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This project was a weekend challenge to re-create twitter 🐣 🐥

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Chitter ChallengeBuild Status

Challenge: 🐣 🐥

This weekend's challenge was to create a Twitter clone that will allow the users to post messages to a public stream.


Initially, I sketched out how all the pages were going to connect to each other and in what order. Making Domain Models, allowed to order the features in which I had to do them and how the user would interact with the program.

I'm pretty surprised that I manage to do most of the stuff that I struggled over the week. There is a sign up page, create post, login and logout (only shows if you are logged in, smart). The posts that one post also stays there and you can write as many as you want. I also manage to create a nice aesthetic for the User.

If I had more time, I would have fixed the errors such as storing the data in a database, not allowing the user to sign in if an email exist and tagging the posts with the person's name so u could see posts done by which user.

How To Use:

  1. Open the program terminal or an equivalent and enter:
$ git clone
  1. Change directory into the folder
$cd chitter-challenge/
  1. Install the gems required
$bundle install
  1. Use the terminal to open the website in browser
  1. There will be a port listed when you run rackup, (ie. port: 9292). Depending on your computer, type in the following in your search browser

Have fun playing around with the features :)

Domain Models

Creating a Domain Model allows me to specify what the focus of every test should be. It also tells me what functions needs to be included in the challenge along with it's outcomes for when I'm testing it. Writing a Domain Model helps to list out what is needed for a program accordingly and also helps to see what the order of the pages needs to be in.

Objects Messages Test outcomes
Message(peep) message Post a peep to chitter
Order(peep) See all Peeps are in reverse chronological order
time made See the time which the peep was made
Chitter sign up Register username(2x), password and name
Chitter log in Log in to post chitter as user's chitter
Chitter log out To avoid posting messages under user
Chitter, email receive Receives email if tagged by a peep

Code Review

In code review we'll be hoping to see:

  • All tests passing
  • High Test coverage (>95% is good)
  • The code is elegant: every class has a clear responsibility, methods are short etc.

Reviewers will potentially be using this code review rubric. Referring to this rubric in advance may make the challenge somewhat easier. You should be the judge of how much challenge you want this weekend.

Notes on test coverage

Please ensure you have the following AT THE TOP of your spec_helper.rb in order to have test coverage stats generated on your pull request:

require 'simplecov'
require 'simplecov-console'

SimpleCov.formatter =[
  # Want a nice code coverage website? Uncomment this next line!
  # SimpleCov::Formatter::HTMLFormatter

You can see your test coverage when you run your tests. If you want this in a graphical form, uncomment the HTMLFormatter line and see what happens!


This project was a weekend challenge to re-create twitter 🐣 🐥







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  • Ruby 57.7%
  • CSS 26.8%
  • HTML 15.5%