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Garbtronix Animation Library

My Personal ASCII animation tool Able to build GIFS and MP4's straight from text.

Ascii the world

Built from this very suite.


  • Install Python 3 latest

  • Pip Install Dependancies

    • pip install Pillow

    Does all of our GIF and IMG building

    • pip install numpy
    • pip install opencv-python

    Both of these are exclusively for MP4 generation

  • create the file <root>/pythonGifBuilder/example.txt

    • This is used for parsing our ascii art
  • Run python3 <root>/pythonGifBuilder/

    • If it runs, great we've done it!

The chair will not be present

How It Works

The application has 2 main important file standards with their own special markup language which get read.

    • a program/markup language file which allows for object definition and scene composition.
    • This only produces output for the OTHER markup language.
    • A simple file which displays every frame that will be generated into an image

The standard workflow is as follows:

- (Optional) Build a pre-compiled file and compile it
    - Good for complex scenes and stories
- Generate a post-compile file
    - This is raw frames and for very small animations this is far easier!
- Open pythonGifBuilder
- Edit sizing, FPS, font, etc in pythonGifBuilder
- Save and enjoy.

TL;DR -> Pre,Post,Build.

How the Markup Files Work

Post Compiled File Standard

The format for these files is DEAD. SIMPLE. Let's take a look at a 2 frame animation:

  | oo
  | >|
  | oo
  | >|

Starting with line 1 we have a metadata line.

  • 0,1
    • 0 : our drawing number. Honestly this can be any number its just for reference.
    • 1 : how many "frames" we want this drawing to last. Must be a number.
    • ex: 44,20 would mean we are on drawing 44 and we want it to last 20 frames.
      • This is our beginning of drawing reference. Must be the only character on the line.
  • The next part is our drawing.
  • **
    • This is our end of drawing reference. Must be the only character on the line.
  • We than clearly rinse repeat.

Here's the output of the example above

Me talking

Pre Compiled File Standard

Let's use the same animation from above. The format for these files is far more complex.

**** Objects
** 0
*** E
** 0
| oo
| >|
*** E
** 0
** 1
*** E
**** Scene
* 1
** backdrop,0,0,0
** head,0,0,0
** mouth,0,3,3
*** E

Starting with line 1 we have a section delimiter

  • **** Objects
    • the 4 dot lines are section delimiters.
    • There's only Objects and Scenes.
      • Objects == things we want to move
      • Scenes == compilations of objects
  • backdrop
    • Name of an object
      • The starting tag for an object
  • ** 0
    • These are what I'd call object indexes
    • These delimit the different poses are drawings we want our object to be in
    • Unfortunetly our first object is just a blank bunch of space. Makes things prettier
  • *** E
    • This is the end of an object. there will be no more indexes for this object
  • Given what you read above for backdrop we can see in our Object section we have 3 objects
    • backdrop ( 1 index)
    • head (1 indexes)
    • mouth (2 indexes)
  • Now we'll jump to the SCENES section
  • **** Scenes
    • Start of our scenes section.
    • Scenes combine objects together into a single drawing
    • top to bottom index determines Z order. Closer to the bottom objects overwrite the top objects
    • 1
      • A start of scene divider. In this case we want it to last 1 frame
      • ex: * 34 would mean this scene will last 34 frames
  • ** backdrop,0,0,0
    • These are object placement lines.
    • In this case we want to place object backdrop; index 0; at left-top location 0,0.
    • ** head,0,0,0 is object head index 0; at left-top location 0,0.
    • ** mouth,0,3,1 is object mouth index 0; at left-top location 3,3.
    • It'll look like the following once compiled.
  • *** E
    • end of scene. no more objects will be placed

Example from above!

    | oo
    | >|
  • Example lets say we wanted to move the mouth up and make it open (index 1)
    * 1
    ** backdrop,0,0,0
    ** head,0,0,0
    ** mouth,0,3,2
    *** E

would produce

    | oo
    | O|

So in this case it makes life easier to build complex scenes. Now lets talk SHORTCUTS!

Pre-Compiled Shortcuts

The Repeat Command (easiest command)

    * R 0,1 L 1
    *** E
    • R indicates this is a repeat command.
      • The first part is the from list
        • in the case of the example above it's frame 0 to frame 1
        • NOTE: it's based on frame not drawing!
      • L 1 is how many loops of this section we want to do
  • *** E is the end of this command.

The Modified Command in the scene section

    * M 1
    ** 2,1,0,1
    *** E
    • M indicates this is a Modified Frame
      • the 1 is how many modification frames will be written
      • this will all make sense after I explain the ** lines.
      • This is a shortcut to do things like...panning.
  • ** 1,0,0,1
    • This is a modify command. There can be multiple in a block here.
    • The first digit is the INDEX of the object we want to modify.
      • given our example above it'd be modifying the mouth.
      • indexing starts at 0
    • The second digit is the intended FRAME we want to display for that object
      • given the example above I am asking to modify the mouth to use index 0; the OPEN mouth
    • The third digit is the x modifier
      • just put 0 if you dont want to move the X relative to the current position
    • The fourth digit is the y modifier
      • just put 0 if you dont want to move the Y relative to the current position
    • *** E is the end of this command.

All of this together how I'd build an animation of a head panning

**** Objects
    ** 0
    *** E
    ** 0
    | oo
    | >|
    *** E
    ** 0
    ** 1
    *** E
    **** Scene
    // This is a comment. The compiler just ignores this!
    * 1
    ** backdrop,0,0,0
    ** head,0,0,0
    ** mouth,0,3,3
    *** E
    * M 1
    ** 2,1,0,0
    *** E
    // Depending on how many frames I want of talking I'd modify this!
    * R 0,1 L 5
    *** E


My Personal ASCII animation library compiler, and player







No releases published
