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Select which apps get autolocked, and trigger autolocking globally (like Caffeine for Mac)

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Caffeine 2


How it differs from Caffeine 1?

It adds a main new feature: the capability to use the AppList framework in order to select which apps have autolock triggered.

I still don't get it

Think of it this way. You have the apps Cut the Rope and Cydia. Maybe you want Cydia not to autolock (to see a long installation maybe) and you are always moving Cut the Rope!

So instead of using a global autolock which covers apps you don't need (such as Cut the Rope) and leaves you with the possibility of leaving it unlocked (wasting a lot of battery), or you can set it to lock in a quite long time, which is still annoying as you might be downloading, for instance, a huge theme on Cydia and it might lock.

OK, so with Caffeine 1 I can trigger it on/off, why select apps?

MobileTerminal. You can run tons of long commands and be annoyed with it locking. OK, use Caffeine 1! But it's tiring to keep using it (or SleepDepriver) everytime; and also you always want MobileTerminal to stop the autolocking.

This is the purpose of Caffeine 2: Via AppList you can choose which apps never autolock.

What is AppList?

AppList is a framework made by the mighty Ryan Petrich, which allows you to list all current applications inside a PreferenceLoader PLIST or in other places.

If you ever used FullForce on the iPad, you certainly know how AppList works (same with RetinaPad). On an iPhone I never really saw anything using AppList, but anyways it's not anything special... It will just get installed automatically with the package and you will be able to use Caffeine 2 amazingly.

Why does it conflict with SleepDepriver?

Oh, it's because the developer stole my idea and made it better. ;p

Joking. The deal is, we both hook the same methods, which means if you have both installed you will most likely get a safemode crash when the - (void)autoLock; method is called (everytime your device autolocks).

I do't want my screen to dim!!!

I'm working on it. Calm down. If you want it so badly get SleepDepriver from Cydia, but you cannot get the amazing benefits of Caffeine 2, only an improved version of Caffeine 1.

Amazing, how to get it?

It's just on github for now (the deb), but it will be soon on the BigBoss repo.

Dev details

How to use AppList?

Caffeine 2, in my opinion, is a pretty nice example of AppList usage. But for a more complete variety of options I'd check out applist's source and FullForce's.

Display Stacks?

Thanks to Conrad Kramer (conradev) I managed to implement something called Display Stacks on my code. It means you can get some info on the applications running on your device, such as the topApplication, which can be retrieved with - (id)topApplication;.

You can check out SBDisplayStack.h on a SpringBoard dump, it will contain pretty much basic methods on what you need.

Why do you need that if(!topApp)?

For an odd reason, SpringBoard returns nil when I call -topApplication, so an exception is thrown when I try to make the -stringByAppendingString: thing, which gives me the safemode crash.

Of course, topApplication is nil when SpringBoard is the top app, so I did that statetement because no other app returned nil there... [[NSBundle mainBundle] bundleIdentifier] was used just to make sure main bundle was SpringBoard, and then I checked for the caffeineIsOn BOOL, as the cofa one could never be declared in these conditions.


Maximus for all the support
conradev & TheZimm for display stacks
rpetrich for AppList support
TheBigBoss repo for hosting all my tweaks.


Select which apps get autolocked, and trigger autolocking globally (like Caffeine for Mac)






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