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Analyze API

Isaac edited this page Apr 3, 2022 · 5 revisions

Diffbot documentation:


  let analyze = await diffbot.analyze({
    url: '',
    body: 'optional-html-post-body',

Full list of supported parameters:

Param Type Required Description
url string Yes Web page URL of the analyze to process
mode string No By default the Analyze API will fully extract all pages that match an existing Automatic API -- articles, products or image pages. Set mode to a specific page-type (e.g., mode=article) to extract content only from that specific page-type. All other pages will simply return the default Analyze fields.
fallback string No Force any non-extracted pages (those with a type of "other") through a specific API. For example, to route all "other" pages through the Article API, pass &fallback=article. Pages that utilize this functionality will return a fallbackType field at the top-level of the response and a originalType field within each extracted object, both of which will indicate the fallback API used.
fields string[] No Specify optional fields to be returned from any fully-extracted pages, e.g.: &fields=querystring,links. See available fields within each API's individual documentation pages.
paging boolean No (Undocumented) Pass paging=false to disable automatic concatenation of multiple-page articles. (By default, Diffbot will concatenate up to 20 pages of a single article.)
discussion boolean No Pass discussion=false to disable automatic extraction of comments or reviews from pages identified as articles or products. This will not affect pages identified as discussions.
timeout timeout No Sets a value in milliseconds to wait for the retrieval/fetch of content from the requested URL. The default timeout for the third-party response is 30 seconds (30000).
callback string No Use for jsonp requests. Needed for cross-domain ajax.
proxy string No Used to specify the IP address of a custom proxy that will be used to fetch the target page, instead of Diffbot's default IPs/proxies. (Ex: &proxy=
proxyAuth string No Used to specify the authentication parameters that will be used with the proxy specified in the &proxy parameter. (Ex: &proxyAuth=username:password)
body string No Optional HTML markup to pass as POST body
customJS string No This functionality is currently in beta. See docs for details:
customHeaders object No This functionality is currently in beta. See docs for details: