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This repository has been archived by the owner on Mar 16, 2021. It is now read-only.


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AOEU Go Template Repo


A template repo for quickly starting Go projects.

What's Included

How To Use This Template

  1. Go to the Create a new repository page on GitHub
  2. Select this repo as the template in the Repository template field
  3. Check the Include all branches box
  4. Select theartofeducation as the Owner of the repository
  5. Add the repository name
  6. Add a short description for the repository
  7. Select Public or Private as appropriate for the repository
  8. Click the Create repository button
  9. Update files and repository information as needed
  10. Rebase develop on main to ensure that when you create a PR in the future, GitHub will allow it from develop
    1. git rebase origin/main
    2. git push -f
  11. Follow these steps to set up branch protection rules for develop and main in the new repository (manual setup)
    1. Go to the repo page in GitHub
    2. Go to the Settings page
    3. Go to the Branches section
    4. Under Branch protection rules click the Add rule button
    5. Type the name of the branch in Branch name pattern
    6. Select Require pull request reviews before merging
      1. Set Required approving reviews to 2
      2. Select Dismiss stale pull request approvals when new commits are pushed
      3. Select Require review from Code Owners
    7. Select Require status checks to pass before merging
      1. Select Require branches to be up to date before merging
      2. Check any CI pipelines needed
    8. Select Require signed commits
    9. Select Include administrators
    10. Click the Save changes button
  12. Create a new feature branch to work off
  13. Set up commit linting
    1. Run yarn install
  14. Setup golangci-lint
    1. Run brew install golangci/tap/golangci-lint
  15. Updated the module path in go.mod
  16. Update the
  17. Commit and merge changes

Running The Application

Two Docker containers are setup. The first builds the application while the second will run the executable.

  1. docker-compose up --build


Tests should be written with the application being a "black box" with no direct access. Test files go under the ./tests directory which should follow the directory structure of the application.


A template repo for quickly starting Go projects.







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