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Releases: thegroundhogwhisperer/Ay-yahs-Greenhouse

Ay-yah's Greenhouse Automation System Raspbian Image Version 1.04

28 Jul 23:45
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Raspberry Pi distribution of Ay-yah's Raspberry Pi Greenhouse Automation System in a ready to deploy image. The default user is pi and ay-yah is the default password. Download the pre-built Ay-yah's Greenhouse Automation System Version 1.04 Raspbian disk image (.img) from this reposities release page here:

Ay-yah's Greenhouse Automation System Raspbian Image Version 1.03

22 Jul 01:52
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Raspberry Pi distribution of Ay-yah's Raspberry Pi Greenhouse Automation System in a ready to deploy image. The default user is pi and ay-yah is the default password. Download the pre-built Ay-yah's Greenhouse Automation System Version 1.03 Raspbian disk image (.img) from this reposities release page here: