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Hagen Siegel edited this page Apr 15, 2021 · 9 revisions


Property Description Type Default value
HostName Host name or IP address string "localhost"
NetworkPort Network port to listen on int 9090
MessageEncryption Specifies if communication should be encrypted on message level
See also: Message Encryption
bool true
KeySize key size for asymmetric encryption (only relevant, if message encryption is enabled) int 4096
Serializer Specifies the serializer to be used ISerializerAdapter BsonSerializerAdapter
Dependency InjectionContainer DI container used to resolve services IDependency InjectionContainer CastleWindsorDependency InjectionContainer
RegisterServicesAction Optional: Action that is called on server startup, to register services in the DI container Action null
SessionRepository Specifies a repository to hold sessions ISessionRepository SessionRepository
Channel A channel to handle network communication IServerChannel WebsocketServerChannel
AuthenticationProvider Optional: A provider to handle authentification requests
See also: Autentication
IAuthenticationProvider null
AuthenticationRequired Specifies if authentification is required bool false
UniqueServer InstanceName Optional: Unique name of the server instance string Guid generated at runtime
InactiveSession SweepInterval Sweep interval for inactive sessions in seconds (No session sweeping if set to 0) int 60
MaximumSession InactivityTime Maximum inactivity time in minutes before a session is swept int 30
IsDefault Specifies if this is the default server instance _(only relevant when using Classic Remoting API of CoreRemoting) bool false


Property Description Type Default value
UniqueClient InstanceName Optional: Unique name of the instcne instance string Guid generated at runtime
ConnectionTimeout Connection timeout in seconds (0 means infinite) int 120
AuthenticationTimeout Authentication timeout in seconds (0 means infinite) int 30
InvocationTimeout Invocation timeout in seconds (0 means infinite) int 0
ServerHostName Host name or IP address of the remote server string "localhost"
ServerPort Network port of the remote server int 9090
Serializer Specifies the serializer to be used ISerializerAdapter BsonSerializerAdapter
MessageEncryption Specifies if communication should be encrypted on message level
See also: Message Encryption
bool true
KeySize key size for asymmetric encryption (only relevant, if message encryption is enabled) int 4096
Channel A channel to handle network communication IClientChannel WebsocketClientChannel
Credentials Optional: Array of credentials of authentication (depends on the authentication provider used on server side)
See also: Autentication
Credential[] null
KeepSessionAliveInterval Interval in seconds to keep session alive, even on idle (session is not kept alive if set to 0) int 20
IsDefault Specifies if this is the default client instance _(only relevant when using Classic Remoting API of CoreRemoting) bool false
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