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Tài liệu

Tính năng

  • Quản lý kho
    • Thêm kho
    • Sửa kho
    • Lấy thông tin kho
    • Lấy danh sách kho
  • Quản lý sản phẩm
    • Tạo sản phẩm
    • Lưu ảnh sản phẩm
    • Tao kieu san pham
    • Sửa sản phẩm
    • Lấy thông tin sản phẩm
    • Lấy danh sách sản phẩm
    • Lấy danh sách kiểu sản phẩm
  • Quản lý nhập xuất
    • Tạo phiếu nhập
    • Tạo số seri
    • Truy xuất phiếu nhập
    • Lấy thông tin phiếu nhập
    • Tạo phiếu xuất
    • Lấy thông tin phiếu xuất
    • Tạo nhà cung cấp
    • Lấy danh sách nhà cung cấp
    • Sửa thông tin nhà cung cấp
  • Xác thực/Phân quyền
    • Đăng nhập
    • Tạo tài khoản
    • Sửa tài khoản
    • Quên mật khẩu
    • Phân quyền
  • Tạo số seri -> blockchain
    • MintNFT blockchain
    • Upload lên IPFS
    • Server để lưu trữ và mint NFT
  • Tra cứu thông tin theo số seri



Create new item

  actor NhanVien
  activate NhanVien
  participant Interface
  participant HTTPServer
  participant Application
  participant Factory
  participant Database
  participant LocalStorage

  NhanVien ->>+ Interface: Create new item request
  Interface ->>+ HTTPServer: Create new item request
  HTTPServer ->> HTTPServer: Unmarshal request
  HTTPServer ->>+ Application: Create new item information
  Application ->>+ Database: Get item type by ID
  alt Item type not exst
    Database -->> HTTPServer: Item type not exist
    HTTPServer ->> HTTPServer: Marshal response
    HTTPServer -->> Interface: Error response
    Interface -->> NhanVien: Error response
    Database -->>- HTTPServer: Item type information
    Application ->>+ LocalStorage: Save Images
    LocalStorage -->>- Application: Image paths
    Application ->>+ Factory: Create new item
    alt Invalid new item information
      Factory -->> Application: Error message
      Application ->> LocalStorage: Delete images by paths
      LocalStorage -->> Application: Response
      Application -->> HTTPServer: Error message
      HTTPServer ->> HTTPServer: Marshal response
      HTTPServer -->> Interface: Error response
      Interface -->> NhanVien: Error response
      Factory -->>- Application: New item
      Application ->>+ Database: Save new item
      Database -->>- Application: Response
      Application -->>- HTTPServer: Success message
      HTTPServer ->> HTTPServer: Marshal response
      HTTPServer -->>- Interface: Success message
      Interface -->>- NhanVien: Success message
  deactivate NhanVien

Generate new serials

  actor NhanVien
  participant Interface
  participant HTTPServer
  participant Application
  participant Factory
  participant Database

  activate NhanVien
  NhanVien ->>+ Interface: Generate new serials request
  Interface ->>+ HTTPServer: Generate new serials request
  HTTPServer ->> HTTPServer: Unmarshal request
  HTTPServer ->>+ Application: Generate new serials by import ticket ID
  Application ->>+ Database: Query import ticket by ID
  alt Import ticket not exist
    Database -->> Application: Import ticket not found error
    Application -->> HTTPServer: Error message
    HTTPServer ->> HTTPServer: Marshal response
    HTTPServer -->> Interface: Error response
    Interface -->> NhanVien: Error response
    Database -->>- Application: Import ticket information
    Application ->>+ Factory: Generate serials
    Factory ->> Factory: Validate import ticket status
    alt Import ticket is invalid for generating new serials
      Factory -->> Application: Invalid import ticket error
      Application -->> HTTPServer: Error message
      HTTPServer ->> HTTPServer: Marshal response
      HTTPServer -->> Interface: Error response
      Interface -->> NhanVien: Error response
      Factory -->>- Application: Serials information
      Application ->>+ Database: Batch insert serials
      Database -->>- Application: Response
      Application -->>- HTTPServer: Serials information
      HTTPServer ->> HTTPServer: Marshal response
      HTTPServer -->>- Interface: Serials information
      Interface -->>- NhanVien: Serials information

  deactivate NhanVien

SCM Service Generate NFT

  participant Application
      loop Auto mint NFT interval
          activate Application
          Application ->>+ Database: Get serials with empty token ID
          Database -->>- Application: Serials information

          loop Each serial
              Application -) RabbitMQ: Publish mint NFT message
          deactivate Application

NFT Service Generate NFT

  participant RabbitMQ
  participant Application
  participant IPFSClient
  participant OnchainClient
  participant SmartContractInstance
  participant Factory
  participant LocalStorage
  participant IPFS

    RabbitMQ -) Application: Generate NFT message
    activate Application
    Application ->>+ Database: Seri duplication check
    alt Duplicate seri
      Database -->>- Application: Duplicate seri
      Application ->> Application: skip 
      Application ->> Application: Generate Metadata
      Application ->>+ LocalStorage: Save metadata file
      LocalStorage -->>- Application: Metadata file path
      Application ->>+ IPFSClient: Generate IPFS File from metadata file
      IPFSClient ->>+ IPFS: Generate IPFS file
      IPFS -->>- IPFSClient: IPFS file information
      IPFSClient -->>- Application: IPFS file CID
      Application ->> Application: Generate Token URI
      Application ->>+ OnchainClient: Get gas price
      OnchainClient ->>+ Blockchain: Get gas price
      Blockchain -->>- OnchainClient: Current gas price
      OnchainClient -->>- Application: Gasprice
      Application ->>+ SmartContractInstance: Mint NFT
      SmartContractInstance ->>+ Blockchain: Create mint NFT Transaction
      Blockchain -->>- SmartContractInstance: Transaction information
      SmartContractInstance -->>- Application: Transaction information
      Application ->>+ Factory: Create SerialNFT
      Factory -->>- Application: New SerialNFT
      Application ->>+ Database: Save SerialNFT
      Database -->>- Application: Response
    deactivate Application

SCM Auto update NFT

  participant Application
    par Rest update
        loop Auto update loop
        activate Application
        Application ->>+ Database: Get serials with empty token ID
        Database -->>- Application: Serials information

        loop Each serial
            Application ->>+ NFTService: Get NFT information by seri
            NFTService -->>- Application: Response
            opt Response with token ID
            Application ->>+ Database: Save token ID by seri
            Database -->>- Application: Response
        deactivate Application
    and RabbitMQ update
        activate Application
        RabbitMQ -) Application: NFT Information
        Application ->>+ Database: Update NFT Information by seri
        Database -->>- Application: Response
        deactivate Application

NFT Update transaction information

  participant Application
  participant Database
  participant OnchainClient
  loop Auto update transaction interval
    activate Application
    Application ->>+ Database: Get NFT information without token ID
    Database -->>- Application: NFT information
    loop Each NFT
      Application ->>+ OnchainClient: Get transaction information by hash
      OnchainClient ->>+ Blockchain: Get transaction receipt
      Blockchain -->>- OnchainClient: Transaction receipt
      OnchainClient ->> OnchainClient: Get token ID from receipt logs
      OnchainClient -->>- Application: Transaction information 
      Application ->>+ Database: Update NFT information
      Database -->>- Application: Response
      Application -) RabbitMQ: Publish update NFT information message
    deactivate Application


  User {
    int     id
    string  username
    string  name
    string  password

  Item {
    string  sku
    string  name
    string  desc
    float   sell_price

  ItemImage {
    string path

  ItemType {
    int     item_type_id
    string  name
    string  desc

  ImportTicket {
    int         id
    int         status
    timestamp   send_time
    timestamp   receive_time
    float       fee

  ImportTicketProductImage {
    string  product_image_path

  ImportTicketBillImage {
    int     import_ticket_id
    string  bill_image_path

  ImportTicketDetail {
    int     import_ticket_id
    string  item_sku
    int     buy_quantity
    int     receive_quantity
    float   buy_price

  NFT {
    string  transaction_hash
    string  ipfs_hash
    string  metadata
    int     token_id

  Serial {
    string    seri
    int       status
    int       token_id

  Storage {
    int     id
    string  name
    string  location
    string  desc

  Supplier {
    int     id
    string  name
    string  phone
    string  email

  Item ||--o{ ItemImage : has
  Item ||--|| ItemType: is
  ImportTicket ||--o{ ImportTicketProductImage: has
  ImportTicket ||--o{ ImportTicketBillImage: has
  ImportTicket ||--|{ ImportTicketDetail: has
  ImportTicketDetail ||--|| Item: is
  ImportTicket ||--|| Supplier: from
  ImportTicket ||--|| Storage: to
  Serial }o--|| ImportTicket: from
  Serial }o--|| Item: is
  Serial ||--|| NFT: has



Using NFT to identify a product






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