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The Bridge Scorekeeper edited this page Mar 10, 2019 · 7 revisions

The Bridge Scorekeeper

The Bridge Scorekeeper is a Java program that creates a web site that can be used to keep score of a bridge game. It supports

  • Duplicate Bridge
  • Chicago Bridge
  • Rubber Bridge

A computer running Windows, MacOS, or Linux is needed to run the server. Then any browser on any device can be used to access the server.

There is no security in this program, and can only be used in a friendly setting. There is nothing that will prevent anyone from looking up the scores while play is still going on.

In the friendly bridge group I'm in, we use a Windows tablet computer to run the server, it is used at one of the tables to enter scores. At the other table an iPad is used. The tablet computer can also create a WiFi hotspot to allow other devices to connect to it.

Demo and Help

A demo of the program is here. The help for the program is here.


You will need Java 8 to run the server. For the client, any browser can be used. It works with Firefox, Chrome, and Edge on Windows and Safari on Mac. On the iPad you need to be running iOS 11 or higher. It has not been tested on other platforms.


Download the jar from the latest release into a new folder.

Check the SHA256 hash of the downloaded jar. The hash is the contained in the file with an extension of .sha256. Download this file into the same directory as the jar file, then run, on Mac:

shasum -a 256 -b -c <jarfile>.sha256

on Linux:

sha256sum -b -c <jarfile>.sha256

This will print out a line indicating whether the file is OK.

For example: for release v1.0.2 the command would be

sha256sum -b -c bridgescorer-server-assembly-1.0.2-dd1a645aa063474956561c7140fcfdf20f7d2b34.jar.sha256

On Windows the command

certUtil -hashfile <jarfile>  SHA256

can be used. Then compare the SHA256 hash that is printed out with the hash in in the .sha256 file.

certUtil -hashfile bridgescorer-server-assembly-1.0.2-dd1a645aa063474956561c7140fcfdf20f7d2b34.jar SHA256

The output from the certUtil is:

C:\Users\thebridsk\Downloads> certUtil -hashfile bridgescorer-server-assembly-1.0.2-dd1a645aa063474956561c7140fcfdf20f7d2b34.jar SHA256
SHA256 hash of bridgescorer-server-assembly-1.0.2-dd1a645aa063474956561c7140fcfdf20f7d2b34.jar:
CertUtil: -hashfile command completed successfully.

This should match what is in the .sha256 file:

C:\Users\thebridsk\Downloads> type bridgescorer-server-assembly-1.0.2-dd1a645aa063474956561c7140fcfdf20f7d2b34.jar.sha256
ab438f1b958477cbe4141c3528a56a80fb49a192ab3257817c124d808a044e34 *bridgescorer-server-assembly-1.0.2-dd1a645aa063474956561c7140fcfdf20f7d2b34.jar

Notice that the hash ab43f1...4e34 match.


Once the jar file is downloaded into an empty directory, start a command prompt and issue the following command:

java -jar <jarfile>  install

For version 1.0.2, this would be:

java -jar bridgescorer-server-assembly-1.0.2-dd1a645aa063474956561c7140fcfdf20f7d2b34.jar install

This will create some shell scripts that will help in managing the server.

Updating the Server

To update the server to the latest version, on Windows issue the command


On linux or Mac issue the command:


This will download the latest version jar file, move the old version jar to the save directory, and it will run the install command.

Running the Server

To run the server, all you need to do on Windows is execute the server command in the directory that you just installed the code in. On linux or Mac, execute ./server. This will also start a browser on the home page of the server.

To stop the server, on Windows execute the command server --shutdown. On linux or Mac issue the command ./server --shutdown.

Home Page

The home page

that is displayed when the server is started also shows the web address, URL, that is needed to connect to the server from iPads and tablets.

For help on how to use the application, hit the Help button on the home page.

From iPads and Tablets

Just start the browser and go to the web address that the home page is showing.


A Windows tablet can be used to run the server. The tablet can also create a WiFi hotspot with the following two commands:

netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid=bridge key=bridgepw
netsh wlan start hostednetwork

Where ssid is the network name, and key is the password for the network.

Be sure to stop the network when you are done playing.

netsh wlan stop hostednetwork

The netsh command now requires admin privilege to run.