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Fabien TAYSSE edited this page May 27, 2019 · 2 revisions
  • Create a new bq-autoload Google Cloud Storage bucket

    $> gsutil mb -c regional -l europe-west1 "gs://bq-autoload"
  • Create a new Staging BigQuery dataset

    $> bq mk --dataset "Staging"
  • Clone and deploy this repository as a cloud function triggered by changes on this GCS bucket (do not forget to replace the project id)

    $> git clone ""              \
       && cd "bigquery-autoload"                                              \
       && gcloud functions deploy "bigquery-autoload"                         \
                        --trigger-bucket "bq-autoload"                        \
                        --set-env-vars "PROJECT_ID={{YOUR_GCP_PROJECT_ID}}"   \
                        --runtime "nodejs10"                                  \
                        --memory "128MB"

Any file you upload to the bq_autoload GCS bucket will now automatically be loaded into a BigQuery table within seconds.