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Releases: thecommons-urbit/blog


17 Feb 19:25
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This release declares 411k compatibility for Common Blog in advance of the kelvin update being released to the network.

Full Changelog: v0.2.2...v0.2.3


09 Dec 14:17
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This hotfix fixes a bug introduced in v0.2.1 which would prevent the "Share your post on %rumors?" modal from displaying when publishing a post.

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v0.2.1...v0.2.2


09 Dec 12:46
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This release improves error messaging and navigation while working with drafts and posts. You'll see fewer unnecessary error messages about duplicate filenames, and the editor will cause fewer of those errors. The whole "lifecycle" of drafting, publishing, and deleting a post feels much more solid.

For developers, the frontend and backend codebases are now commented throughout. ESLint has been added to the frontend codebase, to enforce standard TypeScript best practices and ensure consistent code style going forward, and the frontend codebase has been amended according to those standards. The script now includes a -l flag to automatically fix ESLint issues where possible.

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v0.2.0...v0.2.1


18 Nov 21:52
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This release makes the %blog app compatible with Zuse 412k, and marks the switch from "%blog" v0.1.0 to "Common Blog" v0.2.0.

  • Zuse 412k compatibility
  • Merges blog and blog-ui code into one repo
  • Adds build and install scripts to assist with fakeship development and real deployment
  • Rebranding in the desk.docket-0 file from %blog to Common Blog
  • Adds scry path to check if %pals and %rumors are installed; if not, the "AAAAH…" prompt won't appear upon publishing
  • Improves default CSS theme for posts
  • Makes various cosmetic changes to the post and CSS theme editors