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WIP App orchestration, configuration and deployment

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  • Pretty Output in real time
  • Dockerfile Syntax to ease learning path. WIP
    • RUN
    • ADD
    • ADD (folder contents)
    • ENV
  • Identity file auth.
  • Interactive user/password auth.
  • Cluster level authentication
  • 1 file JSON parsing of jobs (a file with the infrastructure connected with the task list)
  • 2 files JSON parsing of jobs (one file with infrastructure pointing to tasks in a second file of tasks list).
  • 3 files JSON parsing of jobs (a file for infrastructure, a file for tasks list and a file to connect them both).
  • Single task - single cluster 2 files automation in CLI. Like 3 files parsing but using a --task --cluster flags so it will only execute that task in the specified cluster. Of course, it also needs the infrastructure and task list.
  • Pure Dockerfile parsing. Reuse your Dockerfiles in normal hosts.
  • Templating
  • Array based tasks for cluster
  • Support for JSON syntax parsing
  • CLI
  • Automation tests
  • Target information retrieval
  • Support for TOML syntax


Raccoon CLI syntax

When you execute Raccoon from the command line without options, the following help will appear:

       raccoon job - Execute a job

       raccoon job [command options] [arguments...]

       --tasks value, -t value           Tasks file
       --infrastructure value, -i value  Infrastructure file
       --dispatcher value, -d value      Dispatching method between 3 options: sequential (no concurrent dispatch). simple (a Goroutine for each host) and worker_pool (a fixed number of workers) (default: "simple")
       --workersNumber value, -w value   In case of worker_pool dispath method, define the maximum number of workers here (default: 5)

How to use Raccoon as a standalone app

You use Raccoon similar of how you use tools like Ansible. You mainly work with two things:

  • An Infrastructure: An infrastructure is a list of clusters and a cluster is a list of hosts.
  • A Task list: A task is a group of commands to achieve some task. You can have tasks of only one command (for example, 'apt-get install htop' if you just want to install htop) or a tasks composed of many commands (like a list of installation commands to take some host to a desired state).

It's quite easy, you just need to define your infrastructure and the tasks you want to execute in every cluster, then you launch the application.

What's an Infrastructure:

An infrastructure definition looks like the following:

  "name":"Your infrastructure name (your project, for example)",
      "name":"A name for a cluster (like Kafka hosts)",
      "tasks":["Install Kafka", "Open Kafka ports"],
          "description":"A cluster authenticated at host level",
      "name":"All hosts in this cluster share authentication",
      "tasks":["Install Kafka", "Open Kafka ports"],
  • name: Is a name for your infrastructure, it is optional and its purpose is to identify the file between many infrastructure files. It could be your project's name or your company name.
  • infrastructure: List of clusters. Take a closer look. It is a JSON array.
    • name: Name of the cluster. They should describe the cluster grouping in some way like Cassandra machines or QA machines.
    • tasks: List of tasks that will be executed on this cluster

Host Level vs Cluster level authenticationnn

If all your hosts share the same authentication details, you can use the same syntax that you can use with the hosts in the cluster definition. It will apply to all hosts. So, for example, if we have two hosts that share the authentication details we can define our JSON this way:

      "name":"All hosts in this cluster share authentication",
      "tasks":["Install Kafka", "Open Kafka ports"],

We have set the username and password at cluster level but we have set the SSH port at host level. The cluster authentication details will be used on each of its hosts. You can also override some detail at host level if neccesary.


A host is a description of some host on your infrastructure. It contains authentication methods (defined by the structure of the JSON object, more on this later), an IP and a username.

  • hosts: List of hosts that compose this cluser.
    • ip: IP address to access the host.
    • username: Username to access the machine.
    • sshPort: If needed, SSH port to make the SSH connection to.
    • password: Password for the provided username.
    • identityFile: A file to authenticate the provided user
    • interactiveAuth: Prompt for the password

Authentication methods

Raccoon uses 3 possible authentication methods: user and password, identity file and interactive access.

User and password

When using user and password authentication, you have to provide in the infrastructure definition a username and password key in the host definition. For example:

Identity file

You can also use private/public key authentication to access some host. To use it, add the path to the identity file as a key called identityFile in host definition. don't forget to add the username key on host too. For example:

Interactive authentication

The interactive authentication will prompt the user for a password. Set interactiveAuth to true on host definition. As before, the user must be set in the host. Use sequential dispatching to avoid that the stdout gets filled before you can actually see the prompt for the password. For example:

    "interactiveAuth": true

What's a Task list

A task is a group of commands that will be executed on the targeted host. A command refers, for example, to a shell command. See the commands index below.

Each task can be paired to a cluster, and that task will be executed on the cluster. The syntax of the task list is the following:

    "title": "task1",
    "maintainer": "Burkraith",
    "commands": [
        "name": "ADD",
        "sourcePath": "doc.go",
        "destPath": "/tmp",
        "description": "Raccoon.go to /tmp"
        "name": "RUN",
        "description": "Removing htop",
        "instruction": "sudo yum remove -y htop"
        "name": "ADD",
        "sourcePath": "main.go",
        "destPath": "/tmp",
        "description": "copying raccoon.go to /tmp"
    "title": "task2",
    "maintainer": "Mario",
    "commands": [
        "name": "RUN",
        "description": "Removing htop",
        "instruction": "sudo apt-get remove -y htop"
        "description":"Adding the main.go file",

First of all, take a close look because this JSON doesn't have root key. In this example we have two tasks and each task is composed of:

  • title: This is a very important piece. The title of this task is referred from the insfrastructure definition. So if we have in a cluster:

The task with a title "task1" will be executed in cluster "myCluster". This is how Raccoon recognizes how to pair a task with a cluster.

  • maintainer: Optional description for the maintainer of the task.
  • commands: The list of commands that this task is composed of
    • name: Command name. This must be one of the commands described below. ADD, RUN, MAINTAINER are all valid commands.
    • description: An optional description to print to stdout when executing this command.
    • specific key-values for each command: All commands have a name and description in common. Then they have specific key-value pairs that contains the information to run the command. For example RUN command has the key instruction with the shell command you want to execute. Refer to the commands section for more information.


Until now we have developed the following commands with their corresponding JSON formats (NOTE: bold fields are mandatory)


        "name": "RUN",
        "description": "Removing htop",
        "instruction": "sudo yum remove -y htop"

Like in Docker, RUN will execute the command on the target machine, the parameters are:

  • name: The name of the command for the parser, for a RUN instruction is always "RUN"
  • instruction: The command to execute in the target machine
  • description: A description of the instruction. This has no effect and it is only for logging purposes


        "name": "ADD",
        "sourcePath": "raccoon.go",
        "destPath": "/tmp",
        "description": "copying raccoon.go to /tmp"

ADD uses scp to send a file to the destination machine. It just supports single files yet until we work in a folder solution (to send an entire folder):

  • name: "ADD" must always be placed here so that the parser recognizes the instruction
  • sourcePath: The full source path and file name of the file to send. For example: /tmp/fileToSend.log. It can also be a folder. In this case, it will copy just the first level of files from the folder and ignore any nested folders.
  • destPath: The full path to leave the file into the target machine. The file will have the same name.
  • description: Optional description parameters for logging purposes.


Sets an environment variable on the target machine:

    "name": "ENV",
    "description": "Sets the variable GOROOT to /usr/local/go",
    "environment": "GOROOT=/usr/local/go"

The parser will look for a "=" in the "environment" value to split it into two pieces and set the environment variable.

  • name: "ENV" must always go here to use the ENV instruction
  • environment: A key-value separated by a "=" to set in the target machine. Left
  • description: Optional description parameters for logging purposes. side will be the environment name. Right side its value.


Prints the name of a maintainer as a specific command:

  "description":"Mario Castro"
  • name: Must always contain "MAINTAINER" if you want to use this feature.
  • description: the name of the maintainer.

Dispatching strategies

Raccoon can use 3 dispatching strategies. This strategies must be used in some specific scenarios:

Simple dispatching

This is the default strategy, Raccoon will launch a new goroutine for each host found on the infrastructure definition. This means that if you have 5 clusters of 5 hosts each, you have a total of 25 hosts and 25 goroutines will be launched concurrently to execute the task list.

As you can imagine, if your definition has a large number of hosts this could not be the best strategy. Depending on your server machine, you could be able to reach a higher or lower amount of hosts. Check the workers pool strategy if you have performance issues.

Simple strategy is used by default but you can force it by passing -d simple when launching Raccoon CLI.

Workers pool

Workers pool strategy limits the amount of goroutines that can be accessing hosts concurrently. This means that if you have 1000 hosts, you can set the workers pool to 10 and only 10 goroutines will be launched to work. Every time that a goroutine finishes with some host it starts with the next until they reach the end. Use this strategy if you are having performance issues.

To use the workers pool strategy pass -d workers_pool -w [n] when launching Raccoon through the CLI. [n] is the maximum number of workers you want.

Sequential dispatching

In some special situations, you could want to avoid concurrency when accessing hosts. The sequential strategy will go one host each time. This is useful, for example, if you use the interactive authentication.

REST Server

A REST server can be deployed by using the following command:

  raccoon server

This will deploy the server on port 8123, if you want to specify a different port you can use the flag --port

To use the server as a client, you must send a JSON with the same syntax that the Single file automation.