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guyrt edited this page Feb 22, 2012 · 4 revisions

This exercise will use NumPy to create a recommendation engine for academic papers.

The first step is to decide on recommendation criteria. It would seem that we want to take into account how highly the paper was rated by other people, but we also want to consider ratings that are from people with similar backgrounds to the user of the system. This leads to another criteria: the similarity between ratings across papers that both users have already rated.

We will divide the code into three pieces.

First, we will take a list of previous ratings and store them in a NumPy array.

Second, we will introduce two measures of the similarity between two papers or between two people’s ratings.

Third, we will use those measures to generate recommendations for a user.

Create a NumPy array with the recommendations

Of all the millions of papers out there, most people have only read a few. Since almost everyone has no opinion on almost every paper, the data is very sparse. A good way to store sparse data is in a dictionary for each user, where each ratings is stored as a unique paper identifier and a rating.

We want to turn this data into an array. For this section, write a class that includes three public elements:

  1. A numpy array where element i,j is the rating of person i for paper j.
  2. A python list where element i is the name of person i.
  3. A python list where element j is the name of paper j.

Calculate Similarity

We can think of each person's ratings as a real vector, so a measure of the similarity of two researchers is just the distance between their rating vectors. There are two ratings we will explore.

1) Add a function to your class to compute the 2-norm between two people's ratings. However, your function should only consider papers for which both people have provided a non-zero rating. If there are 4 papers, and Tommy has read papers 1,2, and 3 while Katy has read papers 1,3, and 4, then you should only compute the similarity using papers 1 and 3. If two people have no shared recommendations then return 0.

  1. Add a function to compute the Pearson correlation between two vectors in the same way you computed the 2-norm above.
  2. (Optional) Look up the Tanimoto distance function. Add a function to compute the Tanimoto distance.

Generate a Recommendation

There are a few ways to look at the recommendation data.

First, we could ask which researcher is most like you. Write a function that takes a researcher id and identifies the 5 researchers whose ratings are most like the researcher.

Second, we could ask which papers have the most similar ratings. Write a function that takes a paper id and identifies the 5 paper whose ratings are most like the paper. (Hint: could we reuse the code we've already written and use the transpose function?)

Third, we could ask for recommended papers for a researcher. Write a function that identifies the top 5 papers that a researcher should read. Keep in mind that the function should only return papers that the researcher has not already rated. In the comment, explain how this function chooses which papers to return.

Write some tests

Use Nose to write some tests for your code. Specifically, think about how you can test the input code and the distance measurements.

General Advice

There are a few functions you will want to investigate in numpy.

  1. numpy.cov
  2. numpy.logical_and
  3. numpy.linalg.norm


Add the following code to a file called Then you can import the data directly using:

import inputdata
data = inputdata.raw_scores

The file is below:

raw_scores = {

 'Bhargan Basepair' : {
   'Jackson 1999' : 2.5,
   'Chen 2002' : 3.5,
   'Rollins and Khersau 2002' : 3.0,
   'El Awy 2005' : 3.5,
   'Chen 2008' : 2.5,
   'Falkirk et al 2006' : 3.0

 'Fan Fullerene' : {
   'Jackson 1999' : 3.0,
   'Chen 2002' : 3.5,
   'Rollins and Khersau 2002' : 1.5,
   'El Awy 2005' : 5.0,
   'Falkirk et al 2006' : 3.0,
   'Chen 2008' : 3.5

 'Helen Helmet' : {
   'Jackson 1999' : 2.5,
   'Chen 2002' : 3.0,
   'El Awy 2005' : 3.5,
   'Falkirk et al 2006' : 4.0

 'Mehrdad Mapping' : {
   'Chen 2002' : 3.5,
   'Rollins and Khersau 2002' : 3.0,
   'Falkirk et al 2006' : 4.5,
   'El Awy 2005' : 4.0,
   'Chen 2008' : 2.5

 'Miguel Monopole' : {
   'Jackson 1999' : 3.0,
   'Chen 2002' : 4.0,
   'Rollins and Khersau 2002' : 2.0,
   'El Awy 2005' : 3.0,
   'Falkirk et al 2006' : 3.0,
   'Chen 2008' : 2.0

 'Gail Graphics' : {
   'Jackson 1999' : 3.0,
   'Chen 2002' : 4.0,
   'Falkirk et al 2006' : 3.0,
   'El Awy 2005' : 5.0,
   'Chen 2008' : 3.5

 'Stephen Scanner' : {
   'Chen 2002' :4.5,
   'Chen 2008' :1.0,
   'El Awy 2005' :4.0