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John David Manning edited this page Dec 24, 2015 · 3 revisions

To install the framework using composer, open a terminal and navigate to one directory higher than the directory that you wish to install SECC to. Run the following command...
composer create-project theallmightyjohn/secc [name-ofinstall-directory] dev-master
... and wait for the files to be downloaded.

To install the framework using git open a terminal and navigate to one directory higher than the directory you want to install the framework to. Clone the repo with the following command.

git clone [name-of-directory-you-are-installing-to]

Alternitively you can download a zipped version and extract it's contents into the directory you want to install the framework to.

You will need to ensure that the contents of the public folder are in your document root. You can either change your server's vhost to point the document root to the public folder or simply move it's contents into your current document root. Here is a vhost example taken from the xampp server that it was developed on.

    <VirtualHost *:80> 
        DocumentRoot "C:/Development/www/secc/public"  
        ServerName secc  
        ErrorLog "logs/secc-error.log"  
        CustomLog "logs/secc-access.log" common  
        <Directory "C:/Development/www/secc/public">  
            Require all granted  
            AllowOverride all  

Apache ModeRewrite is required in order for the .htaccess file to route the application through the index file, so be sure to enable this extension on your server.

Once you have configured the server and extracted all of the folder contents in the proper location, all that needs to be done is run composer install. This will install all the dependencies included in the composer.json file. Once you have completed this step, secc is now installed and can be used.

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