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Client library for TheCatAPI


Public API service, all about cats (or dogs), free to use when making your fancy new app, website or service


This library is published on npm, you can add it as a dependency using the following command

npm install @thatapicompany/thecatapi
# or
yarn add @thatapicompany/thecatapi


You'll need to configure the library with your API key, you can grab it from TheCatAPI.



const { TheCatAPI } = require("@thatapicompany/thecatapi");

ES Modules

import { TheCatAPI } from "@thatapicompany/thecatapi";

initialize the client using your access key:

const theCatAPI = new TheCatAPI("YOUR_API_KEY");

You can also provide a custom hook (useful if you want use the library with TheDogAPI):

const theCatAPI = new TheCatAPI("YOUR_API_KEY", {
  host: "",


The library documentation can be found in docs


More code samples can be found in examples


After initiating the client, you can access endpoint methods using the following pattern: [object instance].[endpoint].[method]

For example, getting 5 random images would be: theCatAPI.images.searchImages({ limit: 5 });,

endpoint attribute example
/images images client.images.searchImages({ limit: 12 })
/favourites favourites client.favourites.addFavourite('IMAGE_ID')
/votes votes client.votes.addVote({ imageId: "IMAGE_ID", value: 1})

For details on each endpoint accepted values, please reference these docs:

All methods return a promise containing the returned JSON as a javascript object. Each method of an endpoint maps HTTP methods to

HTTP Method method name example
POST add* / upload* client.images.uploadImage(image)
GET get* client.images.getImages()
DELETE delete* client.images.deleteImage("MY_KEY")

Example: Fetching random images

We will fetch six random images, by default the API returns only 1 image, unless we specify the limit option, to fetch six images we have to pass { limit: 6 } as an option when calling searchImages

    limit: 6,
  .then((images) => {
  .catch((error) => {
    // handle error

Using async/await

try {
  const images = await theCatAPI.images.searchImages({
    limit: 6,
} catch (error) {
  // handle error

Example: Fetching random images of a specific bread

try {
  const images = await theCatAPI.images.searchImages({
    limit: 10,
    breeds: [Breed.CHARTREUX],
} catch (error) {
  // handle error

Handling Errors


Thrown when there's a network or a connectivity issue, for example, if the client didn't establish any network connection with the host

ApiRequestError: getaddrinfo EAI_AGAIN

Thrown when the server responds with an HTTP status code not in the 2xx range. ApiRequestError provides two properties to distinguish the type of the error

  • statusCode HTTP status code
  • data the message the server responded with in the body

This is the most common thrown error, you should expect and handle it each time you use any of the library methods

Example: Fetching an image throws ApiResponseError if the image doesn't exist

If we try to fetch an image that doesn't exist

const image = await theCatAPI.images.getImage("BAD_IMAGE_ID");

ApiResponseError will be thrown

ApiResponseError: ApiResponseError (400)
    at ...
    at ...
    at ...
  statusCode: 400,
  data: "Couldn't find an image matching the passed 'id' of BAD_IMAGE_ID"

The server returns a 400 error with the string "Couldn't find an image matching the passed 'id' of BAD_IMAGE_ID" in its body. You can access these properties using error.statusCode and respectively

try {
  const image = await theCatAPI.images.getImage("BAD_IMAGE_ID");
} catch (error) {
  if (error instanceof ApiResponseError) {
    console.log(error.statusCode); // 400
    console.log(; // Couldn't find an image matching the passed 'id' of BAD_IMAGE_ID

Unknown error, just a normal javascript error

Handling Errors the Right Way

Since all the possible thrown errors are instances of classes, we can check the type of the thrown error and handle it accordingly

try {
  const image = await theCatAPI.images.getImage("BAD_IMAGE_ID");
} catch (error) {
  if (error instanceof ApiResponseError) {
    // handle response error
  if (error instanceof ApiRequestError) {
    // handle network error
  // handle unknown error
  throw error;


This library is written in Typescript, types are provided out of the box and can be imported from @thatapicompany/thecatapi/dist/types

Example of usage with Typescript:

import { TheCatAPI } from "@thatapicompany/thecatapi";
import { Image } from "@thatapicompany/thecatapi/dist/types";

const theCatAPI = new TheCatAPI("YOUR_API_KEY");

async function getImageUrls(): Promise<string[]> {
  const images: Image[] = await theCatAPI.images.searchImages({ limit: 10 });
  return => image.url);

📙 Further Reading


Client library for






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