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tgashby edited this page Jan 10, 2012 · 1 revision

Initial Game Proposal

Chad Brantley, Nick Alereza, Tim Adam, Robert Crosby, Tag Ashby (manager), Andrew Musselman

General Description – The game is a 3D Space shooter, similar to Star Fox, movement will be on a plane, you will aim in 3D. Maps will include branching paths around 3D terrain. Possible improvements include moving from one meteor to another.

Detailed Environment Description - The game will take place on multiple asteroids and a final boss mothership. The look of the game will be Sci-fi/realistic, much like Rogue Squadron or Star Wars: TOR. The terrain will be a mixture of procedural generation and models we will make.

Detailed Characters Description - The characters will also have a Sci-fi/realistic look and will be modeled by us. These will include Spaceships, turrets, and space base components (towers, shield generators, etc).

Detailed Goal Description - The character is fighting its way toward the enemy mothership. Along the way the character will have to destroy buildings and enemies that stand in its way in order to progress. The character will have multiple weapons to dispatch foes (missiles, lazers, etc).

Detailed Animation Description - The spaceship will have animated exhaust and possibly animated flaps/ailerons. Other animations include Turret motion, a central reticle for aiming, and weapon animations (missles, bullets, etc).

General Rules Description - The spaceship is only able to fly within a confined space (or “on rails”), like Star Fox. Most environments will be canal-like so the player will only be able to move so far left, right, and down. The ship is not indestructible and taking a certain amount of damage from enemy fire or crashing into walls will destroy the plane and result in a loss. The player will be required to complete objectives along the way or they will not progress.

Special Effects Description - We will have: Explosions, engine exhaust, bloom (lens flare) from gunfire, multiple sources of light, and torn apart ships (probably second quarter).

Our “Cool” Thing Description - Our cool thing is Flight paths, the ability to choose multiple paths around the environment while flying/playing. These different paths will allow the player to navigate through the level without feeling like they are just being pushed toward a single destination. It will also be necessary for them to explore in order to complete all objectives. These flight paths will be lit up and may become part of the HUD.

Timeline -

1/26 - 	A spaceship that will move along a spherical and straight corridor.
	Working on Model Viewer
	Spaceship model, portion of terrain, one turret modeled

2/9 -	Model Viewer complete
	Turrets in game aiming at you with scatter (AI)
	Spaceship shoots with one weapon
	One sound effect
	One path decision

2/28 -	More sounds
	Second weapon
	Flying Enemies
	More than one path to fly
	First asteroid model complete

3/1 -	Bug Fixes

3/15 -	Final Mothership (boss)
	Multiple sounds effects
	One music track

Chad Brantley: Graphics, whatever else needs doing.

Nick Alereza: Gameplay, AI

Tim Adam: Modeling and effects

Robert Crosby: Modeling, art, app programming (exporters)

Tag Ashby (manager): Gameplay, whatever else

Andrew Musselman: Sound!, graphics, general, sys-admin


  1. Model Viewer

  2. Level Editor/Fly-through Model viewer

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