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Build optimisation tool to run commands on feature branches only if they affect files matching a given glob.

Cloud Build


Usage: is-affected [options]

runs command only if the git diff since the fork point from master branch contains files matching glob

  -V, --version           output the version number
  --pattern [pattern...]  provide one or more patterns to check file paths from git diff against
  --repo <repo>           git directory (default: "./")
  --cmd <cmd>             the command to be run if diff matches glob
  --cwd <cwd>             working directory to be used to run command
  --main <mainBranch>     name of the main branch of your repo, used when no --since is provided to find the merge base commit (default: "origin/master")
  --since <since>         commit to diff with
  -h, --help              display help for command


To run npm run build only if the git diff between your current branch head and the base commit on the master branch contains files matching glob app/client/**.

npx is-affected --pattern app/client/** --cmd "npm run build" --cwd "app/client"

Javascript API

const { isAffected, exec } = require("is-affected");

const build = async () => {
	const shouldBuild = await isAffected(

	if (shouldBuild) {
		await exec("npm run build", "app/client");


or with options object (using defaults here):

const shouldBuild = await isAffected(
		"app/client/**", // see match patterns below
			repo: "./",
			cmd: "npm run build",
			cwd: process.cwd(),
			mainBranch: "origin/master",
			since: undefined,

Match patterns

A match means that the git diff contains paths that match the pattern and your code is 'affected'.

Negated pattern

You can use a negated pattern: !src/scripts

This will ignore changes in the src/scripts folder. If your diff contains only changes in src/scripts then your code will not be marked as 'affected'.

Multiple patterns

A normal pattern (aka non negated) will add paths to the match list. Negated patterns will remove paths from the list. Your code is 'affected' when the list is not empty after the last pattern has been evaluated.

const shouldBuild = await isAffected([

or using cli:

npx is-affected --pattern src/** !src/tests/**

Note that if your shell is automatically expanding glob patterns you should escape the asterix:

npx is-affected --pattern src/\** !src/tests/\**

The above example will monitor all paths in the src folder except for those in the tests subfolder.


Build optimisation tool to run commands on feature branches only if they affect files matching a given glob.




