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Week 4: Mindy and Ethan ("As a user, I want to see a welcoming prompt to add my first item if my list is empty to help me get oriented to how the app works")

gunderodd edited this page Dec 9, 2019 · 5 revisions


The list view, when there are no items to display, should show a prompt (e.g., a button) for the user to add their first item

Initial Notes:

  • We agreed to code together on 12-4 via Zoom.
  • Gist of approach: A function to check Firebase (or check state?) to see if the list is empty. A conditional to display a message (A component or route of its own, or just a pop up, like an alert?) A button, for sure. Maybe the conditional can just look to see if there is a li?

Retrospective Notes:

  • We ended up accomplishing most of our requirements on the 4th. Later, I wrote a test, Mindy fixed up many of the tests and the CSS, we ran it through Accessibility Insights for Web, and our PR was accepted on the 7th.
  • Finished the week with the all-team Zoom call on the 8th.


  • Nothing specific. Why?
  • Because we were able to use prior knowledge and other parts of the same project to piece together a solution, without as much of a need for tutorials as in the past weeks.
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