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OpenApi Codec


This microservice can validate open api dictionary, encode th2 messages or decode http body.

Currently supported formats:

  • application/json

How it works

On start of box this microservice will validate linked dictionary. Format of dictionary must be OpenApi yml or json. If there are any problems that must be fixed, microservice will stop working with all info about problem in log. Valid format of dictionary can be found here or here.


Each response or request from dictionary will generate message type according to the rules of camel case

As example

        - test
      summary: Store an object
              $ref: "#/components/schemas/ArrayTest"
          description: OK
                $ref: "#/components/schemas/ArrayTest"

will provide two message types for encode:

  • TestGetApplicationJson (Request)
  • TestGet200ApplicationJson (Response).

Path that contains parameters inside will be converted as:

  • /test/{client} -> TestClient
  • /test/{client}/{audio} -> TestClientAudio

All messages processing by encode must contain those types.

Encode accepts only parsed messages, raw ones will be skipped.

In result of encode will be sent two messages:

  1. Request/Response parsed message with all info about http part (required)
  2. RawMessage that contain encoded body (optional)

If needed to specify in:query or in:path parameters: please create message-field 'uriParameters' inside of encoding message. In 'uriParameters' needs to be all required params that was mentioned in dictionary.
As example:

        - test
      summary: Store an object
        - name: path
          in: path
          required: true
            type: string
          description: OK


  "message": {
    "uriParameters": {
      "path": "somePath"

If needed to specify in:header parameters: please create message-field 'headerParameters' inside of encoding message. In 'headerParameters' needs to be all required params that was mentioned in dictionary.
As example:

  "message": {
    "headerParameters": {
      "media": "picture"

Please mention that right now only supports string params, all values will be converted into it.


Decode accepts group of messages:

  1. Request/Response parsed message with all info about http part (required)
  2. RawMessage that contain encoded body (optional)

Result of decode:

  1. Same Request/Response parsed message (required)
  2. New parsed message representing data of RawMessage (optional)

Message descriptions


Field Type Description
method String HTTP method name (e.g. GET, POST, etc.)
uri String Request URI (e.g. /some/request/path?param1=value1&param2=value2...)
headers List<Header> HTTP headers (e.g. Host, Content-Length, etc.)


Field Type Description
code String HTTP method name (e.g. GET, POST, etc.)
headers List<Header> HTTP headers (e.g. Host, Content-Length, etc.)


Field Type Description
name String HTTP header name
value String HTTP header value

Codec configs:

  • checkUndefinedFields - Enable or Disable warnings for all undefined fields inside object structures, true by default.

validationSettings (open api dictionary)

  • enableRecommendations - Enable or Disable recommendations, true by default.
  • enableApacheNginxUnderscoreRecommendation - Enable or Disable the recommendation check for Apache/Nginx potentially ignoring header with underscore by default.
  • enableOneOfWithPropertiesRecommendation - Enable or Disable the recommendation check for schemas containing properties and oneOf definitions.
  • enableUnusedSchemasRecommendation - Enable or Disable the recommendation check for unused schemas.
  • enableSchemaTypeRecommendation - Enable or Disable the recommendation check for schemas containing type definitions, specifically for changes between OpenAPI 3.0.x and 3.1.
  • enableNullableAttributeRecommendation - Enable or Disable the recommendation check for the 'nullable' attribute.
  • enableInvalidTypeRecommendation - Enable or Disable the recommendation check for the 'type' attribute.

dictionaryParseOption (open api dictionary)

  • resolve - true by default;
  • resolveCombinators - true by default;
  • resolveFully;
  • flatten;
  • flattenComposedSchemas;
  • camelCaseFlattenNaming;
  • skipMatches;

Configuration example

checkUndefinedFields: true
  enableRecommendations: true
  resolve: true

May be empty due to missing required fields

Release notes


  • Feature: check for undefined fields and throw errors if they are found
  • Feature: "-" format as bigDecimal for numbers
  • Fix: Removed scientific format of big decimal numbers
  • Fix: Http message types without body will be generated only for messages with optional body
  • Fix: protocol loss on decode
  • Fix: null values in fields if no value was found
  • Fix: case-sensitive search for methods inside path items