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#Votivæ Angliæ, Englands complaint to their king:, or, The humble desires of all the zealous and true-hearted Protestants in this kingdome, for a speedy and happy reformation of abuses in church government, being the onely meanes to remove these distractions, and to avert the judgement of God from us. : As they were expressed in sundry petitions, remonstrances and letters, lately presented from them to the king, upon sundry occasions. / Collected by a wel-wisher to reformation.#

##Spencer, John, 1601-1671.## Votivæ Angliæ, Englands complaint to their king:, or, The humble desires of all the zealous and true-hearted Protestants in this kingdome, for a speedy and happy reformation of abuses in church government, being the onely meanes to remove these distractions, and to avert the judgement of God from us. : As they were expressed in sundry petitions, remonstrances and letters, lately presented from them to the king, upon sundry occasions. / Collected by a wel-wisher to reformation. Spencer, John, 1601-1671.

##General Summary##


TCP catalogueHTMLEPUBPage images (Historical Texts)


This keyboarded and encoded edition of the work described above is co-owned by the institutions providing financial support to the Early English Books Online Text Creation Partnership. This Phase I text is available for reuse, according to the terms of Creative Commons 0 1.0 Universal. The text can be copied, modified, distributed and performed, even for commercial purposes, all without asking permission.

Major revisions

  1. 2007-04 TCP Assigned for keying and markup
  2. 2007-04 Aptara Keyed and coded from ProQuest page images
  3. 2007-06 Robyn Anspach Sampled and proofread
  4. 2007-06 Robyn Anspach Text and markup reviewed and edited
  5. 2008-02 pfs Batch review (QC) and XML conversion

##Content Summary##


  1. TO THE HIGH AND MIGHTY MONARCH CHARLES by Divine providence King of Great Brittaine, France and Ireland, &c.


  1. A DISCORSE OE DIVERS PETITIONS OF HIGH CONCERNment, and great conſequence.

    _ This Petition was written upon the Booke for the recreation upon the Lords day, and I delivered it to King Iames at Greenwitch: hee tooke it with him in his Coach, and committed mee to Mr. Hutchinſon, of the guard, for a certaine time, and was graciously pleaſed to have great care of mee for my dyet and lodging, and after divers diſputations with Biſhop Neal, and Biſhop Buckridge, ſet mee at libertie.

    _ A Petition delivered to King Iames at Bletfoe.

    _ A Petition delivered to our gracious King Charles at Finchingbrook, at his going to his Army Royall, Anno, 1639, March 28.

    _ A Petition delivered unto our gracious King Charles, upon this occaſion; The King was to go towards New-market upon Munday, but the waggon and the hounds went thorow Cheapſide upon the Lords day, which was not lawfull, O King: I never heard that they removed ſince upon the Lords day, ſo gracious was the Kings care herein.

    _ A Petition unto our gracious King Charles, upon the late ſetting forth of the Book for Recreations upon the Lords day.

    _ A ſtrange and ſtrong tranſportation upon the Lords day, April 27. 1639.

    _ A Coppie of a Letter to a great Peer of this Land, upon a ſtrange diſcontentment betwixt him and his beautifull Lady, about the pasſing of two Manners unto his onely Sonne as brave and as noble a gentleman as this Kingdome afforded; the Letter I delivered unto his owne hand: he read it, and retired himſelfe into an inward Chamber, wept much, and came out againe unto me, gave me thanks, and ſaid never man deſired more to gaine awoman than he did to gaine her: to this effect, never did I in al my time know ſuch great diſlike about ſuch a ſlight occaſion, betwixt two ſo vertuous, ſo noble, ſo beautifull and amiable, and ſo long reioycing in happy enioying one another, as will appeare in this dolorous diſcovrſe.

    _ A Coppy of a Letter ſent to the Earle of Cleveland and Tho. Lo. Oliver St. Iohn, for ending of a •••g ſuit betwixt Iuſtice Fiſh, and Mr. Mordant, concerning a ſeat in the Church at Northill. Right Honourable,IT is the Rule of the Apoſtle and of our Saviour Chriſt, Rebuke not an Elder, but eYOu may bee pleaſed, that my Lord Biſhop had lately made me Comiſſarie Generall upon this occaſion, _ A Letter to Sir William Litton Knight, concerning Maſter Spencer, that famous learned man, committed to priſon for the refuſing to ſtand to the hard award of Mr. Noades, but was upon this letter ſpeedly releaſed, and Sir William Litton tooke him againe into his favour, and was a noble friend unto him during his life.

    _ A Coppy of a Letter to Mr. John Harvy, My Lord St Iohns Steward. IN the raigne of King Iames of famous memory, paſſing through the Pallace yard, I ſaw two men very m _ A Copy of a Letter to my Couſin M. Bullie, a grave Preacher in new England.

    _ A charitable Conſideration, of new Englands plantation.

    _ Mtr. Brightman a little before he died, tranſlated the Canticles into verſe, whereupon I wrote theſe verſes.

    _ A charitable Suppoſition of Mtr. Brightmans ſudden Diſſolution. Here lyeth inter'd Sarah Spencer the vertuous,Wife of Iohn Spencer, and Sarah his Virgin-Daughter:Bo _ A Coppie of a Letter ſent to a great Lady. Good Brother,I Am deſirous to heare if my Father Winne have paid the fifty pounds unto Sir Milss FleA Copy of a Letter to the priſoners at Bedford, with a Booke of common Prayer, and M. Dods expoſitio

    • A Copy of a Letter to the priſoners at Bedford, with a Booke of common Prayer, and M. Dods expoſition upon the Commandements bound up together with boſſes and claſpes. LEt me intreat you in the feare of God, that one of you that is beſt affected and beſt inabled, to r _ A Copy of a Letter to M. Hutchinſon, to whoſe hands King Iames committed me, after I delivered unto him the petition for the Sabbath. M. Commiſſary I heare that you are greatly offended, becauſe many well diſpoſed people came to CopleTHis letter I ſent to Maſter Commiſſary by an underſtanding man, and wiſhed him if the Commiſſary ga _ A Copy of a Letter to Sir Oliver Luke Knight, when he was high Sheriffe.

    _ A Copy of a letter to his brother Nicholas Spencer, to diſſwade him from his inordinate delight he took in Cock-fighting, which ſoon after he happily and abſolutely gave over. GOod Sir Robert Carr,I have receaved your letter and do acknowledge my thankfullnes unto you, that y _ The direction for Maſter Rocheſter Carr.

    _ A Copie of a Letter to a vertuous Gentlewoman greatly afflicted in minde, which it pleaſed God to give unto her great comfort. MAſter Frankling, a man of great worth, almoſt a thouſand pound a year, fell into a wonderfull melan

  2. A Diſcource of mad Dogs, and the danger of their biting, with ſome directions to cure the ſame.


    _ 1. Of the humours in generall.

    _ Of the Blood.

    _ Of Phlegm.

    _ Of Choler.

    _ Of Melancholy. MAny times it fals out that a loving husband parting with his deare wife, behaves himſelfe like the

  4. In this heavy affliction in parting with ſo deare Beautifull and Vertuous a wife.

  5. A Speech, Maſter Spencer made upon this occaſion, their was agreat diſcontentment, and quarell betwixt Sir Iarrad Harvie, and his neighbours of Carington, about a Levie had not the God of peace, framed their heartes to peace, by the powerfull ſermon that Maſter Saule that famous Preacher, and the great importunity of Maſter Spencer, which tooke ſuch happy ſucceſſe, that they lived together like loving Friends untill the death of that valiant Knight, who's death was much lamented, and he lies their interred in a Magnificent Tombe: in Mr. Sauls Text was, Beho'd how good, and how pleaſant, It is for Brethren to dwell together in unitePſal.

  6. A PRAYER which Maſter Spencer doth uſe ordinarily in his familly, Morning and Evening, which he doth earneſtly deſire might be zealouſly and devoutly performed in every family in this Kingdome, that are not provided of a better.

Types of content

  • There are 79 verse lines!
  • Oh, Mr. Jourdain, there is prose in there!

There are 23 ommitted fragments! @reason (23) : illegible: faint (17), illegible: missing (6) • @resp (23) : #TECH (23) • @extent (23) : 3 letters (1), 1 letter (19), 3+ letters (1), 1 word (2)

Character listing

Text string(s) codepoint(s)
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