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Getting SSR dark mode, ThemeProvider, and Storybook to work together.

👉 site with ssr "dark mode" (color mode) here:

👉 storybook using site's ThemeProvider here (illustrates the defect):

To run locally

  1. fork this repo and clone a local copy

  2. install dependencies using package manager of your choice


// or

npm install
  1. Run Gatsby:
yarn start
  1. Run Storybook:
yarn storybook

What we want to happen:

Josh Comeau's Gatsby SSR color-mode implementation lets us use CSS variables to implement theming and inject those variables into the <head> at compile time. Is it possible to achieve the same thing in Storybook? E.g.:

• When Gatsby SSR generates HTML at compile-time, inject a <script> tag before all of our content (which in the case of Storybook, I assume would be Storybook Preview, which is the place components related to stories are rendered. You can read about how this works here.

• In that script tag, work out what the user's color preferences are

• Update the CSS variables using JavaScript

In Storybook, we want to import our ThemeProvider component in preview.js; we want to pass our colorMode value into the Storybook iFrame and access SSR-generated CSS variables that have been injected into the <head> at compile time.

Our CSS variables are stored in constants.js. We want to inject those into the <head> of the Storybook instance so that our <ThemeProvider> component can access them, based on the colorMode passed into the <ThemeProvider> each story is wrapped in.

What we don't want to do:

It's possible to take a styled-system-like approach, by making our <ThemeProvider> accept a theme object that we can import as a CommonJS module using @preval. We can pass that theme object in to Storybook stories or anywhere else. That all involves a bunch of extra stuff like existential getter functions that look up styles in dot-delimited objects, based on the theme.

That's fine, but it would be nice to get to take advantage of CSS variables instead.

Like this:

Gatsby SSR

What is currently happening:

Nothing, really. We're using our <ThemeProvider> component in preview.js, but right now, its logic is almost entirely focused on doing all its work on the server.

Storybook dark mode decorator

Note that the "correct" theme value is being passed into the iFrame'd <Story>, but nothing is happening, as expected, because the iFrame has no notion of the contextValue that the <ThemeProvider> creates in gatsby-ssr.js.

This feels like it gets into webpack-config world?

Seems like there's ongoing discussion on this here.


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