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Game Graphic Style Ideas

Christopher Willard edited this page Sep 1, 2018 · 3 revisions

Game Graphic Style Ideas

  • Showing depth in 2D
  • Futuristic style
  • Shows a platform that opens and closes
  • Complementary color scheme makes player stand out
  • Ammo count and current weapon selection is okay — definitely could be improved
  • Not a huge fan of the projectile style

  • Pixel style is neat — easier to draw for MVP
  • The player portrait is interesting
  • Space marine type of player

  • Like the colorful sprites
  • Control scheme would work great for mobile
  • Like the overall style of the sprites

  • Color projectiles
  • Pixel style is nice
  • Like the old school health bar

  • Like the angle of the gameplay
  • Colorful player number representation
  • Combo meter
  • Interesting way to show button abilities (see Control Scheme)
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