHE PREFACE.IN ſuch an age as this, when the heat of vaine and unprofitable controverſies has bred m

  5. A True and Perfect NARRATIVE Of the whole proceedings between the Claſs and the Gentlemen, with the Animadverſions of the Claſs upon their Preface.

    _ For the Preface,

  6. Diſtance of place in regard of the Author hath hindred ſo ſtrict a reviſall of the Sheets in Printing as was needfull, theſe faults ſince Collected by him, beſides divers literall ones not ſo materiall, thou art deſired thus to mend. ERRATA.

#####Body##### The paper that was publiſhed by the firſt Claſſis within the Province of Lancaſter, in the ſeverall _ The paper that was publiſhed by the firſt Claſſis within the Province of Lancaſter, in the ſeverall Congregations belonging to their aſſociation. Novemb: 22. 1657.

_ The Gentlemens firſt Paper.

_ The Anſwer of the firſt Claſſis within the Province of Lancaſter, unto the firſt Paper preſented unto them at their Claſſical meeting, Jan. 12. 1657. by certain Gentlemen, ſubſcribed by them and ſundry others within the bounds of this Aſſociation.

  * SECT. I.

  * SECT. II.

  * SECT. III.

  * SECT. IV.

  * SECT. V.

  * SECT. VI.

  * SECT. VII.


  * SECT. IX.

  * SECT. X.

  * SECT. XI.

_ THE GENTLEMENS Second Paper.

_ The Animadvertiſement to the Reader annexed by the Gentlemen unto their Second Paper, and prefixed to their Third in their printed Copy.

_ THE ANSWER OF The Firſt Claſsis Within the Province of Lancaſter, UNTO THE GENTLEMENS Second Paper.

_ The third and laſt Paper that was preſented to us by certain Gentlemen and others within the bounds of our Aſſociation.

  * SECT. I.

The Animadverſions of the firſt Claſs within the Province of Lancaſter, on this paper.

  * The Gentlemens Paper.

The Animadverſions of the Claſs upon it.

  * The Gentlemens Paper.

The Animadverſions of the Claſſe upon it.

  * The Gentlemens Paper.

The Animadverſions of the Claſs upon it.

  * The Gentlemens Paper.

The Animadverſions of the Claſs upon it.

  * The Gentlemens Paper.

The Animadverſions of the Claſs upon it.

  * The Gentlemens Paper.

The Animadverſions of the Claſs upon it.

  * The Gentlemens Paper.

The Animadverſions of the Claſs upon it.

  * The Gentlemens Paper.

The Animadverſions of the Claſs upon it.

  * The Gentlemens Paper.

The Animadverſions of the Claſs upon it.

  * The Gentlemens Paper.

  * The Animadverſions of the Claſs upon it.


  1. A brief taſt of the ſpirit the Gentlemen diſcover in their Papers, in theſe following expreſſions, amongſt many others.

Types of content

  • Oh, Mr. Jourdain, there is prose in there!

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