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Movie Theaters Management APIs

This is back end API micro-services built on JavaScript and Node.JS's modules including ExpressJS and Prisma. JWT library is also helping with encryption of user's password.


You can use my Swagger User Interface for API testing:


The service is live with a running MySQL Database Server (thanks to Docker and Digital Ocean's virtual machine). A sample link to get sample data is: Get list of movie

Youtube APIs usage demonstration with POSTMAN:

List of API:


Signing Up:

POST Request Body:

    "name": "testuser10", 
    "email": "",
    "phone": "0123456789",
    "pass_word": "1234" ,
    "role_id": 3

Result: If user is not exist in the database, a new user will be created with their password being encrypted in the database.

Signing in:

GET Request body:

    "email": "",
    "passWord": "1234"

Result: If the user exist in database, you will sign in successfully. A new token will be generated for that user to perform activities like deleting, modifying the data.

  1. Film Management

After signing in, you will be able to delete, update, or add more films of your choice. You can also view list of films divided by page number, and film related to theaters. You are also able to upload images as film's poster and save those images in the database

  1. Ticket Management:

Users can generate film tickets for customers, or create a showtime for the theater.

  1. Theater Management:

Users can add theaters and their banner through the database. Those information will be saved to the database.

Idea for this project:

  • Create a "login with Facebook" function