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File metadata and controls

309 lines (244 loc) · 11 KB

stupid general mathy notes

embarassing notes

transform.forward - to get forward from quaternion, multiply quaternion by whatever vector "forward" is in your coordinate system - most likely (0,0,1)

var fwd = math.forward(rotations[i].Value);

structs values cant be assigned, whole new struct must be replaced - struct = new struct{ value = 21 };

sin movement

var amplitude = 1;
var frequency = 1;
var scale = c1.Value;
scale += amplitude*(math.sin(2*math.PI*frequency*time) - math.sin(2*Mathf.PI*frequency*(time - deltaTime)))*maths.up;
c1.Value.y = scale.y;

math for TransformPoint

old -

transform.TransformPoint(Bezier.GetFirstDerivative(points[0], points[1], points[2], t)) - transform.position;

dots(untested) -

float3 offsetPosition = new float3(3, 3, 3);
quaternion offsetRotation = quaternion.EulerYXZ(50, 25, 100);
RigidTransform transform = new RigidTransform(offsetRotation, offsetPosition);
float3 someLocalPosition = new float3(1, 1, 1);
float3 worldPosition = math.transform(transform, someLocalPosition);

or just

math.transform(LocalToWorld, myPoint);

math for InverseTransformDirection

finally worked for me to be the equiv of

// old
Vector3 localVelocity = transform.InverseTransformDirection(m_FPController.Velocity * 0.016f) * Time.timeScale;
// new
quaternion rotation = math.inverse(math.quaternion(localToWorld.Value));
float3 localVelocity = math.mul(rotation,velocity.Linear * 0.016f) * timeScale;

math for TransformDirection Take Vector3 B = transform.TransformDirection(Vector3.right); as an example.

Says to apply your rotation to real-world right, to get my right. Rotations are quaternions, which apply using *, so the statement is really:

 Vector3 B = transform.rotation * Vector3.right;

Using matrixes (quaternions replace them,) the worldToLocal matrix upper-left 3x3 (no translation data) seems to work. #quaternion Math to math var rot = quaternion.LookRotationSafe(rayHit.SurfaceNormal, maths.up); rot = Quaternion.FromToRotation(Vector3.up, rayHit.SurfaceNormal);

constructing float4x4

    localToParent = new LocalToParent
        Value = float4x4.TRS(new float3(body.m_SmoothPosition/* + cam.PositionOffset*/),
            quaternion.LookRotationSafe(math.forward(rotation.Value), math.up()),
            new float3(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f))


You can use math.length\lengthsq, or write your own extension with naming magnitude\sqrmagnitude it's very simple

ecs specific

queries private ComponentGroup group; group = GetComponentGroup(typeof(Position), typeof(Rigidbody), typeof(FindTarget));

        group = new EntityArchetypeQuery
            Any = Array.Empty<ComponentType>(),
            None = Array.Empty<ComponentType>(),
            All = new ComponentType[] {typeof(EcsTestData)}
        group = GetComponentGroup(new EntityArchetypeQuery()
            All = new ComponentType[] { typeof(Ammo) },
            None = new ComponentType[] { typeof(AttackingTag) }
            All = new ComponentType[] { ComponentType.Create<Position>() },
            Any = new ComponentType[] { ComponentType.ReadOnly<ManPowerData>(), ComponentType.ReadOnly<EngineData>() },
            None = System.Array.Empty<ComponentType>()
        NativeArray<ArchetypeChunk> chunks = group.CreateArchetypeChunkArray(Allocator.TempJob);
        var ecsTestData = GetArchetypeChunkComponentType<FindTarget>(true);

#ijob chunk iteration

    using Game.Components;
    using Unity.Burst;
    using Unity.Collections;
    using Unity.Entities;
    using Unity.Jobs;
    using Unity.Transforms;
    using UnityEngine;

    namespace Game.Systems.Tests
        public class TargetChunkSystem : JobComponentSystem

            private ComponentGroup _g;
            private ArchetypeChunkComponentType<Rotation> rotationType;
            private ArchetypeChunkComponentType<Position> positionType;

            protected override void OnCreateManager()
                // query
                _g = GetComponentGroup( new EntityArchetypeQuery
                    All = new ComponentType[] { ComponentType.Create<TargetBuffer>(), ComponentType.ReadOnly<Search>(), ComponentType.Create<Position>(), ComponentType.ReadOnly<Rotation>(), ComponentType.ReadOnly<Faction>(),  },
                    None =  new ComponentType[] { ComponentType.ReadOnly<Target>(), ComponentType.ReadOnly<Dead>() }, 
                    //Any = Array.Empty<ComponentType>(),
                } );

            private struct Job : IJobChunk
                public ArchetypeChunkComponentType<Position> PositionType;
                public ArchetypeChunkComponentType<Rotation> RotationType;
                public ArchetypeChunkComponentType<Faction> FactionType;
                public ArchetypeChunkBufferType<TargetBuffer> TargetBufferChunkType;

                public void Execute(ArchetypeChunk chunk, int chunkIndex, int firstEntityIndex)
                    //var instanceCount = chunk.Count;
                    var chunkPositions = chunk.GetNativeArray(PositionType);
                    var chunkRotations = chunk.GetNativeArray(RotationType);
                    var chunkFactions = chunk.GetNativeArray(FactionType);
                    var buffers = chunk.GetBufferAccessor(TargetBufferChunkType); //get buffers from chunk

                    for( int i = 0; i < chunk.Count; i++ )
                        chunkFactions[i] = new Faction
                            Value = Faction.FactionType.Friendly
                        chunkPositions[i] = new Position{ Value = Vector3.up};
                        //var buffer = buffers[i];
                        var targetbuf = new TargetBuffer
                            Value = new Target
                                Entity = Entity.Null,
                                Position = Vector3.up,
                                Health = 3

            protected override JobHandle OnUpdate(JobHandle deps)
                //var chunks = _g.CreateArchetypeChunkArray(Allocator.TempJob);

                var job = new Job
                    PositionType = GetArchetypeChunkComponentType<Position>(),
                    RotationType = GetArchetypeChunkComponentType<Rotation>(),
                    FactionType = GetArchetypeChunkComponentType<Faction>(),
                    TargetBufferChunkType = GetArchetypeChunkBufferType<TargetBuffer>()
                var handle = job.Schedule(_g, deps);

                return handle;


#chunk buffer access

    using Game.Components;
    using Unity.Burst;
    using Unity.Entities;
    using Unity.Jobs;
    using Unity.Transforms;

    namespace Game.Systems.Tests
        public class TargetChunkSystem : JobComponentSystem

            private ComponentGroup _g;
            protected override void OnCreateManager()
                // query
                _g = GetComponentGroup( new EntityArchetypeQuery() 
                    All = new ComponentType[] { ComponentType.Create<TargetBuffer>(), ComponentType.ReadOnly<Search>(), ComponentType.ReadOnly<Position>(), ComponentType.ReadOnly<Rotation>(), ComponentType.ReadOnly<Faction>(),  },
                    None =  new ComponentType[] { ComponentType.ReadOnly<Target>(), ComponentType.ReadOnly<Dead>() }, 
                    //Any = Array.Empty<ComponentType>(),
                } );

            // Schedule Job
            protected override JobHandle OnUpdate(JobHandle deps) => new Job()
                TargetBufferChunkType = GetArchetypeChunkBufferType<TargetBuffer>() // -RW buffer

            }.Schedule(_g, deps);

            private struct Job : IJobChunk
                public ArchetypeChunkBufferType<TargetBuffer> TargetBufferChunkType;

                public void Execute(ArchetypeChunk chunk, int chunkIndex, int firstEntityIndex)
                    var buffers = chunk.GetBufferAccessor(TargetBufferChunkType); //get buffers from chunk

                    for( int i = 0; i < buffers.Length; i++ )
                        var buffer = buffers[i];

                        buffer[0] = new TargetBuffer(); //write

jobhandle in an array

  var handleArray = new NativeArray<JobHandle>(100, Allocator.Persistent);

  // schedule all jobs
  for (Int32 i = 0; i < _packets.Length; ++i) {
    Job_IJob job;
    job.Packet = _packets[i];
    job.Entities = entitiesArrays[i];
    handleArray[i] = job.Schedule(handle);

  // complete

keep scene view active

        if (Application.isEditor)

iterate over a struct

struct Foo {
  int left;
  int right;
  int up;
  int down;
var foo = new Foo { left = -1, right = 1, up = -1, down = 1 };
var f = (int*)&foo;
var left = f[0];
var right = f[1];
var up = f[2];
var down = f[3];
Debug.Log($"{left} {right} {up} {down}");
// this will break if you added other stuff to Foo or different sized stuff
var length = UnsafeUtility.SizeOf<Foo>() / UnsafeUtility.SizeOf<int>();
for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {

make internal package parts visible to other assembly

------------------- python --------------------------

python --version conda install python=3.6