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the key technology Wordpress Utility Plugin

This plugin combines a lot of common functionality for usage with Wordpress, from templating to cookie management.

Conversion Tracking

Enables conversion tracking via Google Analytics and Facebook.

You can either activate the by adding

if (function_exists("tkInstallConversionTracking")) {
    tkInstallConversionTracking(CF7, Call, Mail, Mailchimp, SignUps);

to activate everything with their default values, or use the functions listed below to activate each separately.

The parameters are optional. Set one to false in order to not install it.

You can also install them individually. To do so follow the instructions below:

Contact Form 7


if (function_exists("tkInstallCF7ConversionTracking")) {

to functions.php and add

<input type="hidden" name="tk-conversion-action" value="name_of_conversion_action"/>

to the form.

Google Analytics events can be customized further by adding the following to the form:

Category (defaults to "Conversion" if omitted)

Label (optional)

Value (optional; must be integer > 0 to be included)

Calls (tel: links)


if (function_exists("tkInstallCallConversionTracking")) {
    tkInstallCallConversionTracking(CATEGORY, ACTION, LABEL, VALUE);

to functions.php

Parameters are optional. CATEGORY defaults to "Conversion". ACTION defaults to "Anruf". VALUE must be integer > 0 to be included.

E-Mails (mailto: links)


if (function_exists("tkInstallMailConversionTracking")) {
   tkInstallMailConversionTracking(CATEGORY, ACTION, LABEL, VALUE);

to functions.php

Parameters are optional. CATEGORY defaults to "Conversion". ACTION defaults to "E-Mail". VALUE must be integer > 0 to be included.



if (function_exists("tkInstallMailchimpConversionTracking")) {

to functions.php and add

<input type="hidden" name="tk-conversion-action" value="name_of_conversion_action"/>

to the form.

Google Analytics events can be customized further by adding the following to the form:

Category (defaults to "Conversion" if omitted)

Label (optional)

Value (optional; must be integer > 0 to be included)



if (function_exists("tkInstallSignUpConversionTracking")) {
   tkInstallSignUpConversionTracking(CATEGORY, ACTION, LABEL, VALUE);

to functions.php

Parameters are optional. CATEGORY defaults to "Conversion". ACTION defaults to "SignUp". VALUE must be integer > 0 to be included.

Image Fixes


Makes images uploaded via the media library responsive. Adds title and alt attributes to images uploaded via the media library if the attributes are missing/empty and the values are set in the media library. (Without this, images in mfn builder elements are not responsive and need to have their title/alt set manually in the builder element/visual editor.)



if (function_exists("tkInstallImageFixes")) {

to functions.php

Empty Element Removal


Removes empty

tags from the_content.



if (function_exists("tkInstallRemoveEmptyElements")) {

to functions.php



Insert mfn builder content anywhere via [tk-betemplate] shortcode. This utilizes BeTheme's "Template" custom post type. Caution: The Content WP builder element outputs the current page's the_content.

    id (required): id of the Template to be inserted

stripdown (optional): one of:

By default, nothing is stripped. "Wrap" removes the section parts, "Element" removes the section and wrap parts. "Prettytext" assumes text in a visual column; it removes everything but the text and applies wpautop. "Plaintext" assumes text in a regular column; it removes everything but the text.
Caution: Stripdown assumes that only one section and one wrap are used. If that is not the case, the output will be incorrect.

enable_nesting (optional, defaults to false): Enables nesting of this shortcode. Disabled by default because it breaks the page if nesting happens when the shortcode is used inside the_content.

setup_global_post_var (optional, defaults to false): Sets up (and resets) the global post variable. Use this when the shortcode is called in a situation where that isn't the case (e.g. ajax, 404 template), because mfn_builder_print uses WP's template tags.


In BeTheme's Theme Options under Global -> Advanced -> Theme Functions -> Post Type | Disable: Make sure "Templates" is NOT disabled.


if (function_exists("tkInstallBeTemplate")) {

to functions.php

Hint: For easy inclusion of BeTemplate content in a mfn builder section (regular column), use /theme-utils/assets/less/betemplate.less to remove the default styling of the surrounding section/wrap/column.

Hint #2: When using tk-betemplate within visual editor make sure that no

-tags are included in the template, as the syntax


(the outer

-tags are added by visual editor) will result in empty

before and after the shortcode content.





Add if (function_exists("tkInstallPrettyPhoto")) { tkInstallPrettyPhoto(); }

to functions.php

Include the following (with the options of your choice) in the theme:







if (function_exists("tkInstallSlick")) {

to functions.php

Include the following (with the options of your choice) in the theme:


Attention: If you want to target muffin builder wraps as slides, you need to add $(".slick-slide").removeClass("mcb-wrap"); to your jQuery(document).ready(function($){ function.

Caution: Slick does not work well with wp-rocket's lazyloading. Use Slick's own lazyloading and make sure wp-rocket's lazyloading is not applied to Slick slider images.

Content Subnavigation


Page template with sidebar that links to sections headed by h2 in the content.



if (function_exists("tkEnableSubnavigation")) {

to functions.php

Add the page template and sidebar style to the theme.

In BeTheme's theme options, add a sidebar area named "Inhalt". In that sidebar area, add a html widget containing the shortcode [tkContentSubnav]

If you need a sidebar for custom post types, use tkAddSidebarToPostType($postType, $onArchives = false) to add the sidebars.

Body Class


Enables adding classes to the body of a specific single page/post without the need for a custom template.


Create a custom field named "tk-bodyclass" on the page/post (using WP's built-in functionality or Pods' page/post type extension) and input the class/classes to be added as its value. (No dots, space as seperator.)

Remove Slug


Removes the custom post type slug from the URL (e.g. ~/lager/lagerhalle-dresden/ becomes ~/lagerhalle-dresden/).



if (function_exists("tkInstallRemoveSlug")) {

to functions.php

(e.g. tkInstallRemoveSlug("tk-storage", "lager"); )

IS_TAXONOMY defaults to false.

REWRITE_OPTIONS (optional) is a TKSlugRemoverRewriteOptions object.
The slug removal functionality relies on certain rewrite rules that may not exist if the permalink structure is not set to "post name".
If REWRITE_OPTIONS is set, the required rewrite rules are added to the rewrite rules list. TKSlugRemoverRewriteOptions has data fields for setting the rule position (as per the add_rewrite_rule parameter; default "bottom"), the init action priority (default 10) and for enabling verbose page rules (default false). The latter is only necessary if it is not already set by WP (depends on permalink settings).
Caution: If wp_rewrite->pagination_base is changed and REWRITE_OPTIONS are used, tkInstallRemoveSlug must be called after the change, otherwise pagination URLs will be incorrect for post types/taxonomies that use pagination.



Sets the content-type of sent mails to text/html.



if (function_exists("tkInstallMailHTML")) {

to functions.php

Option Page


To generate a wordpress admin backend options page, you can use the

tkAddOptionsPage(OptionsConfiguration $optionsConfiguration)

function call. The OptionsConfiguration is a struct-like object with several self-explanatory data fields.

Tracking Opt Out


Outputs a link that lets the user set a cookie to opt out of the respective platform's tracking.


Use this shortcode:

[tkTrackingOptOutLink type="PLATFORM"]Text[/tkTrackingOptOutLink]

Supported platforms:

Google Analytics (Plugin "Google Analytics for WordPress by MonsterInsights"): type="GA"
Facebook (Plugin "Pixel Caffeine"): type="FB"
Google Tag Manager (Plugin "Duracell Tomi's GTM"): type="GTM"

In order for this to work, page caching must also be disabled for the cookie with the name


Contact WPEngine support for the serverside setting, and also add the cookie name to the exclusion list in WP-Rocket.

Cache Google Fonts (BETA)


if (function_exists("tkInstallCacheGoogleFonts")) {

to functions.php

This will fetch all files from and before they are added to the page via wp_enqueue_styles and replace the urls with local urls. Only tested with betheme locally

URL Parameter Tracking / Source-Based Replacement


Enables tracking of traffic entering the site, so that the source of the traffic can be determined. This works via cookie (tk-upt), which is set on page load (unless the user entered the current page from another page of the same domain (checks against window.location.hostname)). The cookie also stores the values of the gclid, utm_ and campaign parameters. (The campaign parameter is stored in base64-decoded form.) Data is not escaped on storage. The following sources are tracked: Adwords (ID: google-ads)): if gclid URL parameter is present anything using the utm_source parameter (ID is the same as the parameter) (if set at the same time as gclid, it counts as Adwords) Organic (ID: organic): if referrer contains .google. Referral (ID: referral): if not organic and referrer is set (and not internal, see above) Direct (ID: direct): if no referrer is set

Also enables replacing mailto/tel links based on the traffic source.



if (function_exists("tkInstallUrlParamTracker")) {

to functions.php Note: This will also enable shortcodes for CF7 form elements and CF7 mail subject/body.

OPTIONS (optional) is an associative array. Supported options:
adwordsTrafficSourceName - overrides the Adwords traffic source name output by the [tk-upt-traffic-source] cf7 mail tag.

This functionality includes the following shortcode:

Generates hidden inputs for contact forms. Those inputs contain the parameter values stored in the tk-upt cookie. Placing it in a CF7 form also enables the following mail tags:

(tk-upt-traffic-source is a potentially variable human-readable name, tk-upt-traffic-source-id is a machine-readable name)

Source-Based Replacement:

Add the data-tk-sbr-SOURCEID attribute to the tag whose content should be replaced. Caution: This replaces the entire content of the tag.
To replace a href attribute, use the data-tk-href-sbr-SOURCEID attribute.

Example: <a href="tel:[[Original Nummer]]" data-tk-sbr-google-ads="tel:[[Adwords Nummer]]" data-tk-href-sbr-google-ads="tel:[[Adwords Nummer]]">[[Original Nummer]]</a>

Alternatively, use the following shortcode to create an <a> tag with the data attributes:

It supports the following parameters:
traffic_source_id - traffic source ID; defaults to google-ads (Adwords)
tag_attributes - if set, it is inserted into the tag as HTML attributes (tag_attributes is used as-is).

CONTENT must contain the following in this exact order, seperated by |||
- default value of the href attribute
- override value of the href attribute
- default tag content
- override tag content
This shortcode also applies do_shortcode to each part (after splitting CONTENT).

Parameter based Replacement

This is meant to replace "Source-Based Replacement". It will replace Strings over the entire document if certain querystrings are given:

// This will replace "tel:+49 10 11 12" with "tel:+49 800 12 13" everywhere, but only when the query string contains utm_source=google-ads
if (function_exists("tkInstallParameterBasedReplacement")) {
    tkInstallParameterBasedReplacement("tel:+49 10 11 12", "tel:+49 800 12 13", "utm_source", "google-ads");

The last two parameters are optional and will default to "gclid" and "*".

If the value is set to *, the replacement will take place when the parameter exists, regardless of value.


[tkTemplate name="TWIG_FILE"]
Renders the twig template TWIG_FILE.

[tk-attribute field="META_KEY" single="<true | false>"]
Returns the queried object's post meta value for the specified META_KEY. Single defaults to true.

[tk-option option="OPTION" default="DEFAULT" do_shortcode="<true | false>"]
Returns the result of WP's get_option(OPTION, DEFAULT), optionally with do_shortcode applied to the result. 
Reminder: Accessing Pods custom settings works by prefixing the option name with the Pod name followed by an underscore, e.g. tk-settings_tk-email

[tk-next-weekday weekday="<sonday | tuesday | ... | sunday (default)>"]
Will return the date of the next days as specified by the weekday parameter. Use this to have a perpetually extending final registation date.

Returns the estimated read time of the current post's content. (Uses global $post object, post_content.). You may also use tkReadTime() to have more control over how the time is rendered.

[tk-variable-parameter tag="TAG" parameter="PARAMETER", tag_attributes="TAG_ATTRIBUTES"]DEFAULT_CONTENT[/tk-variable-parameter]
Returns the value of the URL parameter PARAMETER base64-decoded. If tag is set, the returned value is surrounded by a TAG HTML tag. If tag_attributes is set, it is inserted into the tag as HTML attributes (tag_attributes is used as-is).

Link Manipulation

To manipulate links on a global level you can use

This shortcode adds a JS to add the target=_blank to all links on the current page. Use for landing pages

if (function_exists("tkInstallOpenAllLinksInNewTab")) {
This adds the same functionality globally

if (function_exists("tkInstallOpenAllExternalLinksInNewTab")) {
This installs a JS to open all external links in new tabs

PRG Link Masking


This is used to apply prg masking to menu links. To activate run the function



if (function_exists("tkInstallPrgLinkMasking")) {

Now you have to add rel="prg" to all menu items you want to mask via the prg pattern.

These links will be turned into input type="submit" elements, be sure to adjust your css

Google Maps


Adds the class TkMap, which allows you to create google maps which are only loaded when clicked on.

Also includes a shortcode to create maps inline.

Integrates with Borlabs Cookie.


if (function_exists("tkInstallGoogleMaps")) {
    add_filter('tk-google-maps-api-key', function () {
        return "your key here";
    add_filter('tk-google-maps-borlabs-cookie', function () {
        return array(
            "group" => "external-media",
            "cookie" => "googlemaps"
    add_filter('tk-google-maps-always-load', function () {
        return true;

The filter "tk-google-maps-borlabs-cookie" is optional. With it, clicking on the maps will also set the Borlabs Cookie consent for the specified cookie. You still have to add


to the code that is run by borlabs cookie upon consenting to the maps cookie.

The filter "tk-google-maps-always-load" will load the google maps script and initialize the maps without on page load, not requiring consent or a click on the map.

Shortcode arguments are:

id: Custom map id, will be a uuid if not set

class: Custom class added to the map

style: Can be any google maps style ( Defaults to terrain

zoom: Defaults to 13

image: Url of the placeholder image. Defaults to a placeholder image included with the plugin.

center: Center of the map. If not set the map will be made to fit all its markers. Format: center="12.345,67.890"

controls: String containing the controls that should be enabled. Possible values: zoomControl, mapTypeControl, streetViewControl, fullscreenControl, draggable. Defaults to all controls enabled

markers: List of markers. Format: markers="12.345,67.890|54.321,09.876|..."

Additional Filters are:

$parametersJson = json_encode(apply_filters("tk-google-maps-parameters", $parameters, $this));
$parameters Array
$this TkMap

Filters parameters of a map before it is rendered

$mapArgsJson = json_encode(apply_filters("tk-google-maps-map-args", $mapArgs, $this));
$mapArgs Array
$this TkMap

Filters the mapArgs of a map before it is rendered

$markersJson = json_encode(apply_filters("tk-google-maps-markers", array_map(function ($marker) {
    /** @var TkMapMarker $marker */
    return $marker->getArray();
}, $this->markers), $this));
$markers Array
$this TkMap

Filters the array of markers of a map before it is rendered

$map = apply_filters("tk-google-maps-shortcode-map", $map);
$map TkMap

Filters the Map generated by the shortcode before it is rendered

** Api Example **

$map = new tkMap();
foreach ($locations as $location) {
    $latlng = get_post_meta($location->ID, "latlng")
    $marker = new TkMapMarker();
    $marker->setCoords($latlng[0], $latlng[1]);


return $map->render();

Check TkMap and TkMapMarker classes to see what else they can do