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Fixed settings.logfile, disuse logging.msg
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Since settings.logfile was broken, nobody seems to ever have used it.
My fix is pretty slow, as I reopen the logfile.
We should keep it open when switching to Python’s logging.

The log levels 5 and even 6 used to be used when calling logging.msg.
I replaced them with logging.debug in preparation of moving to python’s logging.

I also discovered that the _sim module is highly broken.
I fixed a bit superficial stuff,
but using anything that’s not tested will likely break
  • Loading branch information
flying-sheep committed Jun 3, 2019
1 parent 70ed4c8 commit c241a91
Show file tree
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Showing 19 changed files with 521 additions and 422 deletions.
158 changes: 82 additions & 76 deletions scanpy/
@@ -1,46 +1,47 @@
import inspect
import sys
from pathlib import Path
from time import time
from typing import Tuple, Union, Any, List, Iterable, TextIO

def _type_check(var, varname, types):
if not isinstance(types, list):
types = [types]
if not any(isinstance(var, t) for t in types):
def _type_check(var: Any, varname: str, types: Union[type, Tuple[type, ...]]):
if isinstance(var, types):
if isinstance(types, type):
possible_types_str = types.__name__
type_names = [t.__name__ for t in types]
if len(types) == 1:
possible_types_str = type_names[0]
possible_types_str = "{} or {}".format(
", ".join(type_names[:-1]), type_names[-1]
raise TypeError("{} must be of type {}".format(varname, possible_types_str))
possible_types_str = "{} or {}".format(
", ".join(type_names[:-1]), type_names[-1]
raise TypeError(f"{varname} must be of type {possible_types_str}")

class ScanpyConfig(object):
class ScanpyConfig:
"""Config manager for scanpy.

def __init__(
verbosity: str = "warn",
plot_suffix: str = "",
file_format_data: str = "h5ad",
file_format_figs: str = "pdf",
autosave: bool = False,
autoshow: bool = True,
writedir: Union[str, Path] = "./write/",
cachedir: Union[str, Path] = "./cache/",
datasetdir: Union[str, Path] = "./data/",
figdir: Union[str, Path] = "./figures/",
categories_to_ignore=["N/A", "dontknow", "no_gate", "?"],
logfile: Union[str, Path, None] = None,
categories_to_ignore: Iterable[str] = ("N/A", "dontknow", "no_gate", "?"),
_frameon: bool = True,
_vector_friendly: bool = False,
_low_resolution_warning: bool = True
self.verbosity = verbosity
self.plot_suffix = plot_suffix
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -76,7 +77,7 @@ def __init__(
"""Stores the previous memory usage."""

def verbosity(self):
def verbosity(self) -> int:
Set global verbosity level.
Expand All @@ -99,28 +100,27 @@ def verbosity(self, verbosity):
verbosity = verbosity.lower()
if verbosity not in verbosity_str_options:
raise ValueError(
"Cannot set verbosity to {}. Accepted string values are: {}".format(
verbosity, verbosity_str_options
f"Cannot set verbosity to {verbosity}. "
f"Accepted string values are: {verbosity_str_options}"
self._verbosity = verbosity_str_options.index(verbosity)
_type_check(verbosity, "verbosity", [str, int])
_type_check(verbosity, "verbosity", (str, int))

def plot_suffix(self):
def plot_suffix(self) -> str:
"""Global suffix that is appended to figure filenames.
return self._plot_suffix

def plot_suffix(self, plot_suffix):
def plot_suffix(self, plot_suffix: str):
_type_check(plot_suffix, "plot_suffix", str)
self._plot_suffix = plot_suffix

def file_format_data(self):
def file_format_data(self) -> str:
"""File format for saving AnnData objects.
Allowed are 'txt', 'csv' (comma separated value file) for exporting and 'h5ad'
Expand All @@ -129,19 +129,18 @@ def file_format_data(self):
return self._file_format_data

def file_format_data(self, file_format):
def file_format_data(self, file_format: str):
_type_check(file_format, "file_format_data", str)
file_format_options = ["txt", "csv", "h5ad"]
if file_format not in ["txt", "csv", "h5ad"]:
file_format_options = {"txt", "csv", "h5ad"}
if file_format not in file_format_options:
raise ValueError(
"Cannot set file_format_data to {}. Must be one of {}".format(
file_format, file_format_options
f"Cannot set file_format_data to {file_format}. "
f"Must be one of {file_format_options}"
self._file_format_data = file_format

def file_format_figs(self):
def file_format_figs(self) -> str:
"""File format for saving figures.
For example 'png', 'pdf' or 'svg'. Many other formats work as well (see
Expand All @@ -150,124 +149,131 @@ def file_format_figs(self):
return self._file_format_figs

def file_format_figs(self, figure_format):
def file_format_figs(self, figure_format: str):
_type_check(figure_format, "figure_format_data", str)
self._file_format_figs = figure_format

def autosave(self):
def autosave(self) -> bool:
"""bool: Save plots/figures as files in directory 'figs'.
Do not show plots/figures interactively.
return self._autosave

def autosave(self, autosave):
def autosave(self, autosave: bool):
_type_check(autosave, "autosave", bool)
self._autosave = autosave

def autoshow(self):
def autoshow(self) -> bool:
"""bool: Show all plots/figures automatically if autosave == False.
There is no need to call the matplotlib in this case.
return self._autoshow

def autoshow(self, autoshow):
def autoshow(self, autoshow: bool):
_type_check(autoshow, "autoshow", bool)
self._autoshow = autoshow

def writedir(self):
def writedir(self) -> Path:
"""Directory where the function scanpy.write writes to by default.
return self._writedir

def writedir(self, writedir):
_type_check(writedir, "writedir", [str, Path])
self._writedir = str(writedir) # TODO: Make Path
def writedir(self, writedir: Union[str, Path]):
_type_check(writedir, "writedir", (str, Path))
self._writedir = Path(writedir)

def cachedir(self):
def cachedir(self) -> Path:
"""Default cache directory.
return self._cachedir

def cachedir(self, cachedir):
_type_check(cachedir, "cachedir", [str, Path])
self._cachedir = str(cachedir) # TODO: Make Path
def cachedir(self, cachedir: Union[str, Path]):
_type_check(cachedir, "cachedir", (str, Path))
self._cachedir = Path(cachedir)

def datasetdir(self):
def datasetdir(self) -> Path:
"""Default directory for ``sc.datasets`` to download data to.
return self._datasetdir

def datasetdir(self, datasetdir):
_type_check(datasetdir, "datasetdir", [str, Path])
def datasetdir(self, datasetdir: Union[str, Path]):
_type_check(datasetdir, "datasetdir", (str, Path))
self._datasetdir = Path(datasetdir).resolve()

def figdir(self):
def figdir(self) -> Path:
"""Directory where plots are saved.
return self._figdir

def figdir(self, figdir):
_type_check(figdir, "figdir", [str, Path])
self._figdir = str(figdir) # TODO: Make Path
def figdir(self, figdir: Union[str, Path]):
_type_check(figdir, "figdir", (str, Path))
self._figdir = Path(figdir)

def max_memory(self):
def max_memory(self) -> Union[int, float]:
"""Maximal memory usage in Gigabyte.
Is currently not well respected....
return self._max_memory

def max_memory(self, max_memory):
_type_check(max_memory, "max_memory", [int, float])
def max_memory(self, max_memory: Union[int, float]):
_type_check(max_memory, "max_memory", (int, float))
self._max_memory = max_memory

def n_jobs(self):
def n_jobs(self) -> int:
"""Default number of jobs/ CPUs to use for parallel computing.
return self._n_jobs

def n_jobs(self, n_jobs):
def n_jobs(self, n_jobs: int):
_type_check(n_jobs, "n_jobs", int)
self._n_jobs = n_jobs

def logfile(self):
"""Name of logfile. By default is set to '' and writes to standard output.
def logfile(self) -> Union[Path, TextIO]:
""":class:`~pathlib.Path` of logfile or writable object.
The default `None` corresponds to :obj:`sys.stdout` in jupyter notebooks
and to :obj:`sys.stderr` otherwise.
For backwards compatibility, setting it to `''` behaves like setting it to `None`.
return self._logfile

def logfile(self, logfile):
_type_check(logfile, "logfile", [str, Path])
self._logfile = str(logfile)
def logfile(self, logfile: Union[str, Path, TextIO, None]):
_type_check(logfile, "logfile", (str, Path, type(None)))
stream = sys.stdout if self._is_run_from_ipython() else sys.stderr
self._logfile = Path(logfile) if logfile else stream

def categories_to_ignore(self):
def categories_to_ignore(self) -> List[str]:
"""Categories that are omitted in plotting etc.
return self._categories_to_ignore

def categories_to_ignore(self, categories_to_ignore):
# TODO: add checks
def categories_to_ignore(self, categories_to_ignore: Iterable[str]):
categories_to_ignore = list(categories_to_ignore)
for i, cat in enumerate(categories_to_ignore):
_type_check(cat, f"categories_to_ignore[{i}]", str)
self._categories_to_ignore = categories_to_ignore

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -318,7 +324,7 @@ def set_figure_params(
import IPython
except Exception:
from matplotlib import rcParams
self._vector_friendly = vector_friendly
Expand Down

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