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Dr. Rubisco edited this page Feb 11, 2022 · 1 revision

Resounding 1.0.0 is on the way, and it gets closer every day. Here is a place to track the progress of the mod.

If you want to view this live, you can visit the new project page here

The goals of the first release of Resounding are defined by these issues, from first to last priority:

These issues form the backbone of Release 1.0.0, and each has it's own Milestone here. (milestones 1, 2, 3, and 4 respectively)

These Milestones represent large chunks of the development process, and each one has a Milestone Alpha release when the milestone is completed.

You can take a look at the issues in each milestone, to get an idea of what the plan is, as well as how much progress has already been made. Alternatively, to view progress of the project as a whole, you can use the Project page linked at the top of this page

Once these milestones are all completed, a few more alphas may be released to tweak things, and then the Beta testing phase begins. The betas will be less frequent than alphas, as Beta phase is all about squashing bugs and recieving feedback.

Once everyone is satisfied with the most recent beta, a Release Candidate is made. This will be tested extensively for any bugs, and peer-reviewed by as many other developers as are willing, to make sure to clean up the code and spot any bugs or flaws before release. If any changes are made in this phase, another release candidate is made and the review process starts again.

Once no more changes can be made to improve the Release Candidate, the completed code will be publicly released as Resounding 1.0.0 on CurseForge and Modrinth for everyone to use and enjoy.

There is currently no ETA for any part of the roadmap, please do not ask for one. If you need an approximate release date for some reason, you can use the pages and info provided above to try and estimate it. With these tools as your guide, your guess is as good as mine.

If you have any more questions about development that aren't answered in the FAQ, don't hesitate to ask on the official Discord!

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