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Kai edited this page Jul 27, 2022 · 8 revisions

Welcome to the GroupMe Export Parser wiki!

If you're looking for installation instructions, see the README. This wiki will be used for making a bit of my own mini GroupMe API because the one Microsoft put out is quite lacking in content. Might also document issues or problems I encounter if I think others will find them helpful. Enjoy (:

See this page to understand what each file in your export folder means and what kind of information each contains.

This page contains as comprehensive a list of Attachment data that I can make. Being able to understand and parse Attachments is vital to creating anything similar to the true GroupMe conversation.

This page contains as comprehensive a list of Event data that I can make. Being able to understand and parse Events is vital to creating anything similar to the true GroupMe conversation. (Was this copy-pasted? Maybe. Is it still accurate? Yes. You're welcome.)

I'm a broke college student so have some mercy... Feel free to contact me either through GitHub or at

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