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Quick Guide to Git

By Thanida Chaiwongnon

The Ultimate Guide to Using Git

For The Impatient. refs/remotes/origin/master

Using Git

Adding and Changing Things
Undo Changes and Recover Files
Branch and Merge
Viewing Commits

Note on Paths

In this file, directory paths are written with a forward slash as on MacOS, Linux, and the Windows-Bash shell: /dir1/dir2/somefile.


  1. When using Git locally, what are these? Define each one in a sentence

    • Staging area - files that are going to be a part of the next commit
    • Working copy - or call 'working directory' repesent files that you clone your github repository
    • master - defult branch of git
    • HEAD - refer to active or current branch
  2. When you install git on a new machine (or in a new user account) you should perform these 2 git commands to tell git your name and email. These values are used in commits that you make:

    # Git configuration commands for a new account
       git config --global "THANIDA CHAIWONGNON"
       git config --global ""
  3. There are 2 ways to create a local Git repository. What are they?

    • First way : take a local directory that is currently not under version control, and turn it into a Git repository

    • Second way: clone an existing Git repository from elsewhere.

  4. When you create a git repository by entering git init, Git will create a "hidden" directory for the local repository. Where is the directory for this local repository (relative to the directory where you typed "git init")?

    : Files are contained in the .git directory that created. Enter git add commands that specify the files want to track and followed by git commit then the directory is wherever your files are on your local.

Adding and Changing Things

Suppose your working copy of a repository contains these files and directories:
  1. Add and everything in the src directory to the git staging area.

    git add
    git commit
    git add src
    git commit
  2. Add test/ to the staging area (but not any other files).

    git add test
    git commit
  3. List the files in the staging area.

    git status
  4. Remove from the staging area. (Useful if you accidentally add something you don't want to commit.)

    git reset HEAD
  5. Commit everything in the staging area to the repository.

    git commit 
  6. Describe 2 steps to configure the repository so git will ignore all files in the out/ directory:

    • step one : Create a file listing patterns to match them named .gitignore and blank lines or lines starting with '#' are ignored
      # ignore all files in any directory named 'out'

    • step two : Use a forward slash (/) to specify a directory.

  7. Command to move all the .py files from src to the top-level directory of this repository, so they are also moved in the Git repo.

    git mv src/*.py .
  8. Commit this change with the message "moved src directory":

    git commit -m "moved src directory"
  9. Command to add all changed files (but not untracked files) to the staging area using a single command.

    git add -u
  10. Delete the file from your working copy and the repository:

    git rm

Undo Changes and Recover Files

  1. Display the differences between your working copy of and the in the local repository (HEAD revision):

    git diff HEAD
  2. Display the differences between your working copy of and the version in the staging area. (But, if is not in the staging area this will compare working copy to HEAD revision):

    git diff --cached
  3. View changes to be committed: Display the differences between files in the staging area and the versions in the repository. (You can also specify a file name to compare just one file.)

    git diff --staged
  4. Undo "git add": If has been added to the staging area (git add, remove it from the staging area:

    git reset HEAD
  5. Recover a file: Command to replace your working copy of with the most recent (HEAD) version in the repository. This also works if you have deleted your working copy of this file.

    git restore HEAD
  6. Undo a commit: Suppose you want to discard some commit(s) and move both HEAD and "master" to an earlier revision (an earlier commit) Suppose the git commit graph looks like this (aaaa, etc, are the commit ids)

    aaaa ---> bbbb ---> cccc ---> dddd [HEAD -> master]
    git reset --hard bbbb

    The command to reset HEAD and master to the commit id bbbb:

  7. Checkout old code: Using the above example, the command to replace your working copy with the files from commit with id aaaa:

    git checkout aaaa
    git clean -d -n


    • Git won't let you do this if you have uncommitted changes to any "tracked" files.
    • Untracked files are ignored, so after doing this command they will still be in your working copy.

Viewing Commits

  1. Show the history of commits, using one line per commit:

    git log --oneline

    Some versions of git have an alias "log1" for this (git log1).

  2. Show the history (as above) including all branches in the repository and include a graph connecting the commits:

    git log --all --graph
  3. List all the files in the current branch of the repository:

    git ls-files

    example output:


Branch and Merge

  1. Create a new branch named dev-foo:

    git branch dev-foo
  2. Display the name of your current branch:

    git branch –show-current
  3. List the names of all branches, including remote branches:

    git branch -a
  4. Switch your working copy to the branch named dev-foo:

    git checkout dev-foo
  5. Merge: To merge the work from dev-foo into the master branch, perform these steps:

    1. step one : check git status and check out the branch that want to merge
      git status
      git checkout master
    2. step two : merge dev-foo branch into the master branch
      git merge dev-foo
  6. Describe under what conditions a merge may fail.

    : Sometime when we starting merge may fail because if Git knows there are changes in your working directory that could be written over by the files that you are merging in. there are no merge conflicts in individual files or Git can fail during the merge because when we committed changes that are in conflict with someone else's committed changes. Git will do it best to merge the files and will leave things for you to resolve manually in the files it lists.


git status : to display the state of the working directory and the staging area and see which changes have been staged, which haven't, and which files aren't being tracked. git status it's easy to remember and use often.


noble desktop Git Tips & Commands
Pro Git Online Book Chapters 2 & 3 contain the essentials. Downloadable PDF is also available.
Visual Git Reference one page with illustrations of git commands.

Try Git:

Learn Git Interactive Tutorial excellent visual tutorial.
Git Visualizer execute Git commands in a web browser and see the results as a graph.


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