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setting event definition to a new base ...
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the-drunk-coder committed May 3, 2017
1 parent 7e916fd commit 73ca64c
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Showing 7 changed files with 465 additions and 403 deletions.
95 changes: 0 additions & 95 deletions megra-constructors.lisp
Expand Up @@ -212,101 +212,6 @@
(setf (gethash name *processor-directory*) new-inst))

;; events
(defun string-event (msg)
(make-instance 'string-event :msg msg :tags nil))

(defun mid (pitch &key (dur 512) (lvl 0.4) (tags nil) (combi-fun #'replace-value))
(make-instance 'midi-event :pitch pitch :lvl lvl :dur dur :tags tags :combi-fun combi-fun))

(defun grain (folder file &key
(tags nil)
(dur 256)
(lvl 0.5)
(pos 0.5)
(start 0.0)
(rate 1.0)
(hp-freq 10)
(hp-q 0.4)
(pf-freq 1000)
(pf-q 10)
(pf-gain 0.0)
(lp-freq 19000)
(lp-q 0.4)
(lp-dist 0.0)
(atk 7)
(rel 7)
(rev 0.0)
(azi 0.0)
(ele 0.0)
(ambi nil)
(combi-fun #'replace-value))
(make-instance 'grain-event :lvl lvl :dur dur :start start :pos pos :hp-freq hp-freq
:rate rate :hp-freq hp-freq :hp-q hp-q
:pf-freq pf-freq :pf-q pf-q :pf-gain pf-gain
:lp-freq lp-freq :lp-q lp-q :lp-dist lp-dist :rev rev
:atk atk :rel rel :sample-folder folder :sample-file file :tags tags :azi azi
:ele ele :dist 1.0 :ambi-p ambi :combi-fun combi-fun))

(in-package :megra)
(defun gendy (&key
(adstr 1)
(ddstr 1)
(adstr-par 1)
(ddstr-par 1)
(freq-min 400)
(freq-max 410)
(tags nil)
(dur 256)
(a-scl 0.01)
(d-scl 0.01)
(lp-freq 19000)
(lp-q 0.4)
(lp-dist 0.0)
(atk 7)
(rel 7)
(rev 0.0)
(lvl 0.5)
(pos 0.5)
(azi 0.0)
(ele 0.0)
(ambi nil)
(combi-fun #'replace-value))
(make-instance 'gendy-event :lvl lvl :dur dur
:adstr adstr :ddstr ddstr :adstr-par adstr-par
:ddstr-par ddstr-par :freq-max freq-max :freq-min freq-min
:a-scl a-scl :d-scl d-scl
:lp-freq lp-freq :lp-q lp-q :lp-dist lp-dist :rev rev
:atk atk :rel rel :tags tags :azi azi :pos pos
:ele ele :dist 1.0 :ambi-p ambi :combi-fun combi-fun)

(defun ctrl (ctrl-fun &key (tags nil))
(make-instance 'control-event :control-function ctrl-fun :tags tags))

(defun dur (dur &key (tags nil) (combi-fun #'replace-value))
(make-instance 'duration-event :dur dur :tags tags :combi-fun combi-fun))

(defun lvl (lvl &key (tags nil) (combi-fun #'replace-value))
(make-instance 'level-event :lvl lvl :tags tags :combi-fun combi-fun))

(defun pitch (pitch &key (tags nil) (combi-fun #'replace-value))
(make-instance 'pitch-event :pitch pitch :tags tags :combi-fun combi-fun))

(defun pos (pos &key (azi 0) (ele 0) (dist 0) (tags nil) (combi-fun #'replace-value))
(make-instance 'spatial-event :pos pos :azi azi :ele ele
:dist dist :tags tags :combi-fun combi-fun))

(defun ambi-pos (azi ele &key (dist 0) (tags nil) (combi-fun #'replace-value))
(make-instance 'spatial-event :pos 0.0 :azi azi :ele ele
:dist dist :tags tags :ambi-p t :combi-fun combi-fun))

(defun rate (rate &key (tags nil) (combi-fun #'replace-value))
(make-instance 'rate-event :rate rate :tags tags :combi-fun combi-fun))

(defun start (start &key (tags nil) (combi-fun #'replace-value))
(make-instance 'start-event :start start :tags tags :combi-fun combi-fun))

;; deactivate ... if it's a modifying event processor, delete it ...
(defun deactivate (event-processor-id &key (del nil))
(setf (is-active (gethash event-processor-id *processor-directory*)) nil)
Expand Down
220 changes: 220 additions & 0 deletions megra-event-base.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,220 @@
;; stateful parameter modifier ... (yes, really ...)
;; every one of those needs an "evaluate" function ...
(defclass param-mod-object ()
((step :accessor pmod-step :initform 0)
(time :accessor pmod-time :initform 0)
(current-value :accessor pmod-current-value :initarg :current-value)))

;; before each evaluation, set time ...
(defmethod evaluate :before ((p param-mod-object))
(setf (pmod-time p) (incudine:now)))

(require :incudine)
;; after each evaluation, increment step counter
(defmethod evaluate :after ((p param-mod-object))
(incf (pmod-step p)))

;; this one is stateless, not dependent on current value ...
(defclass param-oscillate-between (param-mod-object) nil)

(defmethod evaluate ((o param-oscillate-between))
(let* ((osc-range (- upper lower))
(degree-increment (/ 360 cycle o))
(degree (mod (* degree-increment (mod step cycle)) 360))
(abs-sin (abs (sin (radians degree)))))
(+ lower (* abs-sin osc-range))))

(defclass generic-brownian-motion ()
(upper-boundary :accessor ubound :initarg :upper-boundary)
(lower-boundary :accessor lbound :initarg :lower-boundary)
(step-size :accessor step-size :initarg :step-size)
(is-bounded :accessor is-bounded :initarg :is-bounded)
(is-wrapped :accessor is-wrapped :initarg :is-wrapped))

;; cap or wrap ...
(defmethod cap ((b generic-brownian-motion) value &key)
(cond ((is-bounded b)
(cond ((< value (lbound b)) (lbound b))
((> value (ubound b)) (ubound b))
(t value)))
((is-wrapped b)
(cond ((< value (lbound b)) (ubound b))
((> value (ubound b)) (lbound b))
(t value)))
(t value)))

;; this one is stateful ...
(defclass param-brownian-motion (generic-brownian-motion param-mod-object))

(defmethod evaluate ((b param-brownian-motion))
(let* ((new-value (cap b (+ (pmod-current-value b)
(* (nth (random 2) '(-1 1)) (step-size b))))))
;; stateful - don't forget to set value !
(setf (pmod-current-value b) new-value)
;; return new value

;; the atomic units of music - event and transition ...
(defclass event ()
((source :accessor event-source)
(tags :accessor event-tags :initarg :tags)
(backends :accessor event-backends :initarg :backends :initform `(,*default-dsp-backend*))
(value-combine-function :accessor value-combine-function
:initarg :combi-fun :initform #'replace-value)))

;; the default value combination function
(defun replace-value (b a) a)

(defmethod event-has-slot ((e event) slot &key)
(member slot (class-slots (class-of e)) :test 'slot-eq))

(defmethod event-has-slot-by-name ((e event) slot-name &key)
(member slot-name (mapcar #'slot-definition-name (class-slots (class-of e)))))

;; check if event b has all slots that event a has
(defmethod events-compatible ((a event) (b event) &key)
(subsetp (class-slots (class-of a)) (class-slots (class-of b)) :test 'slot-eq))

(defmethod overwrite-slots ((a event) (b event) &key)
(loop for slot in (class-slots (class-of a))
do (when (slot-boundp-using-class (class-of b) b slot)
(unless (member (slot-definition-name slot) *protected-slots*)
(setf (slot-value b (slot-definition-name slot))
(funcall (value-combine-function a) (slot-value b (slot-definition-name slot))
(slot-value a (slot-definition-name slot))))))) b)

(defmethod copy-slots-to-class ((a event) (b event) &key)
(loop for slot in (class-direct-slots (class-of a))
do (unless (event-has-slot b slot)
(add-slot-to-class (class-name (class-of b)) (slot-definition-name slot)
:readers (slot-definition-readers slot)
:writers (slot-definition-writers slot)))))

;; will be an accumulator ...
(defclass incomplete-event (event) ())

;; copied ...
(defun interleave (l1 l2)
(cond ((and (eql l1 nil) (eql l2 nil)) nil) ;; rule #1
((eql l1 nil) (cons nil (interleave l2 l1))) ;; rule #2, current value is nil
(t (cons (first l1) (interleave l2 (rest l1)))))) ;; rule #3 in all other cases

;; helper to create
(defun create-accessor (class-name accessor-name param-name)
`(defgeneric ,accessor-name (,class-name)
(:method ((,class-name ,class-name))
(let ((val (slot-value ,class-name ',param-name)))
(if (typep val 'param-mod-object)
(evaluate val)

(defun get-param-definition (slot)
(sb-mop::slot-definition-name slot)
(car (sb-mop::slot-definition-readers slot))
(sb-mop::slot-definition-initform slot)))

(defun get-param-definitions (event-class)
(if (member (find-class 'event) (sb-mop::class-direct-superclasses event-class))
(mapcar #'get-param-definition (sb-mop::class-direct-slots event-class))
(mapcan #'get-param-definitions (sb-mop::class-direct-superclasses event-class))))

;; a overwrites b, b (or incomplete) is returned ...
(defmethod combine-single-events ((a event) (b event) &key)
(cond ((events-compatible a b) (overwrite-slots a b))
;; merge events into a new incomplete event
(t (let ((new-event (make-instance 'incomplete-event)))
(copy-slots-to-class a new-event)
(copy-slots-to-class b new-event)
(overwrite-slots b new-event)
(overwrite-slots a new-event)

;; combining events ... a has precedence
(defmethod combine-events (events-a events-b &key (mode 'append) (filter #'all-p))
(cond ((eq mode 'append) (append events-a events-b))
((eq mode 'zip) (let ((filtered-and-combined
(mapcar #'combine-single-events events-a
(remove-if-not filter events-b)))
(rest (remove-if filter events-b)))
(append filtered-and-combined rest)))))

;; creepy macro to faciliate defining events
;; defines the event class, the language constructor, and the
;; value accessor function ...
(defmacro define-event (&key
(parent-events nil)
(parameters nil)
(direct-parameters nil)
(handler nil))
(let* ((class-name (intern (format nil "~A" long-name)))
(keyword-parameters (remove-if #'(lambda (x) (member (car x) direct-parameters)) parameters))
;; get parameter definitions from parent classes ...
(parent-parameters (mapcan #'(lambda (cl)
(get-param-definitions (find-class cl)))
(parent-keyword-parameters (remove-if #'(lambda (x) (member (car x) direct-parameters))
(parameter-names (mapcar #'car parameters))
(accessor-names (mapcar #'cadr parameters))
(keyword-parameter-defaults (mapcar #'caddr keyword-parameters))
(keyword-parameter-names (mapcar #'car keyword-parameters))

(parent-parameter-names (mapcar #'car parent-parameters))

(parent-keyword-parameter-defaults (mapcar #'caddr parent-keyword-parameters))
(parent-keyword-parameter-names (mapcar #'car parent-keyword-parameters))

(keywords (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (intern (format nil "~A" x) "KEYWORD")) parameter-names))
(parent-keywords (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (intern (format nil "~A" x) "KEYWORD"))
(keyword-pairs (interleave keywords parameter-names))
(parent-keyword-pairs (interleave parent-keywords parent-parameter-names))
(class-name-list (make-list (length parameter-names) :initial-element class-name)))
;; define the base class
(defclass ,class-name ,parent-events ())
;; add the parameter slots with accessor
(loop for param in ',parameters
for i from 0 to (length ',parameters)
do (let* ((slot-name (car param))
(slot-keyword (intern (format nil "~A" slot-name) "KEYWORD"))
(slot-initform (caddr param))
(accessor-name (cadr param)))
(add-slot-to-class ',class-name
:accessors (list accessor-name)
:initargs (list slot-keyword)
:initform slot-initform)))
;; define the constructor function
(defun ,short-name (,@direct-parameters
,@(mapcar #'list keyword-parameter-names
,@(mapcar #'list parent-keyword-parameter-names
(tags nil)
(combi-fun #'replace-value))
(make-instance ',class-name
,(intern "TAGS" "KEYWORD") tags
,(intern "COMBI-FUN" "KEYWORD") combi-fun
;; oh my ... now this is creepy ...
;; re-define the getters so that the value is calculated if
;; it's a modifier object instead of a plain value ...
,@(mapcar #'create-accessor class-name-list accessor-names parameter-names)
;; tbd -- directly include handler ...

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