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gulp-project-template Codeship Status for thebuilder/gulp-project-template

A template combining Gulp, Browserify, LiveReload and Jade, for a sweet starting point for new Angular projects.

##Getting started The following tools are required when developing the project locally:

  • Node.js
    Make sure node is installed and paths are configured, so you can use npm from the terminal.

  • Gulp
    Make sure Gulp is installed globally.

      npm install -g gulp
  • Bower Make sure Bower is installed globally.

      npm install -g bower
  • LiveReload LiveReload gets injected into the HTML when compiling development builds. This enables LiveReload in all browsers and devices, not just Chrome.

Install the project node modules.

npm install

Install the bower components.

bower install

To start developing run gulp. This will compile files, start a webserver and watch for changes. Any file changes will cause LiveReload to trigger an update of the html page.


##Webstorm setup If you are using Webstorm, you should make sure that it is configured for the project. This includes setting up JS libraries, scope and directories.

###Directories You should mark the following directories inside Webstorm:


  • node_modules
  • test/reports/coverage/{BROWSER}/js Exclude the coverage JS directory. Otherwise you will get duplicate .html files (detailing coverage) everything you are looking up a .js file.

#####Resource Root

  • src Ensures correct relative paths in source files.
  • src/less You will need this to get correct relative image paths in .css


  • test

###JS Libraries

Preferences > Javascript > Libraries

To get proper code completion, you need to spend 10 minutes configuring the libraries you are using.

####Project libraries You can mark files and directories in the project as libraries. This allows you to assign a scope for where they should be used, and helps with Webstorm code completion.

  • bower_components
  • node_modules

You can mark specific files/directories inside bower_components as a library, to give you better control over what is exposed. However you should generally prefer the "Typescript Community Stubs" if the library exists there.

####Typescript Community Stubs Most of the Third Party libraries have Typescript interfaces that can be used. These interfaces knows exactly how the code is structured, what methods expect and what they return.

To get these, you should choose Download, and change the dropdown to "Typescript Community Stubs". Find the relevant lib, and add it. You will want the following:

  • angularjs
  • greensock

For testing these frameworks are used:

  • angular-protractor
  • jasmine
  • selenium-webdriver

###Scope Once you have prepared the libraries the project needs, you should configure the Scope. This specifies what JS should be available to which source files. For example, you do not want access to node_modules in your src files, since you would get a ton of irrelevant code completion hints.

The following is a suggestion for the libraries mentioned above. If you add more libraries, make sure to consider how it should be scoped.

###Mark as plain text A final "trick" is to mark compiled files as plain text. This stops Webstorm from indexing the js/css, so you won't see references to compiled files in code completion.

You should exclude the following:

  • dist/js/*.js
  • dist/css/app.css
  • test/bundle/*.js

##Karma+Jasmine Testing The project is configured to use Karma and Jasmine for testing.

A special browserify task is configured to compile all *.spec.js files in the src directory. This allows you to use require() when testing, which could be useful for things like:

  • Require specific .js files when testing, instead of retrieving them from the compiled app.js
  • Include dummy .json files when parsing data.
  • Include dummy .html or .jade files.

The compiled test.bundle.js file includes a source map, so it will log the original file position if an error occurs.

###Karma Karma is the engine that loads the .js and executes the tests.

All the karma specific configuration is located in the karma.conf.js file in the project root. When running the karma gulp tasks you can override these options.

###Jasmine Jasmine is the framework used to write the tests. It is explained and demonstrated on their own website: Jasmine 2.0

A simple test could look like:

describe("A suite", function() {
  it("contains spec with an expectation", function() {

##Protractor Protractor is an E2E testing framework built for AngularJS.

####Debugging with Element Explorer You can start an interactive version of the element explorer, so you can test out the various Protractor commands. This will allow you to quickly see the result of various locators and commands.

Get a selenium server running at localhost:4444:

node node_modules/gulp-protractor/node_modules/.bin/webdriver-manager update
node node_modules/gulp-protractor/node_modules/.bin/webdriver-manager start

Start element explorer on the Node server localhost:3000 (make sure it is running, by executing gulp serve):

node node_modules/gulp-protractor/node_modules/protractor/bin/elementexplorer.js localhost:3000

This will load up the URL on WebDriver and put the terminal into a REPL loop. You will see a > prompt. The browser, element and protractor variables will be available. Enter a command such as:

> element('foobar')).getText()


> browser.get('http://localhost:3000/subpage.html')

To get a list of functions you can call, try:

> browser

Typing at a blank prompt will fill in a suggestion for finding elements.

Use the list helper function to find elements by strategy: e.g., list(by.binding('')) gets all bindings.

See the complete Protractor API

##Continues Integration If setting up a CI server, like, use the following commands in a Node 0.10.x env:

# Install the modules
npm install --silent
npm install bower gulp -g --silent
bower install -f --silent

# Test commands
gulp release test


The basic setup for a new web project using Gulp.






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