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THIS REPO IS NO LONGER MAINTAINED - it has been moved over to Google Cloud's kubernetes-engine-samples repository - A simple Flask (or gRPC) app for showing what node / zone / region a given K8s pod is in. Includes a bunch of additional context, including service account, networking information, and optionally, headers received.


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🚨🚨 THIS REPO IS NO LONGER MAINTAINED - it has been moved over to Google Cloud's kubernetes-engine-samples repository 🚨🚨

Open in Cloud Shell

whereami is a simple Kubernetes-oriented python app for describing the location of the pod serving a request via its attributes (cluster name, cluster region, pod name, namespace, service account, etc). This is useful for a variety of demos where you just need to understand how traffic is getting to and returning from your app.

whereami, by default, is a Flask-based python app. It also can operate as a gRPC server. The instructions for using gRPC are at the bottom of this document here.


Tracing to whereami is instrumented via OpenTelemetry when in default Flask mode, and will export traces to Cloud Trace when run on GCP. The TRACE_SAMPLING_RATIO value in the ConfigMap can be used to configure sampling likelihood.

Prometheus metrics are exposed from whereami at x.x.x.x/metrics in both Flask and gRPC modes. In gRPC mode, the metrics endpoint is exposed on port 8000 via HTTP.

Note: when running the whereami pod(s) with Workload Identity enabled, make sure that the associated GSA has a role attached to it with permissions to write to Cloud Trace, such as roles/cloudtrace.agent

Simple deployment

whereami is a single-container app, designed and packaged to run on Kubernetes. In its simplest form it can be deployed in a single line with only a few parameters.

$ kubectl run --expose --port 8080 whereami

The whereami pod listens on port 8080 and returns a very simple JSON response that indicates who is responding and where they live. This example assumes you're executing the curl command from a pod in the same K8s cluster & namespace (although the following examples show how to access from external clients):

$ curl
  "cluster_name": "cfs-limit-test-01", 
  "host_header": "", 
  "metadata": "frontend", 
  "node_name": "gke-cfs-limit-test-01-default-pool-1b913ea3-poei.c.alexmattson-scratch.internal", 
  "pod_ip": "", 
  "pod_name": "whereami-6f5545f49c-8thlp", 
  "pod_name_emoji": "πŸ‘±πŸΌ", 
  "pod_namespace": "default", 
  "pod_service_account": "whereami", 
  "project_id": "alexmattson-scratch", 
  "timestamp": "2020-12-13T05:49:40", 
  "zone": "us-central1-b"

Some of the returned metadata includes:

  • pod_name_emoji - an emoji character hashed from Pod name. This makes it a little easier for a human to visually identify the pod you're dealing with.
  • zone - the GCP zone in which the Pod is running
  • host_header - the HTTP host header field, as seen by the Pod

Full deployment walk through

whereami can return even more information about your application and its environment, if you provide access to that information. This walkthrough will demonstrate the deployment of a GKE cluster and the metadata whereami is capable of exposing. Clone this repo to have local access to the deployment files used in step 2.

$ git clone
$ cd kubernetes-engine-samples/whereami

Step 1 - Create a GKE cluster

First define your environment variables (substituting where #needed#):

$ export COMPUTE_REGION=#YOUR_COMPUTE_REGION# # this expects a region, not a zone
$ export CLUSTER_NAME=whereami

Now create your cluster:

$ gcloud beta container clusters create $CLUSTER_NAME \
  --enable-ip-alias \
  --enable-stackdriver-kubernetes \
  --region=$COMPUTE_REGION \
  --num-nodes=1 \

$ gcloud container clusters get-credentials $CLUSTER_NAME --region $COMPUTE_REGION

This will create a regional cluster with a single node per zone (3 nodes in total).

Step 2 - Deploy whereami

This Deployment manifest shows the configurable parameters of whereami as environment variables passed from a configmap to the Pods. Each of the following environment variables are optional. If the environment variable is passed to the Pod then the application will enable that field in its response.

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: whereami
  replicas: 3 #whereami can be deployed as multiple identical replicas
      app: whereami
        app: whereami
      serviceAccountName: whereami
      - name: whereami
          - name: http
            containerPort: 8080 #The application is listening on port 8080
        livenessProbe: #There is a health probe listening on port 8080/healthz that will respond with 200 if the application is running
              path: /healthz
              port: 8080
              scheme: HTTP
          initialDelaySeconds: 5
          periodSeconds: 15
          timeoutSeconds: 5
            path: /healthz
            port: 8080
            scheme: HTTP
          initialDelaySeconds: 5
          timeoutSeconds: 1
          - name: NODE_NAME #The node name the pod is running on
                fieldPath: spec.nodeName
          - name: POD_NAMESPACE #The kubernetes Namespace where the Pod is running
                fieldPath: metadata.namespace
          - name: POD_IP #The IP address of the pod
                fieldPath: status.podIP
          - name: POD_SERVICE_ACCOUNT #The name of the Service Account that the pod is using
                fieldPath: spec.serviceAccountName
          - name: BACKEND_ENABLED #If true, enables queries from whereami to a specified Service name or IP. Requires BACKEND_SERVICE to be set.
                name: whereami
                key: BACKEND_ENABLED
          - name: BACKEND_SERVICE #Configures the name or IP of the endpoint that whereami will query.
                name: whereami
                key: BACKEND_SERVICE
          - name: METADATA #An arbitrary metadata field that can be used to label JSON responses
                name: whereami
                key: METADATA

The k8s deployment repo uses Kustomize to organize its deployment files. The following command will deploy the all of the required resources for the full whereami deployment.

$ cat k8s/kustomization.yaml
- ksa.yaml
- deployment.yaml
- service.yaml
- configmap.yaml

$ kubectl apply -k k8s
serviceaccount/whereami created
configmap/whereami created
service/whereami created
deployment.apps/whereami created

Step 3 - Query whereami

Get the external Service endpoint. The k8s repo deploys an external LoadBalancer Service on port TCP/80 to make the application reachable on the internet.

ENDPOINT=$(kubectl get svc whereami | grep -v EXTERNAL-IP | awk '{ print $4}')

Note: this may be pending for a few minutes while the service provisions

Wrap things up by curling the EXTERNAL-IP of the service.

$ curl $ENDPOINT

  "cluster_name": "cfs-limit-test-01", 
  "host_header": "", 
  "metadata": "frontend", 
  "node_name": "gke-cfs-limit-test-01-default-pool-7b7ebe33-lj4q.c.alexmattson-scratch.internal", 
  "pod_ip": "", 
  "pod_name": "whereami-6f5545f49c-nkjdg", 
  "pod_name_emoji": "πŸ‘Š", 
  "pod_namespace": "default", 
  "pod_service_account": "whereami", 
  "project_id": "alexmattson-scratch", 
  "timestamp": "2020-12-13T05:44:47", 
  "zone": "us-central1-c"

The JSON payload example above covers the majority of fields that whereami can return. In the following sections, you will see how it's possible to have whereami to call downstream services, adding additional data to that payload. Before you do that, it's worth pointing out that whereami can also return individual fields from that JSON payload as plaintext, so long as you include the field's name as a suffix to the path you're calling. Let's see an example.

Suppose you only care about the pod_name_emoji value. You can do the following to capture only that value in the response:

$ curl $ENDPOINT/some/path/prefix/pod_name_emoji


whereami will evaluate the path you're accessing, and as long as the last part of the path matches a valid field name of the JSON response, it will return that value. Otherwise, you'll get the full JSON response.

The fields/path suffixes that are always available in a HTTP whereami response are:

  • host_header
  • pod_name
  • pod_name_emoji
  • timestamp

Setup a backend service call

whereami has an optional flag within its configmap that will cause it to call another backend service within your Kubernetes cluster (for example, a different, non-public instance of itself). This is helpful for demonstrating a public microservice call to a non-public microservice, and then including the responses of both microservices in the payload delivered back to the user.

Note: when defining a backend service to call via HTTP, make sure the BACKEND_SERVICE endpoint indicates either an http:// or https:// prefix.

Step 1 - Deploy the whereami backend

Deploy whereami again using the manifests from k8s-backend-overlay-example

$ kubectl apply -k k8s-backend-overlay-example
serviceaccount/whereami-backend created
configmap/whereami-backend created
service/whereami-backend created
deployment.apps/whereami-backend created

configmap/whereami-backend has the following fields configured:

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: whereami
  BACKEND_ENABLED: "False" # assuming you don't want a chain of backend calls
  METADATA:        "backend"

It overlays the base manifest with the following Kustomization file:

nameSuffix: "-backend"
  app: whereami-backend
- ../k8s
- cm-flag.yaml
- service-type.yaml

Step 2 - Deploy the whereami frontend

Now we're going to deploy the whereami frontend from the k8s-frontend-overlay-example folder. The configmap in this folder shows how the frontend is configured differently from the backend:

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: whereami
  BACKEND_ENABLED: "True" #This enables requests to be send to the backend
  # when defining the BACKEND_SERVICE using an HTTP protocol, indicate HTTP or HTTPS; if using gRPC, use the host name only
  BACKEND_SERVICE: "http://whereami-backend" #This is the name of the backend Service that was created in the previous step
  METADATA:        "frontend" #This is the metadata string returned in the output

Deploy the frontend:

$ kubectl apply -k k8s-frontend-overlay-example
serviceaccount/whereami-frontend created
configmap/whereami-frontend created
service/whereami-frontend created
deployment.apps/whereami-frontend created

Step 3 - Query whereami

Get the external Service endpoint again:

$ ENDPOINT=$(kubectl get svc whereami-frontend | grep -v EXTERNAL-IP | awk '{ print $4}')

Curl the endpoint to get the response. In this example we use jq to provide a little more structure to the response:

$ curl $ENDPOINT -s | jq .
  "backend_result": {
    "cluster_name": "gke-us-east",
    "host_header": "whereami-backend",
    "metadata": "backend",
    "node_name": "",
    "pod_ip": "",
    "pod_name": "whereami-backend-769bdff967-6plr6",
    "pod_name_emoji": "πŸ€¦πŸΎβ€β™€οΈ",
    "pod_namespace": "multi-cluster-demo",
    "pod_service_account": "whereami-backend",
    "project_id": "church-243723",
    "timestamp": "2020-08-02T23:38:56",
    "zone": "us-east4-a"
  "cluster_name": "gke-us-east",
  "host_header": "",
  "metadata": "frontend",
  "node_name": "",
  "pod_ip": "",
  "pod_name": "whereami-frontend-5ddd6bc84c-nkrds",
  "pod_name_emoji": "πŸƒπŸ»β€β™€οΈ",
  "pod_namespace": "multi-cluster-demo",
  "pod_service_account": "whereami-frontend",
  "project_id": "church-243723",
  "timestamp": "2020-08-02T23:38:56",
  "zone": "us-east4-a"

This response shows the chain of communications with the response from the frontend and the response from the backend. A little bit of jq-magic can actually make it easy too see the chains of communications over successive requests:

$ for i in {1..3}; do curl $ENDPOINT -s | jq '{frontend: .pod_name_emoji, backend: .backend_result.pod_name_emoji}' -c; done

Include all received headers in the response

whereami has an additional feature flag that, when enabled, will include all received headers in its reply. If, in k8s/configmap.yaml, ECHO_HEADERS is set to True, the response payload will include a headers field, populated with the headers included in the client's request.

Step 1 - Deploy whereami with header echoing enabled

$ kubectl apply -k k8s-echo-headers-overlay-example
serviceaccount/whereami-frontend created
configmap/whereami-frontend created
service/whereami-frontend created
deployment.apps/whereami-frontend created

Step 2 - Query whereami

Get the external Service endpoint again:

$ ENDPOINT=$(kubectl get svc whereami-echo-headers | grep -v EXTERNAL-IP | awk '{ print $4}')

Curl the endpoint to get the response. Yet again, we use jq to provide a little more structure to the response:

$ curl $ENDPOINT -s | jq .
  "cluster_name": "cluster-1",
  "headers": {
    "Accept": "*/*",
    "Host": "",
    "User-Agent": "curl/7.64.1"
  "host_header": "",
  "metadata": "echo_headers_enabled",
  "node_name": "gke-cluster-1-default-pool-c91b5644-1z7l.c.alexmattson-scratch.internal",
  "pod_ip": "",
  "pod_name": "whereami-echo-headers-78766fb94f-ggmcb",
  "pod_name_emoji": "πŸ§‘πŸΏ",
  "pod_namespace": "default",
  "pod_service_account": "whereami-echo-headers",
  "project_id": "alexmattson-scratch",
  "timestamp": "2020-08-11T18:21:58",
  "zone": "us-central1-c"

gRPC support

All of the prior examples for whereami are based on its default operating mode of using Flask as its server. The following section details how whereami can be configured to use gRPC instead.

By setting the feature flag GRPC_ENABLED in the whereami configmap (see here) to "True", whereami can be interacted with using gRPC, with support for the gRPC health check protocol. The examples below leverage grpcurl, and assume you've already deployed a GKE cluster.

If gRPC is enabled for a given pod, that whereami pod will not respond to HTTP requests, and any downstream service calls that the pod makes will also use gRPC only.

Note: because gRPC is used as the protocol, the whereami-grpc response will omit any header fields and listens on port 9090 instead of port 8080 by default, but can be configured via the $PORT environment variable.

Step 1 - Deploy the whereami-grpc backend

Deploy the whereami-grpc backend using the manifests from k8s-grpc-backend-overlay-example:

$ kubectl apply -k k8s-grpc-backend-overlay-example
serviceaccount/whereami-grpc-backend created
configmap/whereami-grpc-backend created
service/whereami-grpc-backend created
deployment.apps/whereami-grpc-backend created

This backend will listen for gRPC requests from the frontend service deployed in the following step.

Step 2 - Deploy the whereami-grpc frontend

Now we're going to deploy the whereami-grpc frontend from the k8s-grpc-frontend-overlay-example:

$ kubectl apply -k k8s-grpc-frontend-overlay-example
serviceaccount/whereami-grpc-frontend created
configmap/whereami-grpc-frontend created
service/whereami-grpc-frontend created
deployment.apps/whereami-grpc-frontend created

This frontend will both listen for gRPC requests from the user (described in the following step), and will make gRPC requests to the backend deployed in the prior step.

Step 3 - Query whereami-grpc frontend

Get the external Service gRPC endpoint:

$ ENDPOINT=$(kubectl get svc whereami-grpc-frontend | grep -v EXTERNAL-IP | awk '{ print $4}')

Call the endpoint using grpcurl to get the response. In this example, we use jq to provide a little more structure to the response:

$ grpcurl -plaintext $ENDPOINT:9090 whereami.Whereami.GetPayload | jq .
  "backend_result": {
    "clusterName": "asm-test-01",
    "metadata": "grpc-backend",
    "nodeName": "gke-asm-test-01-default-pool-02e1ecfb-1b9z.c.alexmattson-scratch.internal",
    "podIp": "",
    "podName": "whereami-grpc-backend-f9b79888d-mcbxv",
    "podNameEmoji": "πŸ€’",
    "podNamespace": "default",
    "podServiceAccount": "whereami-grpc-backend",
    "projectId": "alexmattson-scratch",
    "timestamp": "2020-10-22T05:10:58",
    "zone": "us-central1-c"
  "cluster_name": "asm-test-01",
  "metadata": "grpc-frontend",
  "node_name": "gke-asm-test-01-default-pool-f9ad78c0-w3qr.c.alexmattson-scratch.internal",
  "pod_ip": "",
  "pod_name": "whereami-grpc-frontend-88b54bc6-9w8cc",
  "pod_name_emoji": "πŸ‡ΈπŸ‡¦",
  "pod_namespace": "default",
  "pod_service_account": "whereami-grpc-frontend",
  "project_id": "alexmattson-scratch",
  "timestamp": "2020-10-22T05:10:58",
  "zone": "us-central1-f"


Cloud Run

When using gRPC for whereami on Cloud Run, HTTP/2 must be enabled for the Cloud Run revision.

$ grpcurl  whereami.Whereami/GetPayload
  "pod_name": "localhost",
  "pod_name_emoji": "πŸ‘©πŸ»β€πŸ”¬",
  "project_id": "am-arg-01",
  "timestamp": "2022-12-18T01:55:56",
  "zone": "us-central1-1",
  "gce_instance_id": "0071bb481503eabfa986564835af469bc819c7c1bbb5a262267f5dac714a989324abe2907490f31a0b7baa78e0ccf715b955ee306ae8e6469c83258a01a1c402c8",
  "gce_service_account": ""

When enabling backend in Cloud Run using gRPC:

$ grpcurl  whereami.Whereami/GetPayload
  "backend_result": {
    "pod_name": "localhost",
    "pod_name_emoji": "πŸ‘©πŸΏβ€β€οΈβ€πŸ’‹β€πŸ‘¨πŸΌ",
    "project_id": "am-arg-01",
    "timestamp": "2022-12-18T04:51:00",
    "zone": "us-central1-1",
    "gce_instance_id": "0071bb481538d20cdd71482479441202997c112a395a4308ee799f7151c31483ded5745b8ddc1cd577e56fbf1458c12dd15cfc55852f12c96ab5dae7590ba15cc4",
    "gce_service_account": ""
  "pod_name": "localhost",
  "pod_name_emoji": "πŸ‘©πŸΎβ€β€οΈβ€πŸ‘©πŸ»",
  "project_id": "am-arg-01",
  "timestamp": "2022-12-18T04:51:00",
  "zone": "us-central1-1",
  "gce_instance_id": "0071bb4815da6cf73029c03a21cb16f3fac22031e3f33d3d1749ab2aa683ec2fb83e85151a10908296d54d518352b0b59bba90d39c83ad31d69997e10732e76c34",
  "gce_service_account": ""


If you'd like to build & publish via Google's buildpacks, something like this should do the trick (leveraging the local Procfile) from this directory:

cat > run.Dockerfile << EOF
USER root
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends \
  wget && \
  apt-get clean && \
  rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* && \
  wget -O /bin/grpc_health_probe && \
  chmod +x /bin/grpc_health_probe && \
  wget -O /bin/curl && \
  chmod +x /bin/curl
USER cnb

docker build -t${PROJECT_ID}/whereami-run-image -f run.Dockerfile .
docker push${PROJECT_ID}/whereami-run-image

pack build --builder --publish${PROJECT_ID}/whereami --run-image${PROJECT_ID}/whereami-run-image

Recently, cURL was added to /bin of the container image for additional testing capability.


If you'd like to deploy whereami via its Helm chart, you could leverage the following instructions.

Deploy the default setup of whereami (HTTP frontend):

helm install whereami oci:// \
    --version 1.2.19

Deploy whereami as HTTP backend by running the previous helm install command with the following parameters:

--set suffix=-backend,config.metadata=backend,service.type=ClusterIP

Deploy whereami as HTTP frontend with backend by running the previous helm install command with the following parameters:

--set suffix=-frontend,config.metadata=frontend,config.backend.enabled=true

Deploy whereami as echo headers by running the previous helm install command with the following parameters:

--set suffix=-echo-headers,config.metadata=echo_headers_enabled,config.echoHeaders.enabled=true

Deploy whereami as gRPC frontend by running the previous helm install command with the following parameters:

--set nameOverride=whereami-grpc,config.metadata=grpc-frontend,config.backend.service=whereami-grpc-backend,config.grpc.enabled=true,service.port=9090,,service.targetPort=9090

Deploy whereami as gRPC backend by running the previous helm install command with the following parameters:

--set suffix=-backend,nameOverride=whereami-grpc,config.metadata=grpc-backend,config.backend.service=whereami-grpc-backend,config.grpc.enabled=true,service.port=9090,,service.targetPort=9090,service.type=ClusterIP

Deploy whereami as gRPC backend with backend by running the previous helm install command with the following parameters:

--set suffix=-frontend,nameOverride=whereami-grpc,config.metadata=grpc-frontend,config.backend.enabled=true,config.backend.service=whereami-grpc-backend,config.grpc.enabled=true,service.port=9090,,service.targetPort=9090


THIS REPO IS NO LONGER MAINTAINED - it has been moved over to Google Cloud's kubernetes-engine-samples repository - A simple Flask (or gRPC) app for showing what node / zone / region a given K8s pod is in. Includes a bunch of additional context, including service account, networking information, and optionally, headers received.





