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Wyatt Greenway edited this page Dec 14, 2022 · 5 revisions


SQLite database driver for Mythix ORM.


npm i --save mythix-orm-sqlite


Documentation for Mythix ORM can be found at the Mythix ORM WIKI.


const SQLiteConnection = require('mythix-orm-sqlite');

(async function() {
  let connection = new SQLiteConnection({
    bindModels: true,
    models:     [ /* application models */ ],
    emulateBigIntAutoIncrement: true,
    foreignConstraints: true,
    logger: console,

  await connection.start();

  // run application code

  await connection.stop();

Connection Options

Option Type Default Value Description
bindModels boolean true Bind the models provided to this connection (see the Mythix ORM Connection Binding article for more information).
emulateBigIntAutoIncrement boolean false If true, auto-incrementing on BIGINT columns (which is not natively supported in SQLite) will be emulated by Mythix ORM itself. This emulation is simple, and might break during unsupported edge-cases, so think twice before using it in production code. It is primarily provided so the SQLite driver can be used seamlessly for unit testing.
filename string ':memory:' The file to use for the SQLite DB. Defaults to an in-memory database.
foreignConstraints boolean true Enable or disable foreign key constraints. By default, foreign key constraints are not enabled in SQLite, so Mythix ORM will enable them by executing a DB.pragma('foreign_keys = ON') as soon as the connection is active. Setting this value to false will bypass this behavior, leaving SQLite with its default of not having foreign key constraints enabled.
logger Logger Interface undefined Assign a logger to the connection. If a logger is assigned, then every query (and every error) will be logged using this logger.
models Array<Model> undefined Models to register with the connection (these models will be bound to the connection if the boundModels option is true).
queryGenerator QueryGenerator SQLiteQueryGenerator Provide an alternate QueryGenerator interface for generating SQL statements for SQLite. This is not usually needed, as the SQLiteConnection itself will provide its own generator interface. However, if you want to customize the default query generator, or want to provide your own, you can do so using this option.